Sports and FitnessFishing

Do it yourself with your own hands

Catfish in its size - the undisputed champion among the famous freshwater fish. It is only for this reason that it is probably considered the most desirable trophy of the fisherman. And if you consider that it is extremely difficult to catch it and only a real master can do it, then such a trophy can be estimated not only as desirable, but also very worthy. The story about the battle with the river giant, about its size and weight, can decorate the biography of every fisherman for many years, even if only one catfish was caught by it. Kvok is one of the most effective ways of catching catfish, besides it is inherent only in this fishing. We will tell you how to make kvok by yourself.

What it is

A special device is called a kvokom, which gives a specific gurgling sound when struck on the water. What exactly this sound like a catfish is unknown, but it goes to him, and the method is considered very effective. Kvok works only on catfish, and on no other fishing is used. In appearance it is a very simple device but nevertheless requires certain knowledge and skills if you decide to do it yourself. Earlier they were made from a sickle for stubble and a cow's horn. Now, of course, you can use a lot of different materials. The tool is also sold in fishing stores, but experienced fishermen - "somatniki" do the kvok with their own hands, so to speak, for themselves. The most often used for its manufacture are duralumin and hardwood. Kvok consists of several parts: a hoof, a water cutter and a handle.

The handle should be made on the arm and be comfortable. Well, when it has a "hob", so as not to accidentally drown the kvok. The water-cut is made as thin as possible so that it "cuts" water and does not make noise, blocking the sound of cotton. Of course, a wooden water-cutter can not be made very thin, it will break. But still its thickness should not exceed six millimeters. A metal-cutter, of course, can and should be made thinner. The size of the "hoof", which is a hemisphere, depends on the strength of cotton. The larger the size, the more deep and booming sound it gives. The "hoof" from the inside should be absolutely smooth and smooth, which is essential for obtaining a clean sound. In addition, the angle is very important in the quoko, under which the water-cutter is installed relative to the handle. This corner cardinally influences the sound and is selected by each "messman" independently, according to his experience and preferences.

Making a kwok by yourself

To make a wooden kvok with your own hands, you need a dried bitches, for example, apple trees with a diameter of about 4 cm and ordinary carpentry tools. For an iron kvoka, you need a wooden or plastic bar (for a handle), a metal plate (for a water cutter and a hoof), several screws and a metalwork set of tools. Attach the handle to the cutter is not difficult. The method does not matter, so immediately move on to fastening the "hooves". The lower end of the cut should be pivoted in the middle until a two-pronged fork is obtained. In turn, in the previously prepared hoof (hemisphere) two holes are drilled and so that they correspond to the "plug" on the water cutter. Everything is combined into a single structure, and the ends of the "fork" are riveted and polished, so that the inside of the "hoof" remains perfectly smooth. "Hoof" arches with a ball from the bearing or something like that, or you can pour it out of epoxy. You must be prepared for the fact that the first experience can be unsuccessful. To get the "sounding" kvok, you may need a lot of patience.

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