
Diseases of the ear of people: symptoms and treatment

The ear is the most important organ of man, it is thanks to him that we can perceive the sounds of the environment. Unfortunately, like the ailments of other organs, a variety of ear ailments are often developed. Symptoms and treatment of this phenomenon will be discussed in the article.


Diseases of the ear of people can develop for a variety of reasons. The most common sources of hearing disorders are:

  • Inflammatory process in the auditory orifice.

  • A normal draft can provoke serious pathologies of the hearing organ. Children are more predisposed to this, because their ears are more sensitive to drafts than adults.

  • The transferred disease leads to suppuration in a certain area of the auditory canal.

  • Diseases of the ear of people can develop due to various fungi, and this in no way depends on the compliance of the hygiene of the auricles.

  • In rare cases, the disease is the result of traumas of the ear canal, athletes are more prone to this.

The image on the right shows an example of ear disease (photo). In humans, various pathologies of the hearing organ develop quite often. Therefore, it is important to know how they manifest themselves and what the treatment is.

Diseases of the ear: symptoms

The main clinical manifestation of the disease are painful sensations. Most often, the pain is felt in case of inflammation of the auditory analyzer. Its intensity can be different. Pain often irradiates into the eye, the lower jaw, or appears with swallowing and masticatory movements, often the headache on the affected side.

Various manifestations of noise in the ears, hearing loss, autophony (a condition in which a person hears a voice in his ear) is how the ear affects the person. Symptoms can be not only local, but also common, often increases body temperature, develops insomnia, and reduces appetite.

Types of pathology of the organ of hearing

Diseases of the ear of people can be quite dangerous. Despite the similarity of manifestations, they are very diverse. Consider the most common diseases of the human ear. Treatment for each type of pathology is prescribed by the doctor after a medical examination.

Deaf Mute

The cause of this pathology may be congenital or acquired (up to 3 years) deafness. Congenital deafness develops in the embryonic period under the influence of harmful factors during pregnancy (viral diseases, syphilis, toxic substances, medications, beriberi, etc.). The hereditary form, as a rule, is combined with the developmental defects of the middle and inner ear. Acquired forms are more common and are the result of transferred infectious ailments, the influence of ototoxic drugs. As a result of deafness, dumbness develops.

Treatment in this case is ineffective. All efforts should be directed to teaching verbal speech in specialized institutions. Modern methods will help to achieve a good social rehabilitation.

Sudden Deafness

This condition is most often a consequence of vascular disorders (hemorrhage, thrombosis, embolism, vascular spasm) and viral infections. It occurs in such conditions as blood diseases, syphilis, diabetes, skull injuries, tumors of the auditory nerve.

In such a situation, immediate hospitalization and intravenous administration of special medicines is required. Hearing restoration in this case is quite real.

Miner's disease

The disease refers to non-inflammatory diseases of the inner ear. It is characterized by periodic attacks of dizziness, nausea or vomiting, noise in the ears, imbalance, lowering of hearing in one ear, increased irritability from loud sounds. Pathology develops due to diseases of individual systems and organs (allergic conditions, hypertension, hypotension, atherosclerosis, vegetovascular dystonia, hormonal disorders, menopause, various toxicoses, nicotine abuse). The disease manifests itself in a sharp disorder of the vestibular function. The condition is normalized after the end of the attack, but the hearing loss and noise in the ears persist and gradually progress. When a disease, as a rule, one ear is affected.

Treatment consists in observance of a bed regimen, salt-free diet, mustard baths for feet are shown. With the aim of arresting an acute attack, Syabro powder (sodium caffeine-benzoate, platifillin hydrotartrate, sodium bromide) is used. To prevent vomiting intravenously administered drugs "Aminazine", "Ephedrine", "Dimedrol". Between attacks are prescribed electrophoresis, 5% calcium chloride solution, special physical exercises, acupuncture. It is forbidden to take alcohol, smoke, be in the sun, swim in deep water. In the hospital surgical methods are combined with ultrasound and cryotherapy.

