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Day of the speech therapist is what for a holiday?
Little is known that in the ranks of professional holidays there is also such as Day of the speech therapist. As a rule, they believe that these specialists work exclusively on correcting the incorrect pronunciation of certain sounds.
When is the holiday?
Unfortunately, even those people who know about the existence of this holiday, constantly forget about when the Day of the speech therapist in Russia is celebrated. And celebrate it in the middle of November - 14th. Insufficient awareness, as well as an underestimation of how important it is to provide logopedic help to a child on time is a big problem for many parents. To study with your baby were successful, early diagnostics of various deviations of his speech is of great importance.
It is important to know
This is one of the first teachers in the life of your children, that's why it's very important to treat attentively to them on the day of speech therapist and do not forget to congratulate. According to statistics, to our great regret, the number of speech disorders in children is growing every year, so the relevance of correction of speech deviations has long been global. In this regard, every preschool institution now has a full-time speech therapist. You can contact him if your child has a speech problem. Day of the speech therapist these people, as a rule, mark on a workplace.
And when the International Day of the teacher-speech therapist comes, I want to join the numerous congratulations and wish these people good health, successes in their difficult work, boundless patience and family warmth.
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