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Earth apple: what is it?

Ground apple. Many people hear this definition for the first time, and it's no wonder! In fact, it is not at all about the fruit, what an apple is, but about the most popular vegetable, which is almost daily found on our table - about the nightshade tuber! What, again do not understand what is at stake? Well, we will not confuse you any more, but instead we will try to give the maximally detailed answer to your question: "Earth apple - what is it?" This is nothing but potatoes! Yes, yes, you did not misinterpret, it was potatoes.

And why not, then judge for yourself, by the time of harvest, the above-ground part of the plant dries up and becomes slightly similar to the root, and what is in the ground can easily be compared to the apple tree apple-tree, small or large.

History of the appearance of potatoes

Potato as a wild plant arose a very long time. The native land of the plant is South America. It was there about 7 thousand years ago began to grow an earthen apple as a culture, initially using for this purpose wild growths.

In the territory of modern Bolivia, local Indian tribes not only grew potatoes and used it for food, but worshiped it, considering it a spiritual being that could prolong their lives.

Potatoes in Europe

In Europe, or rather in Spain, potato tubers first came in 1551. They were brought by the Spanish geographer Cieza de Leon, who was from Peru. And already in 1573 there is a historically certified fact that when purchasing products for the Hospital of Jesus' Blood, potatoes were present among other products.

Further, the culture began to actively spread across the territories of Italy, Germany, Belgium, France. At the same time, initially the potato was perceived as an ornamental plant with toxic properties.

Earth apples: the first appearance in Russia

The history of the emergence of potatoes in Russia begins with the end of the XVII century. It was then that Peter I sent home the first bag of potato tubers for distribution to the provinces, for the purpose of growing and further consumption in food.

But the culture did not receive mass distribution throughout the 18th century, in view of the frequent cases of poisoning by the fruits of the "devil's apple" (the peasants called it the potato). After all at that time people still did not have sufficient knowledge about the properties and constituents of potatoes.

Few realized that only roots were needed for food, and mistakenly ate berries-fruits that appeared after flowering. Already with experience, mankind has determined that it is in berries and the tops that a life-threatening element is contained - corned beef. It is also formed in the roots of harvested potatoes, which has been exposed to sunlight for a long time.

Dangerous for consumption, root crops can be determined by visual inspection for the presence of green areas and cull the whole root crop or cut off a piece of it. But as ignorance breeds fear, it is precisely it that repels people from cultivating this culture.

In the middle of the 18th century, the first article appeared entitled "On the cultivation of earthen apples". It described in detail the methods of potato cultivation. Articles about their research and conclusions about culture were also published by scientist A.T. Bolotov and statesman Sivers YA. But all this did not save the country from the periodic occurrence of the so-called "potato riots", in view of the people's fear of culture. People did not understand why they need an earth apple, what it is. They were afraid that these root crops would at least spoil their stomachs.

But due to the "potato revolution", held in the time of Nicholas I, potatoes began to be considered "second bread".

How earthen apples became potatoes

Now you know what was called an earth apple. But why is this vegetable now called potatoes? The etymology of the word "potato" has gone an interesting way.

Sources say that it was originally called kartoffel in Germany. This word was taken from a colloquial phrase: sich die kartoffeln von unten anschauen, which literally means "lying in the grave." As you understand, people have seen from their own experience that root crops cause food items and therefore can lead to fatal outcomes.

Some believe that the original source of the name are the Italians, who called potato tartufo, derived from the word "truffle". Outwardly, potatoes can really be compared to freshly extracted truffles from the ground.

What is a ground apple, or potato, in different languages

At the moment, potatoes are distributed around the world. This culture is unpretentious to climatic conditions and grows well enough in any soils, therefore it is grown practically on all continents of our planet. The difference can be found only in varieties and, of course, the names of culture in different languages of the world.

Earth apples: photos and facts

And finally, we present some interesting facts related to potatoes:

  • There is an unusual plant called pomidofel. Its originality is that in the above-ground part it has fruits - tomatoes, and on the roots grow potatoes.

  • In Belgium there is a museum dedicated to potatoes. It presents thousands of exhibits that tell about the history of cultivation and the formation of this culture.
  • In Russia, namely in the city of Mariinsk, there is a monument to Kartoshka.
  • What do the French call an earth apple so far? Banal potatoes! At the moment, a combination of "earth apple" is still found in this country. Even in the restaurant menu, you can sometimes read something like "mashed potatoes from earthen apples." Piquant, is not it? Certainly lovers of unusual taste sensations "bought" and tasted such an original dish!
  • Potatoes are widely used for cooking food and "technical" starch for baby powders.
  • At the stage of the appearance of potatoes in our country, the grandees preferred to grow potatoes in pots as an ornamental plant. It was also considered a sign of an exceptional taste on social occasions the presence of a flower of potatoes in the hair of a lady.
  • The use of "earth apple" in home cosmetology is not only financially justified, but also effective. Home masks, compresses and folk remedies for various kinds of skin problems can all be cooked with potato roots.
  • At the moment, potatoes have about 5 thousand varieties.

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