Health, People with disabilities
Disability is ... Establishing a disability, a list of diseases. Rehabilitation of disabled people
Because of serious deviations in the state of health, when life is limited, a person becomes "disabled". Disability is the state of an individual with mental, mental or physical disabilities, in which there are obstacles to productive work. This status is established by special institutions of medical and social expertise. When considering the extent of health impairments, disability restrictions for people with disabilities, certain groups of disabilities are assigned , privileges for which are established by the law of the Russian Federation.
The order of establishment
- Permanent damage to the body, the causes of which are illness, trauma.
- Full or partial limitation of life.
- The need for social protection.
Based on the results of the examination, a verdict is issued on the assignment of the status. Depending on the disease, disability is divided into groups. The first is awarded for 2 years, the second and the third - for one year. Until the age of 18, the "disabled child" group is established. The establishment of a disability indefinitely is possible no later than two years after the initial assignment of the status in cases of diseases, violations of the work of the bodies, defects detected. Also, it is possible to assign the category indefinitely no later than four years after passing the examination in cases when it is confirmed that it is impossible to eliminate health violations, despite the rehabilitation measures carried out. Appeal the decision of medical and social expertise can be a month after the verdict. The application for review is submitted to the same bureau where it was examined.
The first group of health restrictions
In this category, disability is a highly pronounced social insufficiency, in which a person needs help. The main criteria for belonging to the first group are:
1. Full dependence on other people in self-service and movement.
2. Disorientation.
3. Inability to communicate.
4. Uncontrolled behavior.
The category is divided into subgroups A and B. The first includes people with a high degree of disability, leading to the need for constant supervision and care. This category includes patients with paralysis of two or more extremities, heart disease, severe tuberculosis, malignant tumors and others.
Subgroup B includes people with significant dependence on others and a partial inability to perform certain elements of self-care. The category is established with such diseases as bilateral anophthalmos, stumps of both lower limbs, paraplegia, total aphasia, renal failure of 4 degrees and others.
The second group of health restrictions
The main signs of belonging to this category are:
1. Ability to self-service and movement with the help of auxiliary tools.
2. Ability to work in specially created conditions in a workplace equipped with the use of auxiliary tools.
3. Ability to learn in special institutions or at home.
4. With the help of other persons, orientation in space and time takes place.
5. Ability to communicate with the use of auxiliary tools.
6. The ability to partially or completely control the behavior.
1. Active form of tuberculosis.
2. Cirrhosis of the lungs.
3. The consequences of a mental illness lasting more than ten years.
4. Transplantation of internal organs (after five years under the supervision of a doctor).
5. Trauma of the spinal cord with impaired ability to move and others.
Persons with disabilities in this category have a moderate limitation of life. Often they can take care of themselves and lead a relatively independent way of life, but they need protection by social services and help from others. Disability (the list of diseases listed above) gives people the opportunity to work, but with an obligation on the part of the employer to create special working conditions. To facilitate the work, additional breaks, shorter shifts, a reduction in production rates, additional leave are envisaged.
Third group of disability
What concerns indications for setting a category? In this case, disability is a person's condition, under which the following conditions are met:
- Self-service and movement with special tools.
- Ability to learn and work while observing a special educational regime or making necessary adjustments to production activities.
- The ability to orientate in space and time with the use of auxiliary tools.
- The ability to communicate, characterized by a reduced rate of information retrieval and transmission, and a decrease in the amount of assimilation.
The group is assigned to people who are almost completely independent, who do not interfere with work and learn disability. List of diseases:
- severe defect of the bones of the skull;
- a false joint of the shoulder or forearm;
- the absence of some fingers on the hand;
- stump thighs, feet, legs;
- dislocation of the hip joint with the impossibility of certain functions;
- Scoliosis of the third degree;
- absence of one lung, kidney;
- Extirpation of the stomach and others.
The third group is working and does not restrict labor. Reduction of the working day is not provided, a 40-hour week is established.
Disability of children
A child under 18 years of age is classified as "disabled children" if he has significant disability. Recommend the establishment of status can hospitals of different levels. Such a recommendation is recorded in the history of the child's development and in the medical outpatient card. Documents are sent to a medical institution, where the medical and advisory commission draws up the necessary conclusion in two copies.
