HealthDiseases and Conditions

Fracture of the jaw requires complex treatment

Fracture of the jaw is a violation of the integrity of the bone under the influence of force. Such fractures can be:

  • Traumatic. There are a blow, a gunshot wound, an accident or an accident;
  • Pathological. They arise spontaneously, as a result of the development of osteomyelitis, a large cyst or a malignant tumor.

Fractures of the lower jaw account for approximately 70% of all lesions that occur in the face area. The lower jaw has the form of a horseshoe and with injuries, double, and even triple fractures are often encountered.

Fracture of the jaw can have a variety of consequences. Most often the mouth just stops properly closing and opening. In the event that a fracture occurred in the lateral part of the lower jaw, it is possible to damage the mandibular nerve. Then the victim experiences numbness of the jaw from the side of the damage, and with double-sided damage the whole jaw becomes numb. When a jaw fracture is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the oral mucosa and soft tissue ruptures, it is called open. Sometimes with such a trauma large vessels are damaged and large hematomas are formed. Often a fracture is accompanied by a concussion of the brain, and in some cases a person experiences a shock.

If you or someone in your environment has a jaw fracture, then you need to remain calm and call an ambulance. As a rule, the appearance of lesions in the face area does not correspond to the severity of the injuries received, but it is impossible to do without specialized assistance. Even when the injury is not very serious, you should not try to put the jaw in your own place, because you can cause harm to your health.

If the victim has lost consciousness, then he must be put on his side in such a way that saliva, blood and tongue do not become an obstacle to breathing. Transport it in the same position. In case of severe bleeding, doctors can use tampons before the arrival of doctors, and if you have special skills, you should press the carotid artery from the side of the injury.

At admission to the hospital, an X-ray examination is mandatory. It is necessary to confirm the diagnosis, after the physical examination of the patient. When there is a jaw fracture, the treatment is started as soon as the patient's condition is stabilized. Its method is chosen depending on the severity of the injuries received. Treatment includes the following steps:

  • Combination of fragments, which is carried out under local anesthesia. It can be done immediately by hand. But in some cases, especially if a sufficiently long time has passed since the time of injury, this procedure is carried out gradually, using special devices, as well as intermaxillary or extraoral cravings;
  • Fixation of jaw fragments for the period of bone repair. For this, various techniques and devices are used;
  • Creating conditions that contribute to the rapid restoration of the jaw.
  • Prevention of complications of an infectious-inflammatory nature.

If the jaw fracture is treated surgically, the fragments can be fixed by sewing them with tantalum or steel wire, metal spokes or plates, extraoral devices.

The main purpose of treatment of fractures of jaws is the fusion of all fragments in a position that will restore the bite, and in a short time. In the event that a jaw fracture is combined with other serious injuries to the face, then there is a need for plastic surgery. Often they are performed in several stages, and if necessary, prosthetic jaws and face. Sometimes, with a jaw fracture, there are serious complications such as osteomyelitis, meningitis, phlegmon and some other diseases.

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