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Do you often need a bass key in your music?

A bass key, or key, which many musicians call F (Fa), covers a low scale, so it is used in notes intended for instruments with a low system, and also for writing batches of low voices. Among the most common musical instruments for which this key is applicable, one can call a bass guitar, a cello, a double bass, and also a left-hand part for the performance of works on the piano.

It is very important to know the order of arrangement of musical symbols in the line, which is headed by a bass key. The arrangement of notes in this case originates from a note of the Fa in a small octave (from which the name of the key is), which is placed on the second step of the music camp from above. It is also worth noting that precisely because the main "orientation" of this key is a small octave, another name is attributed to it, which sounds like a "small key".

In notes designed for pianoforte, the bass key is always combined with the violin, which allows you to recreate an integral and full-sounding melody. The small key is located, as a rule, on the bottom line, therefore, the party led by it is performed by the pianist's left hand. However, in some cases, this key can be found in the party for the right hand, for example, in the play "Sonata No. 14" by L. V. Beethoven.

In works written for choral and vocal performance, the bass key is also often used. First of all, it is worth mentioning the parties of such voices as bass and baritone. Less often, for simplicity of exposition, in a small key are recorded and lots of alto voices. Most often, such a situation occurs in the scores for choruses, and if it is a separate part for the voice-viola, then it uses a typical alto key.

It is important to consider the instrument for which these or those notes are written. The bass key can be lowered by an octave, if the part is intended for a double bass, in all other cases all notes are played in accordance with their standard arrangement in this key.

However, there are some variations of the bass key, such as the baritone key and basoprofundovy. Such signs are very rare in musical literacy, but nevertheless, their location on the musical camp is worth remembering, so as not to confuse them with the standard key of the Fa.

Small, or bass key is second after the violin in its prevalence in different notes. Sometimes he even "jumps" in notes for instruments such as viola and violin, and is simply indispensable in any score. The bass key was used by musicians and composers who lived and worked in distant years, and it was thanks to this sign that all sonatas and rondos, chorals and vocalises, preludes and fugues became so full-blown and multifaceted.

Finally it would be worth to say that there is nothing difficult in writing a bass key - it is a kind of comma, the basis of which is "fixed" on the fourth line of the musical camp. Also, to the key, it is necessary to assign two points that will surround this very fourth step.

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