Food and drinkDessert

Caloric content of panacotta and its preparation at home

If we talk about Italian cuisine, then we can say that it is soaked in the sun! And only in Italy food and sun so harmoniously combined with each other.

History and modernity

Acquaintance with desserts of Italian cuisine is best to begin with panna cotta.

The recipe for this dessert is the oldest of all and it began its existence even in the Roman Empire. However, in those days it was more like milk jelly than dessert. Well, there were no refrigerators in those years! In the modern world panna cotta has become popular in the US thanks to emigrants from Italy who can not live without their favorite dessert. Even the famous Al Capone has tender feelings for the panna cotta, according to him, she reminds him of the house.

Panna cotta

Most fans of desserts can be conditionally divided into 2 categories:

1) lovers of tiramisu;

2) the worshipers of panna-cotta.

Initially, the panna cotta was prepared exclusively from dairy products without the addition of sugar. Sugar in those distant ancient times was too expensive, and not everyone could afford it. Since the caloric content of Panakota in 100 g is 298 kcal, ladies can rarely treat themselves to such a dessert. But sometimes it's so desirable to arrange a royal dinner, and without panna-cottages it is impossible to imagine. So forget for a while about your figure and feel the taste of royal Italian dessert.

Now, confectioners are experimenting with recipes. The panna-cotta did not remain unchanged. Nowadays, the calorie content of Panakota is sufficiently minimized. Lovely ladies, do not think about scales and safely enjoy the taste of dairy dessert!

Panacota at home

Not each of us can afford to enjoy this dessert in a restaurant or cafe. And sometimes you want to cook something with your own hands. No wonder people say that everything, what is prepared for themselves and themselves in the kitchen, is always tastier. For those who want to show their culinary skills, the following recipe is suggested:

- sugar - 50 g;

- vanillin (added to taste);

- 35% cream - 500 ml;

- sheet gelatin - 4 g.

Mixed in a saucepan of cream, vanillin and sugar must be brought to a boil. After that, you need to reduce the heat and cook this mass for 3-5 minutes. Do not forget about the constant stirring, since the cream can burn, and this taste of burning can not be eliminated!

Gelatin should be soaked according to the instructions that are written on the package. After it is completely soaked, it must be wrung out and put in our creamy hot mixture. After that, thoroughly and quickly mix to gelatin completely dissolved in this mass.

Every housewife in the kitchen should have a form, no matter what. For example, you can use silicone. There is no need to lubricate them. The prepared mixture should be poured into molds, then put them into the refrigerator for 8 hours. It will be ideal if they stay there all night. In the morning it is necessary to save our gentle panna-cotta from the form. For this we need a shallow container with hot water and a plate, where we finally put our dessert. First we dip the mold from the panna-cotta into a container of water, then turn it over to a plate. Due to the high temperature our dessert will quickly leave its "house" and will be in the center of the plate. Here, in fact, that's all. You can decorate a dessert according to your taste and imagination.

The photo shows Panacota, cooked at home.

If you do everything right, paradise pleasure is guaranteed. As you can see, the calorie content of panakaty is quite high for this recipe, so do not get too carried away if you care about your figure.

Classics of the genre

Classical Panakota differs from the above only by the form of submission. It is cooked the same way, but before serving, it is watered with a chocolate or fruit sauce, decorated with fresh berries of raspberries, blueberries or strawberries. And all this beauty is supplemented with mint leaves. Although this dessert and without sauces is very tasty and satisfying.

Let's share another unusual recipe for panna-cottages. When people hear the phrase "coconut panacota", then in their view they see this dessert abundantly sprinkled with coconut shavings. But in fact there is no chip. Ask where the coconut comes from? It's all about one ingredient - coconut milk.

To create such a dessert we use the same recipe for cooking panna cotta at home, only to cream, sugar and vanilla add 300 ml of coconut milk. Since the amount of our main mass at the expense of the secret ingredient has increased, do not forget to double the amount of gelatin and sugar.

Well, if you are a fan of coconut taste, then you can sprinkle a ready-made panna-cat with a small amount of coconut shavings.

A little secret

To reduce the calorie content of panacottes, it is necessary to use not very fatty cream. The taste of this, of course, will change, but your figure after using this dessert will remain unchanged.

Do not be afraid to experiment in the kitchen! Cook with pleasure for yourself and your loved ones!

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