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"Scrupulous" or "scrupulous": how to spell the word correctly?

No matter how the world is changing, at all times a person who correctly speaks and writes without errors causes, if not admiration, at least a pleasant surprise. Today, when people spend a lot of time in social networks, where messages are constantly written to each other, the question of how to do it competently becomes more urgent than ever.

There are certain words, when writing which most make mistakes. This includes the term "scrupulous". How correctly to write: scrupulous or scrupulous? Why exactly, where did this word come from in Russian and what does it mean?

Why often the question arises: how to correctly spell the word "scrupulously" or "scrupulously"

Unlike Ukrainian words, most of which both sound and are written, Russians often contain letters that are not pronounced at all or sound somewhat different.

For example, the word "holiday", loved by many people, according to the modern orthoepic norms of the Russian language will be pronounced as [brosn'ik]. And the favorite word for Owl from "Winnie the Pooh" is "free" to sound like [b'izvaz'm'ezna].

In the term "scrupulously", in spite of the fact that three consonants of sound run in succession, all of them are pronounced [scrupul'ezna]. In this case, many, by force of habit, believe that one of the letters should fall out, although this is not so.

The appearance of the variant of spelling "scrupulously", in which the letter "y" is transferred between the consonants "to" and "p" - is a consequence of such a phenomenon as "metathesis" (when the word is moved to another place in the word). This permutation is quite common in many Slavic languages, adding a headache to those who want to write wisely. There are a number of problematic words that are difficult to remember because of entrenched metathesis. So, often there is a question: how correctly: scrupulously / scrupulously, colander / drushlag, institution / institution?

The reason for such errors is the prevalence of open syllables in the Russian language, due to which it is pleasant on hearing. Therefore, most of the terms "borrowed" from less melodic languages (where three or more consonants in a row are normal), Russian-speaking people are necessarily "diluted" with additional vowels. So, the above word "colander" was derived from the German "durkslag", but this sound did not really catch on and so many still make a mistake when writing "drushlag".

Origin of the word

Before considering how to correctly write scrupulous / meticulous, it is worthwhile to find out how this term appeared and what it previously meant.

This word also came to Russian from another, however, not from German, as a colander, but from Latin through the mediation of French.

In ancient Rome, small sharp stones, lying on the road called "scrupulus". Later this word migrated to most European languages. In Russian it fell due to the French term "scrupuleux" (thorough) and soon became the name of the weight measure scrupul (1,244), which in Russia was actively used in pharmaceuticals. And since the life and health of his patients depended on the accuracy of the pharmacist's measurement of the amount of the necessary drug, an adjective "scrupulous" emerged from the noun "scrupuluses", which contributed to the emergence of the term "scrupulousness."

Meaning of the word

Noun "scrupulousness" means incredible accuracy and accuracy, you can even say meticulousness in small things. The synonym for it is "thoroughness", sometimes - "good faith".

Scratchiness as a disease

Many believe that such a quality of personality as scrupulousness is akin to a mental disorder. It is sad to admit, but there is some truth in this. Scrupulous people, on the one hand, are very good workers (surgeons, scientists, engineers), but in dealing with them it is not easy, they are often inclined to asociality. Such people get used to notice the shortcomings and misses of others, and the good memory often possessed by scrupulous people does not allow to forget about it.

There are two types of scrupulousness: long and short-term. From the first it is almost impossible to get rid of, it is the fundamental personality trait and is only worsened with time. The second is not bad to be corrected and is able to help its owner to achieve success in the chosen field, but at the same time not to influence his social life.

How to write correctly: scrupulous or scrupulous

Strangely enough, many educated Russian-speaking citizens still believe that the correct version is "scrupulous" writing. However, this is a wrong opinion: such a variant does not correspond to the norms of the modern Russian language.

Perhaps in the future, linguists will meet people and make this term more readable or at least allowed to use both options. But today, choosing "scrupulous" or "scrupulous": how correctly to write - the preference should be given to the second variant.

How to train yourself not to be confused

Having learned about the causes of the problem, as well as the origin of the term itself, its meaning and correct spelling, it's time to learn not to make mistakes. If, nevertheless, the question: "Scrupulous or scrupulous - how to write correctly?" Often occurs, you can use several methods to avoid making mistakes.

Many users, when they want to quickly learn how to spell this or that word, just look for it in your favorite search engine. This method is quite fast and effective. With its help you can find out: scrupulous or scrupulous - how to spell the word correctly. Since the second option is correct, the results with it will always be greater.

You can just remember that as the verification of the correctness of writing, the word "croup" is used. Of course, it is not a single root, because it came in Russian from the Old Slavonic language, but in meaning it is closely related to "scrupulous" (collecting up to a grain).

As you know, only the dead language is immutable, and in other cases it is constantly changing, enriching itself with new words and adapting for the convenience of its speakers. Scrupulous or scrupulous - how to write? The appearance of this problem among the majority of Russian-speaking people is connected with the desire to adapt a foreign word to the features of the native language and indicates that the Russian continues to actively develop today.

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