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Causes and symptoms of depression in men

In modern society, a stereotype that men are the strong half of humanity has long ago developed. In the eyes of women, they tend to look physically strong and unshakable in the soul. However, psychoemotional balance is not always a characteristic feature of the male sex. Today, it is increasingly possible to observe symptoms of depression in men.

Why do men become depressed?

Often this problem is not talked about. Men are rarely ready to admit that they have been overcome by weakness or control over the situation is completely lost. Unable to regulate processes that once depend only on them, and stay afloat in a series of life troubles, they do not think that, most likely, they are overcome by depression. Symptoms in men often for a long enough time proceed in a latent form, without any visible manifestations.

According to psychologists, the problem lies in the male complexion, imposed by prejudices and stereotyped thinking. Well, who said that men should not cry? But nevertheless, at present it is almost impossible to meet a young man who knows how to genuinely show his feelings. Men are shy of emotions, tears, because for them this is a manifestation of weakness, and a real male must always be strong and unshakable, able to cope with any obstacles in his path. And if women at the slightest problem are ready to seek advice or help from specialists, then men do not even want to hear about the need for a meeting with a psychologist.

How to recognize a depressed state?

The main symptoms of depression in men are mainly manifested as follows:

  • Behavioral aggressiveness;
  • Isolation, lack of communicative contact with others;
  • The appearance of a tendency to excessive use of alcohol or drugs, which was not previously seen;
  • Addiction to gambling.

Such signs perform protective functions, they help a person in depression to forget about anxiety. However, to help cope with the problem and return to a full-fledged life of a man, indulging his "innovations", it is impossible in any case. This will only aggravate the difficult position of the individual. But also to be afraid of a depressive state also does not follow. Timely taking responsibility for the health of a family member and turning to a therapist, you can overcome a mental disorder in a short period of time and bring it back to the usual joyful life.

Stress as the beginning of depression

Repeated studies in this area were able to determine the factors that trigger the onset of the disorder. Depression in men (causes, symptoms and treatment deserve more detailed consideration later) arises from a variety of circumstances. The root causes of the development of the depressive state can vary considerably. This is because stressful situations have an uneven effect on a person's mental health.

For one, an event could serve as an impetus to the development of a severe form of the disease, and the other, even of special importance, will not add to what happened.

Causes of development of a depressive state

Among the basic levers of stress development specialists distinguish the following:

  • Dismissal from a high position, a reduction in wages, financial difficulties;
  • Constant failure when meeting with representatives of the weaker sex, the lack of serious relationships or personal life in general, divorce, regular disagreements with his wife;
  • Labor activity is associated with a constant expenditure of psychoemotional resources, requires extreme concentration or nervous tension;
  • Illnesses of loved ones, death of family members;
  • Receiving a psychotrauma, inability to achieve the goal;
  • Physical weakness, impotence (incl. And sexual);
  • Change of place of residence, moving to a new unfamiliar area;
  • Retirement, summing up for the past years.

The consequence of what would be depression, symptoms and treatment in men of this ailment requires the intervention of close, not indifferent people. In addition, it often happens that without obvious reasons a man falls into a depressed state. It turns out that once disturbed psycho-emotional balance will constantly remind of itself, expressing itself as a response to even minor stressful experiences.

Problems come from childhood

There is one more factor provoking the development of such a state as depression in men. Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease and its treatment largely depend on the hereditary predisposition. This fact has also scientific grounds: the researchers managed to confirm the risk of acquiring the disease in the family, where there is a tendency to experience.

Parents should be more attentive to their sons, in the behavior of which they noticed a low enough stress resistance. As a child, passing the path of becoming a personality, it is still possible to help correct the psycho-emotional background of a man. At a mature age, this is difficult to achieve.

Age-related depressive disorders in men

Often, the onset of depression has a significant connection with the age stage in which a man resides. In one or another age group, researchers found almost the same causes and symptoms of depression in men. It is also connected with public stereotypes that give men a whole list of roles and responsibilities. In accordance with this or that status and the position occupied in society, the threshold of male responsibility increases, and the representatives of the stronger sex begin to set themselves insurmountable tasks, which often leads to a crisis peak due to failures.

In adolescence

The first dangers threatening the emotional and mental background of men happen during puberty. Adulthood is associated in young men with the unknown in a new independent life, perhaps interesting, but certainly complicated. After all, soon you will have to leave your parents' home, take care of yourself, get money and create a family, where the man in it is assigned the role of chief, leader, defender.

One of the most common difficulties, characteristic for this age category, is admission to a higher educational institution, especially if it is located in another city. Moving and clashing with the first problems without a strong shoulder of the parents alongside often puts young men at a dead end. Often at the same age, there is a first love depression in men. Symptoms of this condition as a whole do not differ from the general signs of the disorder.

