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Characteristics of the image of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde, "Portrait of Dorian Gray")

Oscar Wilde's novel, like the writer's life, caused a lot of controversy and controversy. What only epithets were awarded a product, where "immoral" and "corrupting" - still rather modest.

That's why the characterization of the image of Dorian Gray - the occupation is quite complicated. This character is ambiguous, and many see only one of his sides, while others remain in the shadows.

About the novel

The work was created and published in an era that did not tolerate liberties. Immediately after his release in the midst of critics and writers, the flames of polemics flared up. Many believed that the work must be destroyed, and its author subjected to punishment and even imprisonment. However, the novel was understood and accepted by the reader.

The principles of aestheticism and hedonism, proclaimed in the novel, have become a real manifesto, but also caused a negative and a protest. The anger of the learned public has calmed down a bit, when then here and there began to appear reviews and sensible thoughts that the author does not praise, but condemns his hero and shows what this way of life leads to.

Why characterization of the main character causes difficulties?

Characterization of the image of Dorian Gray is one of the most controversial questions about Wilde's work, since the character is very ambiguous. It is intertwined everyday and mystical, dark and light. The portrait as a mirror of the soul, a portrait as punishment, and on its fantastic background the fate of Dorian develops, which, like its creator, is entangled in its own web of erroneous judgments and imaginary values.

History of creation

The characterization of the image of Dorian Gray will not be complete without the almost mystical prehistory of the creation of both the main character and the novel.

Oscar Wilde was an original creator of his works and heroes. All his images did not appear out of nowhere, but were created by life itself. So it happened with his only published novel, the history of the idea of which is interesting not less than the work itself.

The writer was a friend of the then famous London artist Basil Ward. One day, while spending time at pleasant conversations in his studio, the writer saw a very handsome young man. Struck by the beauty of the model, the writer uttered a sad speech about how inexorably the time will soon leave his mark on the beautiful face of the young man. To this the artist half-jokingly said that he would draw a portrait of the boy every year so that portraits would "age" instead.

Plan characterization of the image of Dorian Gray

Recreating the image of Gray will be easier for us and for readers if there is a plan.

The classical scheme of characteristics in the literature is appearance, character, actions, and opinion. But, since we are talking about an extraordinary hero, it is worth doing differently.

  1. Gray before the meeting and Lord Henry.
  2. The influence of the lord on Dorian.
  3. Portrait and permissiveness.
  4. The death of Sybil and the first changes.
  5. Eternal youth and imaginary impunity.
  6. Awareness of the charm of the portrait.
  7. Attempts to change.
  8. Murder of the artist as the apogee of destruction.
  9. Attempts to get rid of the portrait and the ending.

Dorian Gray - who is he?

The citative characterization of the image of Dorian Gray is a rather complex task, since it is difficult to single out the most important points. A novel is like a song - every word in it is in its place and carries its own function. Therefore, we will give a characteristic, correspondingly to the created plan.

Before the meeting with Henry, the young man did not realize the power of his beauty and, worse still, its transience. The influence of Harry poisons his soul with doubts and worries. In Holward's studio, he pronounces as a spell of bitter speech, which ends with the phrase: "Oh, if this portrait grew old for me!" Somehow this is how it happens in a magical way. From this moment the handsome youth no longer grows old. But what will this eternal youth bring him?

The first offense of Dorian is his rejection of the affectionate young actress Sybill. Unexpected twists and turns are a striking feature of the novel "Portrait of Dorian Gray". Characterization of the image of Dorian Gray is seriously changing from this moment. He learns about the death of the former lover, but he is completely untouched by it. And the same evening he is destined to see the changes in the portrait - the face twisted in an ominous cruel grin. Now the portrait is Judge and executioner Dorian. His life is marked by a series of broken women's hearts and throwing at the dens. There he wants to forget about the horror, hidden in an ominous portrait.

When Gray realizes that there is nowhere else to fall, he is trying to change. But attempts do not lead to salvation. In a fit of fear that his secret will be revealed, he kills the artist.

The last novel in his life with a clean, sincere girl and a demonstratively noble way of dealing with her gives Dorian hope that it's still possible to change. But the portrait is adamant, the poison poisoned soul can not be changed. In a fit of desperation, Gray pierces the knife in the portrait, but falls himself with a pierced heart.

Characteristics of the images ("Portrait of Dorian Gray")

In addition to Gray, the novel is very interesting image of Lord Henry. Many critics associate him with Wilde himself. The Lord is witty and cynical. He preaches the worship of pleasure in its pure form. But is he happy? Rather no, the lord is satiated with permissiveness, and little that brings him real pleasure and pleasure.

The artist Basil is also ambiguous. He lives in his work and only them. His creation will kill him, but it will not become less ingenious. The artist-creator, the creator, from whose pen a miracle appeared, is the author of the real man of art.

The characterization of the image of Dorian Gray is given above, and we will not dwell on it here.

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