Automobiles, Classic
Car battery "Rocket": reviews and features
The first really high-quality Korean batteries appeared in 1952. Most of the technology and experience was borrowed in Japan, which in this regard was more advanced. The Koreans built the Global Battery plant and launched a full production cycle for the production of batteries for light and heavy equipment. If you look at the feedback on the "Rocket" battery, then you can get confused. After all, some talk about a decent quality and price, while other motorists were extremely unhappy.
Appearance in the world market
The Global Battery plant is big enough, and it employs not one thousand Koreans, but nevertheless, in order to bring products to the world market, it was necessary to try hard. To begin with, the so-called Central Battery Technology Institute (TsIAT) was built. The main developments and experiments were carried out in this building.
After the appearance of CIAAT, Koreans obtained the necessary certificates, which allowed them to sell their batteries around the world, including in Russia. Currently, the company distributes its products in 140 countries around the world. And as an original component "Rocket" is installed on the "Deu", "Volkswagen", "Kia" and other cars. This, to say the least, indicates that such AKBs are profitable. After all, their service life is above average, and the price is more than affordable, as many reviews say. The "Rocket" battery is the optimal "price / quality" ratio.
Briefly about the characteristics
To successfully develop in a highly competitive environment, it is necessary to offer the consumer something that others can not. But it is quite difficult to realize this. That's why you need to try to maximize your range, so that the buyer, in any scenario, finds what he is looking for. In this regard, the Koreans have no problems, because they offer the buyer the following:
- A large number of battery sizes;
- A wide range of capacities (44-230 Ah);
- Various modifications (maintenance-free, low-maintenance) batteries.
As for such an important characteristic as the starting current, then the Koreans do not stand out among the general mass, but they are not outsiders either. A battery with a capacity of 65 Ah for Asia and for Europe has the same starting current equal to 580 A. This is not much and not enough, it is enough to start the car even in severe frost.
Accumulator car "Rocket": consumer reviews
As already noted above, the opinions of motorists about this battery are divided. Consequently, the feedback is mixed, and therefore it is difficult to draw conclusions.
Nevertheless, many are extremely satisfied with the battery. Often there are advantages such as a long service life, a sealed high-strength sealed case, sufficient starting current, etc. If you take into account the price tag that is below the average level, which, by the way, is often emphasized, it is simply excellent battery. This is also agreed with the ordinary motorists, who purchased the battery "Rocket". Korea, according to reviews, in recent years significantly tightened the quality of its products, so the battery is sold very well in Russia. But we need to understand that no one canceled the production marriage, therefore some cases of a malfunction of a new battery still occur, albeit rarely.
It is necessary to know
One of the most important details, which, unfortunately, very few people pay attention to - the shelf life of the battery. The fact is that if the battery costs a new one in a warehouse, then this does not mean its performance. Over time, the active element loses its characteristics and begins to crumble. The battery will work, but it will not be possible to achieve the declared capacitance. Therefore, it is highly recommended to check the year and month of issue before purchasing. If the battery is older than 3 years, then it is better to pass it by.
The Korean car battery has a very unusual marking of the year, month and day of release. Therefore, it is necessary to dwell on this issue in more detail. For example, on the battery case we see the following marking: KJ5K16. The first two letters are not taken into account, since they indicate the city in which the battery is produced. Five means that the product is 2015. Next is K - the month of production. To count it is necessary in alphabetical order from A to L. It turns out, in our case this is November, accordingly, the 16th number. Such a battery can be bought, because from the time it was released it took 2 years, which is not a critical mark. In general, nothing complicated, but you should always check, so that later there are no claims to the manufacturer.
Charge or not?
Many car owners believe that if the battery is maintenance-free, it can not be recharged. But this is not so. After all, if there are any problems with the starter or the belt drive of the generator and you plant a new battery, then do not throw it away. That's why you can charge non-serviced batteries "Rocket", and any others, you can. But here you need to know some of the nuances, because if you do not follow simple rules, you can ruin the AKB.
The main condition is low current. Usually the less, the better. It is advisable to put on the charger about 3-4 A and leave the battery at night. Please note that in no case should you try to remove the battery cover in order to unscrew the cans. All the same, you will not succeed, and the integrity will be already broken. The design of the cover is such that all gases exit through a special tap, and the condensate formed drains back. If the battery Rocket is still alive, then when charging for 8 hours at a current of 3-4 A you fully replenish the energy reserve and will be able to set off.
Modern technologies
As already noted above, most of the technology was borrowed from the already experienced at that time, the Japanese. It is possible that this factor played a decisive role during the development of the Korean company. But the essence, in fact, not in this. The main thing that we managed to achieve good results is the multiple positive responses of the owners. The battery "Rocket" boasts a "pulled" technology for making plates. And this solution significantly extends the life of the product. Such a battery is less afraid of a deep discharge and does not lose its capacity at the same time.
The used method of plate packing and placement of stiffeners allowed to achieve high strength. Consequently, the vibration is not so terrible AKB "Rocket". In general, an excellent battery. That only there is a cover with a labyrinth system. The gases come out, and the water returns back to the cans, all in a sealed enclosure. Carried out testing showed that the car batteries "Rocket" stably behave at high temperatures and provide sufficient starting current at low.
Several features
Currently, many manufacturers have almost completely switched to the release of unattended batteries. These are such batteries, which are installed, and after 3-5 years of operation they are simply disposed of. During the entire battery life, you do not need to add water. But there is a "Rocket" and low-maintenance battery. These are batteries that require periodic refilling of the distillate. In the summer season, it is desirable to check the level more often, since at high temperatures the liquid evaporates.
SM-series is good in that the Koreans managed to significantly reduce the amount of gases that are formed during the chemical reaction in the battery. On the body of the battery has a special indicator that shows the current level of charging. Therefore, you can always monitor this parameter and recharge the battery in time.
A little about the prices
As for the cost, it is more than acceptable. For example, a European battery for 40 Ah will cost about 3,000 rubles. In this case, the battery has a direct polarity and 340 A of the starting current. Very much even it is quite good for such money. Although it is impossible to call this option the most budgetary one. But if you take into account that the battery for 65 Ah costs only 3,700, it's not even very expensive. Again, in many stores there is a constant discount, if you hand over your old battery with a surcharge for a new one, so you can additionally save up to 1 000 rubles.
The battery "Rocket", the characteristics of which we have already considered, without any doubt, worthy of attention. This is a relatively inexpensive battery and a fairly high quality, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of motorists.
Let's sum up the results
There is a given AKB has one big disadvantage, which is its service life. On the web about this there are reviews. The "Rocket" battery usually lasts no more than 3 years, although the manufacturer claims about 5 years. Nevertheless, for 3 years you do not have to worry about that the car will not start in a severe frost.
Although on the other hand, there are motorists who have Korean batteries for 5-7 years. It is likely that much depends on the technical condition of the car and operating conditions. Still, if we talk about whether it is worth taking the battery "Rocket", the reviews tend to what you need to try, because the price tag is not that big. Nevertheless, "Rocket" earned a name for itself not just for that, but for its quality. Therefore, it is worth trying to put such a battery on your car, however, you need to carefully choose a capacity that would be enough for your car. That's all you can tell about the Korean battery "Rocket".
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