Children with disabilities
The disability of children under the age of 18 entitles them to a number of benefits:
- For the autumn-spring period, a 50% discount on rail travel, international buses and airlines.
- Travel by all types of public transport is free.
- Free travel to the place of treatment in commuter and intercity buses.
- Once a year, travel to the place of treatment and back at the expense of public funds.
- Provision of housing out of turn in the absence of parents or guardians.
- Families with disabled children receive a discount of at least 50% on utility bills.
For families who have a disabled child, a number of privileges are provided. Namely - the early retirement of the mother, an additional four days off, a monthly compensation for the care of children with disabilities. When a child reaches 18 years of age, he enjoys the benefits of one of three disability groups.
Calculation of a pension for a disabled child
In 2015, an increase in the disability pension and social benefits is expected. So, for children with disabilities, it will be 1035 rubles, which will be expressed in the total monthly payment of 11411.86 rubles. A disabled child with no earned experience has the right to a social pension. Parents of children with disabilities are entitled to an early pension with a mother's seniority of 15 years, a father of 20. Guardians who raised a child under the age of eight are provided with a reduction in the retirement age by one year for every 18 months of guardianship, but not more than 5 years. The legislation contains an item on the inclusion of periods of care for children with disabilities, or the disabled of the first group in the insurance and general work experience.
Groups of disability. Privileges
Disability in Russia is supported by a number of benefits. So, for the first group of privilege the following:
- Labor and social pension.
- Free prescription of medicines.
- Treatment in sanatoria at the expense of the state.
- Payment or compensation for the cost of tickets for a train or plane.
- Travel by land transport at the expense of the state.
- Discounts for utilities, telephone, electricity.
- The possibility of obtaining additional living space for people with certain diseases that interfere with living with other people.
- If a disabled person needs to provide prosthetic and orthopedic footwear, this service is provided free of charge.
- Out-of-competition admission to vocational schools.
- A social worker and others are provided.
For the second category of disability, a number of changes are present in the list of benefits. For example, the establishment of a shorter working week, while maintaining full wages. In determining the benefits for the third group are guided by a number of nuances. Some citizens of this category have the right to use one type of benefits (for example, free sanatorium treatment), the other - something different (free travel on public transport). The general list of benefits for disabled people of the third group is as follows:
- Persons with disabilities are exempt from paying property taxes, registration fees from individuals who have expressed a desire to engage in business.
- Exemption from payment of tax on the purchase of a car, which is specially equipped for use by people with disabilities.
- Discount for the purchase of medicines prescribed by a doctor (if the individual is recognized as unemployed).
- Provision of a 30-day leave, as well as additional leave without pay.
- Discounts when paying utility bills and others.
Most people with disabilities rely on home-based social services. For example, buying medicines, goods, products, cleaning apartments. The list of disability groups makes it possible to correctly identify the benefits and services that people rely on.
Accrual of pension
What are the conditions for receiving a pension for the disabled? First, it belongs to the category of servicemen, participants in the Second World War, cosmonauts, citizens who were injured as a result of man-made and radiation accidents. Secondly, the establishment of disability by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise. Thirdly, fixing the time of getting an injury or disease. For example, for military personnel, a pension is required if a health violation occurred during the service. For people who have suffered in disasters, a prerequisite for calculating money is the definition of the disability group.
Opportunities for assistance in Russia
In our country, there is broad support for people with disabilities. This status allows you to receive benefits, medicines at the expense of the state, technical means of recovery, discounts on travel and housing, vouchers to the sanatorium. Rehabilitation of disabled people implies a whole range of social and recreational measures.
Since 1999, the country has a "Union of Disabled People of Russia", which organizes various charitable, state events. The organization "Perspective" strives to promote the independence of disabled people and raise their standard of living. In many cities of Russia there is a network of companies "Independent Life", which also deal with the problems of citizens with disabilities. Some private companies provide support for people with disabilities. Thus, Megafon has a "Contact" tariff for people with hearing impairments. Of course, our country is far from the ideal in this field, but we are on the way to creating a barrier-free environment in every city, and rehabilitation of disabled people will be one of the main tasks of the state.
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