Education, Secondary education and schools
Classification of mobile games. Story and plotless mobile games for preschoolers
Children of preschool age are able to perceive information better than others, and parents should not waste this time. New knowledge and skills are easily acquired through various mobile and table games. At the age of 3 to 7 years, children try to copy the actions of adults, imitate animals and birds. Parents at this time need to direct the child to the right way of understanding life.
With the help of active games you can achieve success in this matter. Classification of mobile games is quite diverse: in complexity, in terms of load, given the age of the child, the use of shells, etc. Adults need to help their children adapt to life. However, we must not forget about the independence of the child. You can slightly complicate the game, change its direction, but do not specify how to operate the kid.
The value of mobile games
Many specialists in the field of raising children, including Frobel, Leontiev, Reich, noted the importance of mobile games for the child. They argued that active games are able to develop children both physically and mentally. In addition, children during these classes are always in motion, which they need.
Moving games for preschoolers are irreplaceable, as they are able to improve the child's mindfulness and physical condition, its plasticity and understanding of the environment. In the process of playing, children from the new side will know the world, and besides, they strengthen and improve their skills.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of active games for the child, because here, among other things, imagination and imagination, speech and memory develop. In addition, mobile games are very useful for health, especially in the fresh air. Children jump, run, play with the ball, which promotes normal circulation and activation of breathing. This has a positive effect on the body, the more growing.
Methods of active games
Children of preschool age are in most cases extremely active, and therefore do not need to be surprised if the child does not stand still and minutes. They constantly run, jump, roll the ball, fight, play with their peers. The child must act and play independently, for this, the educator or the teacher needs to create all the conditions.
The task of an adult is to direct and provide all necessary playgrounds. First, you need as much free space as possible so that the child does not feel locked up. Secondly, you need to provide all the necessary toys that contribute to the motor activity of the kids.
All children are different: someone likes to play alone, someone is too active, and someone, on the contrary, is calmer. The educator needs to consider all this and indirectly supervise the process of the game. But you can not do this powerfully and strictly, you need to push the child to the right decision. One needs to help and play with them, and others to offer a different game. The educator should remember that almost all children in younger groups prefer to play one by one. He should try to instill in children love for joint games. It is necessary to properly organize and present the game, thereby provoking interest. This is the method of moving games.
Active games during the day
Every day educators need to carry out games with the kids. Before breakfast it is necessary to let the children play by themselves, without distracting them. To do this, you must take out the toys and encourage the little ones to practice. Moving games for preschoolers are not appropriate immediately after breakfast and any other meals. When choosing games, you need to take into account the lessons that were before them. For example, after lessons in drawing or Russian, you need to offer active games to move more.
It is recommended to use outdoor games for walking, in the open air. The room should be moved only in case of unsuitable weather, for example, heavy rain or wind. If it's just the weather in the street, you need to play in a large hall where there's enough space for everyone.
In the evening, it is also recommended to play games, but with little mobility. Singing with round dances is good. This lesson should last about 10 minutes. The most favorable time of the year for the games is, of course, summer. Since outdoor games for a walk in summer are easy to implement. On hot days it is desirable to conduct classes with medium or low activity, so that children do not overheat. And on cooler days it's better to use games with the greatest activity.
The hardest thing is to play outdoor games in the winter and autumn. Usually children wear warm clothes and bulky shoes, which makes their motor activity difficult. In this case, classes with simple movements that will not bother kids are ideal.
Moving games in the preschool (preschool educational institution) in the open air and in the hall contribute to a significant increase in physical and mental abilities. Kindergarten - a place that is one of the key in shaping the views and interests of the child.
Classification of outdoor games
Specialists in this field note that a large variety of active games led to the need for their division. As already mentioned, they are classified by complexity, by the degree of mobility, etc.
In the most general version of the game can be divided into simple and complex. Simple are classified into the plot, plotless, rides and games-fun.
The plot games are characterized by a clearly worked out scenario with fixed rules. They are characterized by thoughtful actions of all participants in the events, deviation from the plot is impossible. Games of this type are popular in all groups, especially for the younger ones.
