Business, Agriculture
Breeding fish at home is an interesting and profitable business.
In our economically difficult time, many are trying to find alternative sources of income. And if you are one of them, you may be interested in own fish industry.
With it start?
Breeding fish in the home at first glance is not an easy task. But this is only at first glance: of course, there are some nuances here, but, having overcome the first difficulties, you will understand that everything is not so complicated. Of course, this project requires a free space, not necessarily very large. Depending on how many pets you are going to settle in a pond, calculate its area and depth. You will also have to buy fry. If there is no such possibility, then you can independently catch several individuals during the spawning period. Just remember that in this case, the final stage of cultivation will take a little longer. And more, the water temperature in your pond should be exactly the same as in the natural one. Otherwise, the fish will die.
Which breed should I prefer?
Do not know which fry to start? Before organizing the breeding of fish at home, carefully familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of life of the species that you would like to see in your pond, and later on the table. If you do not want to seriously bother with this matter, then preference should be given to carp, carrage, carp, bream, line.
Features of each type
Lin - a very shy fish, so if the choice fell on this breed, then take care in advance of a safe shelter for pets. Lay out of a stone and branches a house where the fish can hide. And if the conditions of detention are met, then in the year the fish will weigh about two hundred grams. Do you think that the line grows very slowly? Pay attention to the carp. In practice, it was found that breeding fish at home becomes more effective if you start carp or carp in a pond. They grow much faster, and in care are unpretentious. These representatives of carp feed almost all: algae, insects, porridge, earthworms. This is their favorite food.
Some nuances
It is necessary to pay attention to this fact. All-the-year-round cultivation in own dug ponds makes sense only when you have the opportunity to leave the fish for the winter hut. For this, the pond must be deep enough, otherwise the water will freeze to the bottom in severe frosts and the water inhabitants will die. If the conditions of the maintenance do not correspond to the optimal conditions, release the fish into the pond for cultivation for the warm season: April-November.
Features of feeding
Of course, in order for a fish to gain weight faster, it should eat well. And for this, the temperature in the pond must be high enough. It is desirable to feed the fish at the same time, then the carp and crucian carp will wait for you at the appointed time. As feed, let's steal grain, small insects, worms. If the funds permit, you can buy ready-made fish mixtures.
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