
How to take "Kogitum" with a delay in speech development: reviews, instructions for use

Delay in speech development is one of the most complex diseases that occurs in children of the first years of life. Despite the fact that the process of forming speech is purely individual, there are certain age norms.

To help the child develop at the level of peers, neurologists and pediatricians recommend the treatment with special medications. Specialists often designate "Kogitum" with a delay in speech development. The parents' comments on this medication have been divided. Is it worth giving this drug to a child? Let's try to figure it out.

General information about the preparation

"Cogitum" is a general toning, adaptogenic medicine that can influence the work of the central nervous system and normalize the processes occurring in it. The main active ingredient is potassium acetylamino succinate - a substance that activates acetylamino succinic acid. The latter is located in the tissues of the central nervous system and is responsible for the "correct" transfer of impulses.

The French pharmaceutical company, which is the manufacturer of "Kogituma", declares that the active substance has a powerful immunomodulatory effect and activates the production of immunoglobulins and antibodies in the body. Most often, they designate "Kogitum" with a delay in speech development. Experts' testimonies testify that this is one of the most effective drugs that can exert a pronounced therapeutic effect and at the same time be absolutely safe for the child.

Indication for appointment

According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed if the following indications are available:

  1. Asthenic (functional) disorders. Asthenia can develop against a backdrop of certain diseases in which it is prohibited to take Coguitum. Therefore, if a symptom of an illness is found, you should first of all consult a specialist;
  2. Depression is mild. The drug is usually prescribed in a complex therapy;
  3. Neurotic disorder. Neurosis can be observed in both children and adults. "Cogitum" can be prescribed in conjunction with sedatives.

Pediatric Use

In pediatric practice, it is customary to designate "Cogitum" with delay in speech development. The drug received a lot of praise from doctors and parents. The manufacturer recommends starting therapy with these drugs only if the child is already 7 years old.

"Cogitum" will help to cope with neurological and mental disorders in children. Assign the drug in the following cases:

  • At a delay of physical, emotional, mental, psychomotor development;
  • With neuroses (short-term);
  • At a syndrome of fast physical and mental fatigue;
  • Adjustment disorder ;
  • With the syndrome of perinatal damage to the nervous system;
  • Violation of concentration of attention.

Delayed speech development - what is it?

Such a serious illness as the delay of speech development can arise against the background of various biological and social factors. Most often, the cause lies in the pathologies associated with brain damage in the perinatal period. Such ailments include birth trauma, hypotrophy, intrauterine infection, asphyxia during labor, meningitis and encephalitis in the neonatal period.

The unfavorable environment for the development of the child also adversely affects speech development. Lack of communication in the family, emotional shocks, hyperope - the reasons for which the child is not suitable for his age speech development.

If a child by four years is poorly composed of proposals with several components, his speech is incoherent and incomprehensible, parents need to urgently seek help from a neurologist. Medicinal products are prescribed only after the examination of the child and the determination of the cause, which caused the delay of speech development (ZRR). At children this illness is successfully treated by a preparation "Kogitum". Especially effective is the solution in case of attention concentration disorder and deviations in behavior (hysteria, neurosis). In addition to drug therapy, visits to special rehabilitation sessions are shown.

How correctly to accept "Kogitum"?

The use of a medicinal product is possible only according to the prescription of a doctor (neurologist or pediatrician). Specialists strongly recommend not to give this medication to children without a preliminary examination. Also, one should refrain from treatment with Coguitum if the age of the child is less than 7 years. Clinical trials of the drug in patients of this age group did not pass.

The duration of treatment and the need to repeat the course of therapy are determined on an individual basis. Adaptogenic medicine in "Coguitum" solution, the dosage of which depends on the patient's age, usually should be taken within three weeks.

Application Features

The solution has a pleasant banana taste and is therefore fairly well received by children. The product is released in the form of ampoules with pointed ends on both sides. Disclose the drug immediately before taking. To do this, it is necessary first to break off the end of the ampoule on one side, place the glass container over the cup and repeat the manipulation with the opposite end. After the performed actions, the medicine easily pours into the cup.


Before taking "Kogitum" you should carefully read the annotation. The manufacturer recommends that adult patients take 3 ampoules of medication per day. And in the morning it is necessary to simultaneously drink the contents of two ampoules.

Adolescents (10-18 years old) take 2 ampoules of medicinal solution per day. Children 7-10 years are prescribed one ampoule of the drug "Kogitum". The price of the medication is quite high (about 3600 rubles), but one package of the drug will suffice for the course of therapy for a child of this age category.

Doctors recommend taking the medication in the morning. If necessary, therapy can be stopped at any stage. It will not cause any negative consequences. In some cases, the solution is prescribed to babies younger than 7 years. Dosage in this case is calculated individually. It is usually recommended to give the child half of the contents of one ampoule per day. The remaining liquid is stored in the refrigerator until the next dose. In this case, the solution is taken from the ampoule with a syringe.


The drug "Kogitum" with ZRR and other neurological pathologies can not be taken to all patients. In spite of the fact that the medicine is mostly well tolerated by both children and adults, it is first necessary to get acquainted with contraindications. First of all, the solution is forbidden to people who are hypersensitive or completely intolerant drugs based on acetylamino-succinic acid.

According to the instructions, the drug should not be used to treat children under seven years of age. It is also forbidden to give medicine to a child without a doctor's prescription.

Side effects

Quite often in medical practice, the drug "Kogitum" is used with a delay in speech development. The doctors' testimonies testify that the medicine is well tolerated by children and adults. However, despite this, the manufacturer warns of rare cases of side effects. Most often there is an allergic reaction to taking the medication. Patients complain of redness of the skin, itching, hives.

What do patients say?

Most patients who took the general restorative "Coguitum" are satisfied with the result of therapy. For many children this medication helped to cope with the symptoms of neurotic disorders, delayed speech development, depression. It should be borne in mind that the rapid effect of the drug does not. Evaluate the result of therapy should only after passing the entire course of therapy.

In rare cases, the deterioration of the child's condition is recorded. Usually such a result is possible with hyperactivity. Symptoms of the pathological condition begin to manifest more pronounced. However, the manufacturer does not classify such a condition as side effects of the drug. Experts argue that treatment with the drug can continue in conjunction with sedatives.

The pronounced therapeutic effect gives "Cogitum" in the treatment of the consequences of craniocerebral injuries, diseases of the viral etiology. Dosage and treatment regimen should be determined by the attending physician.

How to replace "Coguitum"?

The price of a medicine is one of the drawbacks. Not all patients can afford to purchase such an expensive medication for treatment. That is why many are looking for analogues of "Kogituma", which will have a similar therapeutic effect and will be safe for children.

There are no analogues, which would completely coincide in composition with the drug "Kogitum". Tablets, suspensions, solutions having a similar mechanism of action and indications for use should also be selected by a specialist. One of the most effective of this pharmacological group is the following medicines:

  1. "Mexidol";
  2. Ribovital;
  3. "Pantogam Active";
  4. "Yantavit";
  5. "Noocetam."

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