
Candles with celandine: indications, instructions for use

Since ancient times, mankind has been using natural resources to cure various diseases. For its quality, the plant is prized. Therapeutic properties, contraindications, recipes for its preparation should be discussed with the doctor. Only a doctor who knows about your problem can recommend individual schemes and ways of using a herbal preparation. Remember that the use of traditional medicine does not give you the right to refuse medical appointments.

Candles with celandine

Suppositories for vaginal and rectal use, which include celandine, are manufactured by many trade companies. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription and are phytotherapeutic agents. You can mention such trade names:

  • Candles with celandine "K".
  • "Econika Purity".
  • "Girudoteks with celandine."
  • "Phytomax Celestial" and many others.

In the composition of the preparations there is not only the said plant, but also additional components (plant extracts). Read the instructions before use, paying special attention to the contraindications and the way of application.

Purity: medicinal properties and contraindications

Recipes for self-made medicines should be consulted by a doctor. You do not need to use the experience of your friends, as you can prepare a sufficiently dangerous medicine. Purity is a deciduous floral plant. It has long been valued for its medicinal qualities. Outwardly, the celandine resembles a small shrub with green oval leaves and yellow flowers. A distinctive feature of the plant is the yellowish juice produced when the stem is damaged. The healing properties of celandine can be reliably attributed:

  • Bactericidal;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Soothing;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Wound healing;
  • Antitumor;
  • Choleretic and diuretic.

In the herbal medicine contains at least 20 alkaloids, essential oils, vitamins, saponins, succinic and malic acids, antioxidants and flavonoids. Contraindicated the use of celandine and drugs on its basis to pregnant and lactating women, people with heart disease and low blood pressure, as well as children and hypersensitive patients.

If you want to make candles with celandine yourself, then strictly follow the dosages described by the doctor, since this plant is poisonous. Large doses of phytotherapy can provoke depression of the central nervous system, paralysis, malfunctioning of the heart and other unpleasant consequences. For self-production of suppositories, it is better to use plant extract. It is mixed with a fat base (paraffin or oils). Recall that the dosage of the active substance is always selected individually (depending on the disease). As an alternative to the extract, you can take a decoction made from dried celandine grass. This method of preparation is considered safer, since the patient receives less celandine.

The use of suppositories in gynecology

Vaginal candles with celandine are administered 1 piece before night sleep. The course of treatment lasts 20-30 days. This technique is used to treat ovarian cysts. It does not matter, functional education or not. Treatment continues during menstrual bleeding.

Candles with celandine in gynecology can be used for uterine myomas, inflammatory processes (adnexitis, endometritis, salpingitis), as well as for the treatment of bleeding of unknown origin. In each case, the dosage and schedule of use of suppositories is determined individually. Women are prescribed the administration of suppositories after the toilet of the genital organs at a dose of 1-3 times per day for 7-30 days. During the treatment of inflammatory and infectious processes, one should refrain from having sexual intercourse.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids and after its removal

Candles with celandine from hemorrhoids are often used in folk medicine. It is believed that this agent effectively disinfects bleeding varicose veins, relieves tenderness and inflammation, accelerates healing and enhances protective functions. With hemorrhoidal nodes located inside, candles are injected 1 piece per day. The scheme of use involves 10 days of treatment and 5 days of interruption. It is necessary to repeat 3 approaches, that is to use 30 suppositories per course.

Prescribed candles with celandine and after surgical treatment of hemorrhoids. In this case, they are combined with antibacterial drugs and venotonic drugs. The duration of restorative therapy is determined individually, it depends on the type of surgery and the severity of hemorrhoids.

Use of candles: other indications

In addition to gynecology and proctology, recommends the use of candles with celandine instructions for use under the following circumstances:

  • Pathology of the liver (the herbal remedy is a hepatoprotector);
  • Insufficient functioning of the gallbladder (for cholagogue effect);
  • Edema and constipation (candles contribute to the normalization of the stool and improve the outflow of urine);
  • Skin diseases (to accelerate the regeneration process).

Suppositories based on celandine act not only locally. Therefore, they have a wide scope of use. But always take care when treating this medication. Do not increase the dosage on your own, strictly follow the doctor's recommendations or instructions for use.


Candles with celandine, despite their natural and simple composition, are not as safe as they seem. The main and additional components of the drug can cause allergies. During treatment, patients may have a slight burning sensation immediately after the administration of the candle, but this is permissible. If there is an additional rash, swelling or itching, then you are allergic. Medication is able to strengthen the tone of the uterus. Therefore, the use of candles during pregnancy (even rectal administration) can cause a threat of interruption.


Suppositories based on celandine are an excellent remedy against many pathological processes. More often the drug is supplemented with other components that enhance the effectiveness of the drug. They enter the human body directly through the bloodstream and the lymphatic system, where they are absorbed from the vagina or rectum. The purifier passes the digestive tract and enzymes. Its action begins immediately after the introduction, since the candles dissolve very quickly under the influence of the temperature of the human body. Comments on the use of this tool are mostly positive. However, patients who remained satisfied with the therapy, used the drug as prescribed by the doctor, and did not engage in self-medication.

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