Depression of an adult male

The next and probably the most famous is the so-called "middle age crisis". This concept can be called conditional, since it has no exact relation to a specific age. Psychological difficulties in a mature man can occur in 40 years, and at 30. The fact that men this age period is estimated as an intermediate. Often they ask themselves: "Half a lifetime has passed, what's next? And what have I achieved? What do I have? Has it made enough effort to make it better? "It is quite possible that burdensome burdensome sensations arise. Most of the male representatives to this age appear material difficulties, problems of career growth, while on their shoulders is already responsible for well-being in the family.

How does postpartum depression appear in men?

The birth of children often introduces the stronger sex into a stupor. Psychologists gave this state a special name - postpartum depression in men. Symptoms of such a phenomenon are the following phenomena:

  • Emotional outbursts, expressed in scandals, reproaches and experiences.
  • Lack of desire to communicate with the baby, avoiding any contact with the child.
  • Immersion in work, constant delays after a hard day as an excuse not to rush home.
  • Broken, tired, irritable.
  • Apathetic reaction to everything that happens, a lack of desire to do something.
  • Insomnia, mental overwork.
  • Separateness and isolation in personal space.

This is a very dangerous phenomenon. Symptoms in men (how to get out of this state, professional psychologists will prompt) should be noticed first of all by the spouse, and she must necessarily take appropriate measures to overcome them. The task of the wife is to provide the husband with support, understanding and care, establishing harmonious and trusting relationships. Only then will he be able to acquire a new meaning for his existence and find the strength to continue the path of life.

Older depression in men

At retirement age, when the social importance of a man, as it seems to him, is under a huge question, the greatest danger arises of the development of a depressive state. Unnecessary and professional inadequacy due to lack of progressive skills in comparison with young specialists is supplemented by the thought that most of life has passed, only the end is ahead. In addition, the loss of relatives, friends and relatives affects the greater intensity of the experience.

Problems with health in old age contribute to worsening the already unhappy state. Many habitual actions become insurmountable in old age, it also pushes to a mental disorder.

The causes of the spring mental disorder

A very common phenomenon is spring depression in men. Symptoms of it do not indicate that a man rethinks his purpose, summing up certain life results. In general, they do not differ from the characteristics of a depressive mental disorder. Often men suffer from reduced mood, motor passivity, apathy.

Psychologists explain each potential cause of the spring spleen in men as follows:

  1. Seasonal avitaminosis. After the winter devastation of all the reserves of nutrients in the body, there is a lack of synthesis of neurotransmitters, which play an important role in maintaining the functioning of the nervous system. The absence of "solar" vitamin D can also affect the mood and cause symptoms of depression in men.
  2. The natural change of biorhythms, accompanying the arrival of spring, destabilizes the work of the nervous system.
  3. Climatic changes, manifested by differences in atmospheric pressure, increased solar activity and a sharp change in weather conditions, can also affect the state of nerve receptors.
  4. Accumulated over the winter oxygen starvation and inactive way of life worsen metabolic processes in the body, reducing the production of known "hormones of happiness" - endorphins.

Treatment of depression in men without tablets

To cope with male depression, you must first recognize the presence of a mental disorder. This form of the disease should not pass by the attention of specialists, and therefore, psychologists can not avoid the help.

First, the basis of effective treatment and rapid recovery is the sincerity between the patient and the doctor. It is extremely important that a man suffering from depression can accurately describe the symptoms of his disorder: the condition, fears, causes, duration of illness, etc.

Secondly, for today it is possible to note without difficulty the tendency to decrease the frequency of prescriptions of medicines for the treatment of male depression. On the contrary, experts recommend not resorting to antidepressant medications. The best and long-term solution to the problem will be cardinal changes in the habitual way of life. Which ones? Three councils of psychologists will help cure the male spleen, which arose against the backdrop of life's difficulties:

  1. Exercise, nutrition, sound sleep. Sport improves self-esteem, produces endorphins and serotonin, regulates metabolic processes and improves well-being. By including additional components in the daily menu, you can get exactly those missing substances, the lack of which could lead to the appearance of the disorder.
  2. Setting only achievable goals and tasks. Believe in yourself is easy, if success will accompany in any endeavors. For this you should not try to do the impossible, you need to believe in yourself and do what's on the shoulder.
  3. Active participation in family life. Family - these are the people who will support at any time. Positive emotions, joyful memories and wonderful dreams about the future will help to distract the man from internal unrest and re-tune to communicate with fellow people.

Combating depression in men is a responsible and difficult matter for women. The main thing is to act together and help each other in overcoming life's misfortunes.

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