Disconnected games are characterized by a lack of script, but require children to be cautious, quick and independent. In the process of exercising, the child must repeat a certain motor action, most often presented in the form of a match.
Attractions and fun games also require the fulfillment of a specific task in the form of competition. The difference from the plotless is that some of the children participate in the game, and the other part is the audience. These outdoor games in DOW are very popular, because they cause delight among children.
Almost all sports games are classified as difficult. This is football, and basketball, and volleyball, and hockey. Of course, small children can not participate in these adult competitions, and therefore conduct lessons on a simplified system.
Active games can also be distinguished by their motor content: running, jumping, projectile throwing, etc. There is a classification of mobile games in terms of mobility. Examples of such games can be very diverse. There are classes of large, medium and small activity. The first group includes those classes in which the majority of children take part, most often it is running or jumping. The second group includes games in which all the guys also participate, but the tasks are more relaxed, for example, walking or transferring shells. In games of low mobility, the actions are not intensive and have a slow tempo.
Leading an active game
Children of preschool age are very fond of all outdoor games, but of course they can not organize them independently. In this, the tutor comes to their aid. The teacher should remember that the main goal of such games is the improvement and development of the child's physical and mental abilities. It is also very important to be able to work in a team, which needs to be taught in childhood. The plan of mobile games should be designed in such a way that children in the course of the lesson will develop their skills and abilities.
The teacher needs to take part in the games, thereby showing the child by his own example how interesting and exciting it is. Children are very fond of playing with adults, so they feel older. It is necessary to use a cheerful tone in communication, it bribes the kids.
The organization of a mobile game is a rather difficult task, since all children are individual, and it is by no means a fact that everything will go smoothly from the very beginning. Often one can observe a situation when not all babies want to take part in a collective game because of their shyness. Do not press on the child, you should give him a little time to settle. If the baby is still shy and afraid to play with others, you can try to carefully tie it into the process. A proposal to run or hide together will be an excellent way out of this situation for the educator.
The teacher must competently guide the game, control it in order to avoid unpleasant situations. Something to prompt, somewhere to cheer up - a great option. If the majority of children begin to indulge in, and the interest disappears, it is necessary to stop the game and give the kids time to rest.
Federal state educational standard of preschool education
Since the beginning of 2014, a new document has come into force, which is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education. Speech and cognitive, as well as artistic and physical development - those areas in which the GEF operates. Each of these areas has its own tasks, which will help children to know the world and develop in all spheres.
In addition, GEF regulates the following activities of children: playful, communicative, cognitive, perception of fiction, self-service and domestic work, visual, musical and motor. To achieve certain goals, mobile games are typical for each type of activity. GEF aims to achieve certain goals:
- Raising the status of preschool education;
- Ensuring equal opportunities for every child;
- Preservation of the unity of the RF education, including preschool education;
- Ensuring the high quality of preschool education.
This document is an excellent innovation, which is designed to regulate all DOW on the correctness of their actions. With the entry into force of the GEF, pre-school institutions have become more responsible in this matter. Now there is a clear plan of action, following which it is possible to give education to the younger generation as qualitatively as possible.
Moving games in kindergartens for the senior group
Most of the children before school spend most of their life in the DOW. Therefore, the holding of games in such institutions is mandatory. Classification of mobile games implies a division into two parts: for very young and older children.
For the preparatory group are characterized mainly by ball games. For example, you need to find out who will run faster from start to finish, throwing the ball. In addition, popular games are "Mousetrap", "Owl", "Shepherd and the Wolf". Let's consider each of them.
Mousetrap. Children are divided into two identical groups. The first is the mouse, which should line up in a column one after another. Another group should form three circles, holding hands. When the teacher says: "The mousetrap is open," the children standing in a circle raise their hands, and the mice run through each circle in turn. When the educator gives the command: "Cotton", the children in the circle drop their hands. Those mice that are inside the circles are considered to be caught. The game continues until all the "mice" are caught.
The owl . Children are divided into two groups: butterflies and bugs. In addition, one child is selected, who will act as an owl. For him draws a circle - a nest, and he stands there. When the teacher says: "Day", all the butterflies and bugs freely pacing around the site, doing whatever they like. As soon as the teacher says: "Night", everyone stops, and the owl starts to wander around the site. Those children who have moved, the owl takes with them into the nest. The game ends when there are several butterflies or bugs in the nest.
