Sports and Fitness, Fishing
Catching pikeperch in the spring for spinning. How to catch a pike perch on a spinning rod?
Spring is the best time for spinning fans. A hungry predator, waking up after winter idleness, hunts almost round the clock, not missing anything that could be profit. Is not an exception and zander. This "river tiger" is activated immediately after the ice, trying to somehow gain strength before spawning.
Peculiarities of the spring behavior of zander
With the first warm days, the pike-perch comes out from the depths to smaller places. On the eve of spawning, which usually occurs in April-May, he is in a state of constant search for food and attacks everything that resembles his usual meal. That is why catching a pike perch in spring in spinning is in most cases effective and it attracts both beginners and seasoned anglers.
However, the period of the anteroposterior zhora lasts only 10-15 days, after which the predator practically ceases to feed and is exclusively concerned with the extension of the genus. At this time, the spring catch of pike perch ends. A new wave of his activity will come only with the beginning of summer, when the river tiger, after retreating from exhaustion, will again begin to hunt.
Where to search for pike perch in the spring?
If you managed not to miss this short period of the Sudchar zhora, begin his search by fishing shallow (up to 2 m) places of a pond with a slow or reverse current. But the pike perch does not stand still in anticipation of prey, as it happens in the summer. He constantly moves, ryaskaya throughout the area of the reservoir, then rising to the surface of the water and coming to the shore, then plunging deeper and moving away from it.
Yes, and do not think that you attacked the parking lot, catching one specimen: pike perch is not a schooling fish, and it will not stand in one place, especially in the spring. Catching pikeperch in the spring for spinning involves an active search for it. Often have to look good before you collect a decent catch.
By the way, you can pay attention to flocks of hunting perch. This is a reliable indicator of the presence in a certain place of the fry. "Boiling" water signals that the perch feed here. Sudak, who is his neighbor in the hunt, is likely to be near.
The best time for fishing
Fishing for pike perch in spring is most effective in the morning and evening hours. And if in the evening the activity of the predator increases with sunset, which is not very convenient for spinning, then with its first rays, the fishing efficiency is quite high.
You have to start fishing with the sunrise, at this time the predator is the most hungry and will not miss anything that resembles a fish, the more wounded in appearance. Such lure for pike perch during this period act as a drug. The sight of blood excites him so much that he can not resist the instinct.
In the evening, however, the pikeperch is more calm and reserved, although it does not feel much fear. During these hours, he often approaches the shore, freezing for a while on the spot in anticipation of prey.
Spinning rod
You can catch pike-perch on a spinning spring both from the shore and from the boat. In the first case, you need a rod of a superfast or fast structure with a length of 2.4-3 m. Only with the help of this form can you make a sharp cut and punch its hard jaw. The test of the rod is selected depending on the type and weight of the bait.
Catching a pike perch in spring on a spinning boat requires the use of a short (up to 2.4 m) blank. All the requirements concerning the building and the test are the same.
Spinning reel and fishing line
It is better to use the reel without inertia, with a reliable friction brake, preferably an anterior one. The size is 2000-2500. Preference should be given to branded models, regardless of the number of bearings.
As for the line, it is better to use a braid. It is more reliable, besides it does not stretch. Diameter - no more than 0,25 mm. If, nevertheless, you prefer monofilament, then it is not recommended to apply a fishing line thinner than 0.3: the pike perch when fishing is capable of giving serious resistance.
The use of a leash is optional, although some anglers do not hunt without it. Maybe it's right: if you suddenly accidentally get a pike, you can stay without a snap.
Accessories for pike perch
Considering that pike perch is not a fan of the clean bottom, but prefers stones and snags, it is rather problematic to get it from there with standard equipment because of the high probability of hooks. For fishing in such places, savage fishers have come up with an alternative rig that can pass almost any obstacle. It is called a "branch lead". Its essence lies in the fact that the leash with the bait is attached not to the end of the main line, as usual, but perpendicular to it.
It is not difficult to make such a tooling. To do this, you need a piece of monofilament fishing line (0.2 mm) about a meter long (for a leash), a swivel-tee and a weight of 6-20 g, depending on the features of the bottom and the strength of the flow. From the end of the main line you need to cut a piece about 30 cm long. We attach the weight to one edge of it, and to the other - one of the vertical ears of the swivel. The main line is attached to the opposite vertical ear. Leave the same tied to a horizontal tap swivel. As a result, we should get a rig that consists of a main line with a load at the end and a horizontal branch (leash) with a bait located at a height of 30 cm from the sinker. Such a design will allow the trapping of risky places with a minimal risk of breakage of tackle.
Lures for pikeperch
As for baits, for pike perch at any time of the year there remain relevant:
- Porcelona of the most various kinds and colors;
- Twisters;
- Vibrotails;
- Wobblers.
Do not become redundant in your arsenal of baits and a few classic shovels or antero-rotated spinners. But still, preference should be given to jig baits. The active zander best perceives nozzles of red, yellow and orange colors. During periods of decreased activity, baits of brown and gray color are more suitable.
The technique of spindling fishing of zander
The type of spinning wiring is selected based on the type of bait selected. For oscillating and rotating lures, as well as most wobblers, the best wiring, especially for a beginner spinner, will be uniform. Its principle is to slowly reel the fishing line with the same intensity. Sometimes it is supplemented by short pauses to immerse the bait. This wiring is more suitable for lures: for both rotating and oscillating.
But still the best is caught pike perch on a jig. This type of wiring involves alternating fast rewind with pauses in 2-3 seconds. The bait when jigging that takes off during the breakthrough, then smoothly sinks to the bottom during a pause. Active jig zander always reacts the same way, responding to the insolent behavior of a potential victim by an attack. Jig wiring is suitable for various silicones, as well as for wobblers.
Catching of perch in spring on the spinning on rivers with intensive currents can be carried out in demolition. To do this, cast, wait until the bait falls to the bottom, and then slowly release the line, controlling the tension. It is necessary to rewind it only with the formation of slack. The current along the arc slowly demolishes the bait under the shore, where it is often expected by a predator. For this wiring, for the most part, foam rubber, twister and vibrotail are used.
Spring catch of pike perch on the balancer
Although the balancer is considered a winter bait, it is successfully used to hunt for the "river tiger" in the spring. In places where spinning fishing is hampered by the presence of a buckwheat or abundant vegetation, a good alternative to it will be catching a plumb. To do this, you need a boat and a small (up to 60 cm) side fishing rod. As for the rod itself, its design does not play a special role in this kind of fishing. It is important that it is reliable, and also has a coil (better inertia) for winding the line. The requirements for the line are the same as for spinning.
When choosing a balancer, you should not give preference to large baits. In our case, the less, the better. The technique of vertical flashing involves lowering the bait to the bottom in a free fall and its slow rise, during which the balancer plays, deviating from the vertical axis by 10-20 degrees.
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