
Calery flowers: description, photo, cultivation, reproduction

For the sake of pleasure, admiration and beauty, we are all actively bred indoor flowers in our apartments and houses. Kaleria is a real exotic plant, which appeared relatively recently. Its main advantage is a bright, long and lush bloom. However, the emerald-green, pubescent leaves with filiform edges look also very attractive. The Colombian beauty is able to decorate any interior, requiring at the same time a minimum of care. We will tell you about the features of the plant, the rules of its growing and the ways of reproduction.

Description of the genus Kaleria

Approximately twenty-eight species belong to the genus belonging to the family of Gessneriae. A characteristic feature of plants of this group is located opposite, the pubescent leaves of a saturated, dark green color. The natural habitat covers the tropical regions of South America, mainly Colombia, where this flower reaches 60 cm in height. The main reason why the plant became popular in indoor culture is the original flowers. Kaleria forms them practically throughout the year with small interruptions. In form they resemble modified bells with an elongated corolla, ending with five wide petals. Color is varied: from pale pink to saturated brown, with blotches. In the room conditions, as a rule, hybrids with a long flowering period are grown.

Types of Calery

If you want to grow a spectacular, unpretentious and rare plant, then let it be kaleria. Care of it is elementary simple, and flowering is great. Before buying, be sure to specify exactly which kind you purchase, because this may affect some of the features of its cultivation. In indoor culture, several hybrids are common, among which are the following:

  • Bogolica is a plant that reaches 60 cm in height in nature. It has characteristic pubescent shoots and dark green leaves with villi of a reddish hue. Flowers are single or paired, drooping. The corolla is red with spots and stripes, and inside it is colored yellow.
  • Calery is pleasant - green shoots grow to 60 cm, often have white, long villi. The leaves are saturated green with noticeable silvery or reddish venation. The arrangement of flowers is axillary, the shade is pink with purple spots, and inside it is yellow.
  • Fuchsia is a fisheye color - the name is associated with the similarity of the appearance of the flowers. White corolla (up to 3 cm), to the upper part passing into a light pink color, zev - green with purple blotches.

Lighting and air temperature

Since caleria (photo) grows in the lower tiers of moist, topical forests, there is no need for too bright light.

Moreover, from direct sunlight it must be protected by putting a pot on a site with scattered lighting. The western or eastern windows are best for this. The plant is thermophilic, however, has a pronounced period of rest, so in the winter months it is necessary to provide it with air temperature in the range of 16-18 ° C, and in the rest of the year during the year not lower than 23-25 ° C. In general, Kalery is unpretentious and staunchly tolerates the conditions of urban apartments. During the rest period, the leaves, as a rule, do not reset, so the level of illumination should remain the same.

Choice of pot and soil

The soil for indoor plants of various types is sold in all flower shops, so you can easily use the already prepared substrate. A special option for kalery can hardly be found, however, one can safely take the soil intended for senpolia, gloxinium. If possible, you can prepare it yourself. For this, experts recommend taking two pieces of leaf land and one peat soil and sand. Do not forget about the good drainage layer. The transplant is carried out annually in updated soil, dividing into several parts too much rhizome.

The plant has a dense root, which most often it is propagated. It is on the size of this body that the choice of the pot depends. Too big it should not be, otherwise the plant will direct all the forces on the development of the root system. The optimum option is not a deep, but wide pot about 15 cm in diameter. Material - ceramic or plastic. Pottery is preferable for the reason that the moisture from it evaporates more slowly, and the roots do not overheat so much. If you plan to place flowers on the window, then the ceramic pot will add stability.

Watering and humidity

It's not a secret that the moisture index in the tropics reaches 90% and this affects the physiology of plants and animals.

It is impossible not to take this factor into account when growing exotic species in room conditions. Kaleria needs high humidity. This can be achieved by using a pallet with wet sand or expanded clay. Spray the plant specialists do not recommend because of the heavily pubescent leaves, which can rot. Do not place flowers on the window under which the radiators are located - too dry air for the plant is fatal. Watering should be abundant. Maintain the soil in a constant wet state, but without stagnation of water and its entry onto the leaf blade. Water the plants from the pallet. The first signs, indicating a lack of moisture, will become yellowed and wrinkled leaves, as well as the appearance of spotting on them.

In the spring-summer period, watering indoor plants should be combined with the introduction of complex mineral and organic fertilizers, and kalery in this matter is no exception. When choosing preparations for flowering species (azaleas, senpolia, etc.), strictly follow the instructions and observe the dosage indicated on the package.

Methods of reproduction

Absolute unpretentiousness of caleria is confirmed by the fact that in the room conditions three methods of its reproduction are available. This is a rare occurrence for exotic tropical flora. A new specimen can be obtained from seeds, cuttings or by dividing the parent rhizome. The optimal time for sowing is January-February. The seeds of the plant are very small, so they are not embedded in the ground, but evenly distributed over a moistened surface and covered with glass. Place the dishes in a warm and bright place. Seedlings will appear in 2-2.5 weeks, and they can be dived only after the appearance of a pair of real leaves. In this way, a rare hybrid kaleria can be obtained.

Reproduction by the division of rhizomes is much easier, and the success rate of the enterprise is higher. In spring, divide the maternal specimen with a previously disinfected sharp knife. Slice with charcoal and allow to dry slightly. The rhizome is planted in a prepared substrate to a depth of 1.5 cm and periodically watered.

Cuttings can be carried out throughout the year. To do this, cut off the tip of the shoot with a sharp knife and root it in water or immediately in the ground. After a new pair of leaves grow on a young plant, the tip should be pinched - this stimulates the growth of lateral branches.

Diseases and pests

The main cause of the disease and the appearance of pests is the wrong care, which receives flowers. Kaleria is most often affected by aphids and spider mites (pictured). They literally suck out all the juices from dense leaves and buds, which as a result are twisted and deformed. With a low air temperature in the room and its high humidity, ideal conditions for the development of bacterial and fungal diseases, in particular, powdery mildew and various rot, are created. For the prevention and treatment of plants, perform periodic treatments with fungicidal and insecticidal preparations.

The main problems in growing

  • The appearance of brown spots on the leaves is associated with the use of cold water for irrigation.
  • Yellowing of the leaf blade is associated with exposure to direct sunlight, too dry or excessively moist air, a surplus of fertilizers.
  • If buds and flowers fall, the caleria needs to be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers or the tuber is damaged.
  • The appearance on the leaves and flowers of gray plaque indicates the development of rot or powdery mildew. Affected areas should be removed, put the plant in quarantine and treated with a fungicide.
  • Dropping of leaves occurs as a result of exposure to a flower of dry air.
  • Extension of the plant, the pallor of shoots and their bareness indicate a lack of light.

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