A shepherd and a wolf . Choose two children who will be a wolf and a shepherd respectively. The rest are sheep. It is necessary to draw an area for the sheep's house and for the place where they will graze. The shepherd takes the sheep out to the pastures, at the command: "Wolf", everyone should run away. The task of the wolf is to catch as many sheep as possible and take them to their lair, and the shepherd is called to protect their pets. The game ends when the wolf has caught a certain number of sheep.
Moving games for the little ones
Here, preference is given to games where you can observe a clear story. It is desirable that each child has its own role. Also popular games are absolutely without a plot, which are the simplest, for example, "catch-up". So, mobile games for the younger group of kindergarten:
- Chicken and chicken. To conduct this game you need a rope and two racks. The rope is stretched between them, on one side is the chicken house with chickens, on the other grain. When the hen goes to the other side, she calls the chickens "co-to-co." Hearing, the chickens run around the entire territory, imitating movements. At the command: "Home", everyone comes on the other side of the rope.
- Brook. All children participate here, and you do not need to divide into teams. It is required to draw a "streamlet" of small width and at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other to draw stones. The children go to the top and cross the creek along the pebbles. If the child stumbled, then he "wet his feet" and should be tried from the very beginning.
- The sun is the rain . For this game, you need to place chairs and hoops around the perimeter of the site (improvised houses). When the teacher says: "Sunny, it's time to walk", the children leave the houses and run around the site. On the command: "The rain, it's time to go home," all the children run back.
The goal of mobile games in kindergarten is, first of all, the development of personal and physical qualities, as well as teaching children to be friends and work in a team. It is generally believed that the school educates people. However, education begins in kindergarten. Thanks to active games, children are easier to perceive information and more quickly develop the necessary skills.
Story-related outdoor games
Classes with a certain script bring up in children a sense of responsibility and concentration. The plot games are very diverse, we will consider some of them.
- Sparrows and car. All children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the site. Here they play the role of sparrows, which sit in their nests. On the opposite side is the tutor, presented in the role of the car. When the teacher says: "Sparrows flew," all the children get up and run or walk on the playground. At the command: "The car is going", all the children return as quickly as possible to their nests.
- Aircraft . The educator calls certain children in the amount of 3-4, which become on the opposite from the other side. At the command: "To prepare for flight, start engines," children make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest. When the teacher says: "Flew", the children spread their hands to the sides, imitating the plane, and run to the other side. At the command "To land" children land on their seats. Then select the next group of kids.
- Bubble . Children together with the tutor form a small circle, holding hands. When the teacher says: "Bloat the bubble, swell up big," the children slowly step back, forming a large circle. After the teacher says: "The bubble burst," the children should drop their arms and squat down, pronouncing "Cotton." After that, you have to get up and again form a small circle.
- The birds are flying . Children stand on any hill on one side of the site. After the words "The sun shines," children run out onto the playground and begin to search and peck improvised grains. When the teacher says: "The rain has gone," the children return back to the hill.
Action-free outdoor games
They are called to teach children dexterity, speed and orientation in space.
- Find the color. The teacher gives each child a flag of different colors. Usually the color scheme consists of red, yellow, green and blue. Four children stand with flags near a specific flag of the same color. When the educator gives the command: "Go for a walk", the other children run around the site in a chaotic order. After the words: "Find your color", children need to run to the flag of their color as soon as possible.
- Do not be late. The teacher spreads out any rattles in the form of a circle. At his command, the children scatter around the room away from them. When the teacher says: "Do not be late," the children run back to the center of the room.
- Find your home. Children are divided into several groups, each of them becomes a certain tree. It is their house. At the command of the educator, the children scatter everywhere. When the teacher says: "Find your house", children should gather in certain groups near the trees from which they stood at the beginning of the game.
Classification of mobile games is designed to identify those that are necessary for the child at a certain age. The most popular is the division into plot and plotless. Both those and others are called upon to develop children, to impart certain qualities to them. Moving games are necessary for the normal development of each child, and do not underestimate their importance.
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