Food and drinkRecipes

Classic risotto

If you are on this page, then you are interested in how to prepare risotto. Recipes for the classic in content and spirit dishes you will find in this article.

Take rice with a very high content of starch. You will also need broth and butter.

Risotto is a classic Italian dish. As the name implies, it is prepared from rice. We will start with frying - it is a responsible and, it can even be said, a key step in the process of cooking risotto. Fry the rice in a saucepan with a thick bottom. The meaning of this action is that in the grains when frying open the pores. Through them, broth will be well absorbed afterwards.

The choice of rice is an important point. I recommend looking for croup of one of three varieties: vialone nano, carnaroli or arborio. All these types can be found in supermarkets. Most of all starch in arborio, but with it you can get into a mess. If the novice cook does not calculate the cooking time, the arborio will turn into a mess. So it is better for beginners to choose a vialone nano, it will not boil and will be very homogeneous. This grade is best suited to all types of risotto with seafood. But some Italian chefs believe that classic risotto simply does not work for those who use any rice, except for the carnarole variety.

If you are interested in how to properly prepare a risotto without a bow, the answer will be simple and unambiguous - no way. After all, it is the onion that gives the juice necessary for the dry grains of this cereal. When roasting it there is one secret: professionals advise first to roast the rice, and only then add a finely chopped onion into it. Then rice will not lose its natural flavor.

In classic classic risotto, various fillers are traditionally placed. It is prepared with fish, and with meat, and with different seafood or simply with vegetables. Those of the fillings that require more time, such as meat, can be added to the rice at the time of its frying. And those that are prepared quickly, should be put in a cauldron a couple of minutes before the end of the cooking process risotto.

Now let's talk about the broth. The main stage of preparation of risotto is associated with it.

What is it better to do? Risotto classic is made with beef or chicken broth, but you can use fish or even vegetable. If you conceived a dish with seafood, then it is best to use ordinary filtered water. Some chefs even use bouillon cubes for cooking risotto and do not consider this something unworthy. But I would not recommend to use in cooking a wonderful dish "Risotto classic" so controversial component.

How to fill the broth? First, a third of the total volume of liquid flows into the dishes in which the risotto is brewed. When it is completely absorbed, it is necessary to gradually add small portions from a separate saucepan even more. By the way, this saucepan all the time should stand side by side on a low heat and be heated. Add the broth with a tablespoon only when the previous portion is completely absorbed. Leaving the plate for a long time does not follow. And do not forget to constantly mix rice. Focus on this expense: one and a half liters of liquid leaves for a pound of rice.

When the whole broth is absorbed, we can assume that 85-90% of the risotto is ready, and we have only to complete the last preparations. Turn off the fire under the pan, add grated cheese to it (although traditions require us to use the varieties of Parmigiano or Grana Padano, but you can use Dutch), cover the dish and leave it for several minutes. Protoshivsheesya risotto sprinkle with herbs - and you can serve it on the table.

We hope that after reading this material, you do not have any questions about how to properly prepare classic risotto. Now you know all the subtleties of cooking classic Italian dishes from rice.

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