Spiritual developmentMystic

What is astral

Many spiritual practices in one way or another affect the notion of "astral". Representations about him can be very different. Numerous books, articles, people who wrote them, can mean completely different things under this state. Therefore, it is not easy to explain to an uninitiated person what an astral is really like. If you adhere to the most common version, then this is an altered state of consciousness, in which the spirit can freely travel. The human body remains in place.

What is astral: difference from conscious sleep

There are many misconceptions about this term. The reason for this is his long-standing origin and several times distorted meaning. Many confuse the astral with so-called lucid dreaming, not seeing a difference between them. And yet the boundary between them is essential. Mainly because the astral allows you to go beyond the physical body and find yourself in an intangible world. While actions in dreams, regardless of the degree of awareness of what is happening, occur only in our head.

In fact, the brain recreates certain situations, people and beings that may seem very real. But all of them are a kind of projection of the subconscious. You can compare them with sets of pixels in a computer game, which are perceived by full-fledged characters, but they are not. Nevertheless, lucid dreaming can be used as a starting point for immersion in deeper levels of the subconscious and subsequently - for reaching the astral plane.

It should be understood that the terminology in this case is a very fragile thing. The boundaries between what an astral is and what it is not at all are often too blurred. Sometimes it is difficult to separate one from another. The complexity of the phenomenon and the insufficient development of science in this direction do not allow us to study it thoroughly. After reading several books on the relevant topics, each person usually makes up his own, individual opinion about what an astral is.

Everyone must have heard about Buddhist monks who go into solitude to practice self-knowledge far from worldly vanity. Meditation is an obligatory element of this religion. And she is one of the keys to achieving an altered state of consciousness. But this is not the only way to get into the astral plane.

Methods for reaching the astral:

When you fall asleep

You can try to reach the desired state bypass, through sleep. An important condition here is the complete relaxation of the body. Lying and preparing for sleep, we imagine any familiar room. Let it be a room, the situation of which is well known to you. Then the brain will not have to think out anything, and the details will be dorisovyvatsya themselves. Next, you need to imagine how you walk around this room, constantly looking to change the focus point. It is important not to stop and not stay anywhere.

Over time, if you hold the picture in the imagination, it begins to live its own life. The colors become brighter, the details are clearer and more detailed, the depth appears. There may be a twitching. This order distracts from the process and brings it to nothing. To prevent this from happening, one must keep passivity in mind. And when the right moment comes - the room will appear absolutely real before the eyes - you need to act immediately. At the same time, the thought process must remain at a minimum. Approximately so, instinctively, people act in extreme situations.

Focus on what's going on helps the imagination of the sound accompanying your movement around the room. For example, you can imagine that a can is attached to the leg, which thunders at every step. Or listen to the sound of your steps, breathing, etc. If at the last moment, shuddering, wake up - try again until you find yourself in a conscious dream. It is possible to get from here to the astral through the door, causing indefinite excitement and a sense of suspense. You can also find an empty hole in the floor and jump into it.

Extreme mode

You should be aware that not all ways to enter the astral are safe. There are also some that are best not to practice without proper preparation, or even abandon them altogether. For example, an emergency method with pressure on the solar / cardiac plexus. In this case, the person lies down and quickly, deeply breathes, until the sight becomes obscured. When this happens, you need to stop breathing, making the last exhalation. You can perform further actions yourself, but for some reason it will be better if another person helps.

He must strongly press on the solar or cardiac plexus lying. It is important not to miss a dangerous moment, because there is a serious risk of cardiac arrest. If this happens, and the heartbeat is not restored within three minutes, you should immediately pass to first aid: do heart massage and artificial respiration. Because of its danger, this method is one of the most undesirable.

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