Health, Preparations
Dexalgin. Instructions
"Dexalgin" (injections) is indicated for symptomatic therapy of acute pain of high and medium intensity in cases of inexpediency of oral administration. Such conditions include postoperative periods, soreness in the lumbar region and in renal colic.
"Dexalgin". Instructions for use.
Introduction is recommended every eight to twelve hours. Repeated dose can be applied after six hours if necessary. The daily amount of the drug should not be more than 150 mg. Medication "Dexalgin" instruction allows for short-term use. The drug therapy is limited to an acute period (no more than two days). It is advisable to transfer patients to oral administration of the drug.
Reduction of side effects can be achieved by using an effective minimum dosage for the shortest possible period necessary to alleviate the condition.
For the removal of postoperative soreness of the severe or moderate degree, the "Dexalgin" preparation allows the instruction to be used (in accordance with the indications) in the recommended dosage in combination with opioid analgesics.
For elderly patients, as a rule, dosage adjustment is not required. At the same time, taking into account the physiological age-related decrease in renal function, it is recommended to prescribe lower doses in the presence of renal insufficiency, which is negligible. The total dosage should not be more than 50 mg.
The drug "Deksalgin" instruction does not recommend appointing patients with impaired liver function of a serious degree. With functional hepatic disorders of a moderately and easily expressed course, the total daily dosage is reduced to 50 mg.
The solution can be used intramuscularly. The drug is administered slowly and deeply.
For intravenous infusion, the solution is prepared under aseptic conditions. The duration of the administration is from ten to thirty minutes. Do not apply natural light (daylight) to the prepared mortar.
The solution is intended for single administration. The remains of the preparation prepared for injection must be discarded.
Before use, make sure that the solution is clear and colorless. In the presence of solid particles, the use is not permitted.
The drug is not prescribed for bleeding and active stage of peptic ulcer or with suspicion of them, with gastrointestinal (or other localization) bleeding in the active stage (including those associated with the use of NSAIDs) or with a predisposition to hemorrhages. Not recommended medication for Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis nonspecific, Alzheimer's disease (in the anamnesis). Contraindicated "Dexalgin" with heart failure in severe course, with lactation, renal or hepatic functional disorders, hypersensitivity, disorders of coagulation, pregnancy (third trimester).
The results of the studies showed that the use of the drug in therapeutic dosages allows achieving pain and chronic analgesic effect. Use of medicament for severe pain helps to reduce the dosage of narcotic painkillers in half.
For oral use, the drug "Dexalgin 25" is recommended. Tablets have antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. This form of the drug is indicated for the removal of the pain syndrome of medium and light intensity in chronic and acute pathologies in the locomotor apparatus (arthrosis, spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis), toothache, dysmenorrhea.
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