Diffuse and limited external otitis media - diseases of the outer ear of a person

Restricted external otitis is the furuncle of the external auditory canal. It develops exclusively on the membranous-cartilaginous area, where there are sebaceous glands and hair. Expressed pain, which radiates into the teeth, eyes, neck - this is how the disease of the ears manifests itself in people. Treatment of the disease at the initial stage consists in the use of antibacterial drugs: Penicillin, Oxacillin, Ampiox. For introduction into the ear canal, use a turunda, which is impregnated with 2% boric alcohol. After the furuncle is opened - inject turundu, previously impregnated with a solution of penicillin in novocaine. Prescribe drugs "Analgin", "Acetylsalicylic acid." The surgical method of treatment is rarely used.

One type of diffuse purulent otitis is otomycosis. With this disease on the walls of the external auditory canal, various types of yeast and mold fungi develop. The reason for this phenomenon is prolonged moisturizing, preceding purulent otitis, uncontrolled use of hormonal agents and antibiotics. Inflammation of the skin, pain, itching, moderate discharge of yellow, gray-green, dirty-black color depending on the variety of the fungus - this is how the disease of the ears manifests itself in people.

Treatment of otomycosis consists of a careful toilet of the ear, washing with a 3% solution of boric acid, flushing with antifungal agents (Kanesten, Nitrofungin), 10% solution of silver nitrate. Therapy of the disease is quite long, complications often develop.

A type of otomycosis is the candidiasis of the ear, causes its yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. Develops ailment most often due to prolonged use of antibiotics. For the therapy of such a disease, antimycotic antibiotics ("Levorin", "Nystatin", "Nizoral", "Griseofulvin") are orally used, and 0.1% alcohol solution of the "Hinozol" agent is topically applied.

Average otitis media

Otitis media often develop (inflammation of the middle ear). The first stage of the disease is characterized by pain inside the ear, it can be pulsating, shooting, drilling. The body temperature rises sharply (above 38 ° C). After a while, there is perforation (breakthrough) of the tympanic membrane and pus follows. The body temperature is normalized. A frequent complication of acute otitis media is mastoiditis. With this disease, the mastoid process of the temporal bone is inflamed, in its thickness there are air-bearing cells that communicate with the cavity of the middle ear. With this pathology, the development of the purulent process is observed in the cells of the appendage, which can provoke the onset of intracranial complications (meningitis), since the sinuses and the membranes of the brain are located anatomically close. Pressing on the appendix causes painful sensations.

Mastoiditis can cause the occurrence of meningitis, facial paralysis, purulent swelling in the neck, abscesses in the behind-the-ear area.

Therapeutic measures are to ensure the outflow of pus from the middle ear cavity and fight against purulent infection and inflammation. Surgery is necessary in the presence of complications and inefficiency of conservative treatment. During the operation, a cut is made in the behind-eye region and the mastoid process is opened.

Internal otitis media

The internal otitis is labyrinthitis. Such an inflammatory process can have acute or chronic course. In the inner ear, the infection can penetrate in various ways. With purulent inflammation - through the middle ear, with meningitis - through the meninges, with various kinds of infections - through the blood. For such an ailment the following symptoms are typical: dizziness, nausea, imbalance, nystagmus (a condition in which the eyeball makes involuntary movements aside).

When the first symptoms appear, urgent hospitalization is required. Depending on the form of the disease, therapy can be both conservative and surgical.

For treatment, antibiotics (Amoxiclav, Ceftriaxone) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (Indomethacin, Diclofenac) are used.

In this article, common human ear diseases (symptoms, causes, principles of treatment) have been described. To prevent ailments of the hearing organ, it is very important to observe hygiene and to treat diseases of other organs that are near the ear (throat, paranasal sinuses) in a timely manner. If the ear diseases of people still arise, do not engage in self-medication - this can lead to serious consequences.

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