
Bees: bee breeds, description, characteristics, beekeeping products

Species of bees (Apoidea) there is simply a huge amount. Only in the European part of the former USSR there are more than a thousand. But, of course, only one species is of interest to a person - the honey bee (Apis mellifera).

Selected the most productive insects and bred them people for a long time. The result was the emergence of a large number of different breeds of honey bees. Each of them is expedient for breeding in a certain area with appropriate climatic conditions.

A bit of history: the very first breeds of bees and their characteristics

Homeland of these Hymenoptera insects are the Middle East, Europe and Africa. On the settling of bees in other parts of the world, the man had practically no influence. First of all, such factors as climate change, fauna and flora became the defining factors. As a result of evolutionary selection - with time, naturally - several primitive bee species appeared. Modern beekeepers call them races. Each such group served as a starting point for the creation of maximally productive domesticated breeds. "Attachment" to a given specific locality - this is how insects such as bees are characterized in the first place. Breeds, the reviews about which are the best, usually zoned. In most cases, even the name of the variety occurs precisely from the locality in which it was bred. Being transported, any factory family, most likely, will lose in productivity.

What breeds are bred in Russia

In our country, beekeeping has also been engaged for a long time. And consequently, there are many varieties of "toilers", bred on apiaries. Here are the most popular bee breeds in Russia:

  • Mountain caucasus;

  • Krajnskaya;

  • Bacfast;

  • Carpathian;

  • Ukrainian;

  • Steppe;

  • Middle Russian.

Representatives of all these varieties are very productive and prolific bees. Breeds of bees can differ in different ways. On what, and we will consider further.

On what grounds can one be distinguished from one breed to another

Actually, bees call the insects of the family Hymenoptera with a sharp sting and a golden belly, covered with black strips. Thus one breed from another can be distinguished on the following grounds:

  • The length of the proboscis;

  • Weight and dimensions;

  • Peculiarities of coloring;

  • Acrimoniousness;

  • Rooliness;

  • Resistance to disease.

Central Russian bee: general description

This breed is bred in Russia everywhere. It is also popular in Siberia. He brought her here in 1792 from Bashkiria, Colonel NF Arsenevsky. After this, these bees gradually began to settle throughout Siberia. Over the past centuries, the appearance of the Bashkir variety has not changed at all. The Central Russian bee breed has the following characteristic features:

  • Proboscis long 5.9-6.4 mm;

  • Very large (one-day bee weighs about 110 g);

  • Dark color - from black to rich gray, without yellowness;

  • Quick reaction to external stimuli and sarcasm;

  • Propensity to swarming;

  • Resistance to disease and endurance.

Advantages of the Central Russian bee

By now, this breed is considered to be the most productive in our country. For the voyage the Central Russian bee can bring just a huge amount of honey. This breed, for example, owns a record collection from cyprus - 328 kg per year from the family.

The ability to completely painlessly endure a 7-8 month-long, non-staged wintering period is another advantage that these bees are notable for. The breeds of bees, as already mentioned, migrate on their own very rarely. This does not apply to Central Russian. This is one of the rare breeds that can spread over large areas without human intervention.

Unfortunately, today beekeepers do not give too much attention to the Central Russian bee. And completely in vain. This is actually the best breed of bees in Russia. Its high productivity, insensitivity to diseases, endurance - all this can make the apiary much more profitable than with the breeding of southern varieties.

Ukrainian steppe: description

How exactly this breed appeared is still unknown to anyone. Some researchers believe that the Ukrainian steppe bee is only a southern branch of the Central Russian. Others suggest that she is a relative of the Carpathian or Krajna. But, whatever it is, the Ukrainian steppe is so much different from any other species of bees, both in appearance and behavior, which can easily be isolated in a particular breed. This was done in 1929 by the scientist A. S. Skorikov.

The main distinctive features of the Ukrainian steppe are:

  • Proboscis with a length of 6.34-6.64 cm;

  • Quite a lot of weight (105 g);

  • Dark gray color without yellowness;

  • Not too high degree of anger;

  • Small inclination to swarming;

  • Resistance to diseases and insensitivity to low temperatures.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Ukrainian steppe bee

The advantages of this breed, in addition to endurance, include high productivity and activity in protecting their nests from the theft of honey by other insects. Fecundity, an easy way out of the pre-condition, a tendency to maintain an ideal purity in the hive is what distinguishes Ukrainian steppe bees. Breeds of bees are distinguished according to the conditions of honey collection. The Ukrainian steppe in this respect is inferior to some other species. Its disadvantages include, first of all, that it is able to collect nectar only from plants with a high sugar content (from 18%).

Carpathian bee: signs of the breed

This variety is also characterized by a whole complex of valuable economic and biological characteristics. A systematic study of it began in 1966 on the initiative of the professor of the Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev G. A. Avtisyan. The Carpathian breed of bees is characterized by the following main features:

  • Very long proboscis 6.3-7 m;

  • Large sizes (up to 110 g);

  • Gray abdomen;

  • Peaceableness;

  • Not too high propensity to swarming;

  • Relative resistance to diseases and insensitivity to low temperatures.

Carpathian bees in an earlier age than other breeds begin to collect nectar. Honey these insects print in a "dry" way.

Some time ago, beekeepers-breeders were brought out a special breed type of Carpathian bee - Moscow. The weight of one-day individuals of this group can reach 120 g. The color of the Moscow bee colour is light silvery.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Carpathian breed

The advantages of bees living in the foothills of the Carpathians include high productivity, endurance and peaceful nature. Unlike many others, this breed is able to collect a large amount of honey, even from plants with a low sugar content. The disadvantages of this bee are the propensity to steal, a reduced production of propolis and an indifferent attitude to wax moths. And yet, because of its high productivity, the Carpathian and Moscow are very popular breeds of bees in Russia.

Krajinsky bees

This species was formed in the foothills of the Alps. It was from her later Carpathian bee went. In its climatic zones this breed is of special economic value. Its main distinguishing features are:

  • Not too long proboscis (6.9 mm);

  • Rather large weight (up to 110 g);

  • Gray with silvery tint, black or brownish color of abdomen;

  • Peaceful nature;

  • Rather high propensity to swarming;

  • Winter hardiness and resistance to diseases.

Among other things, the breed is characterized by early spring development. Collecting nectar these bees are able to height up to 1500 meters above sea level.

Pros and cons of the Krajina bee

The advantages of this breed include high activity on strong honey, the ability to quickly switch from the worst to the best plants, the adaptability to severe weather conditions, the economical consumption of feed supplies in winter. The main drawback of the Carpathian breed, in addition to the propensity for swarming, is considered a weak protection of the nest from theft.

Features of breed bakfast

Species of bees, the description of which was given above, can be bred almost in any regions of the country. Buckfast is a productive, but not too frostproof. Therefore, it is suitable for breeding mainly in the southern climatic zones. This hybrid was introduced in the 1920s by the monk Karl Kerkhle by crossing the Italian, Anatolian, Macedonian, Egyptian and Greek breeds. The main distinguishing features of the bee-eater are:

  • Proboscis of medium length;

  • Heavy weight (115 g);

  • Uniform yellow-brown color;

  • Peaceableness;

  • Average inclination to swarming;

  • Resistance to diseases (especially to acarapidosis) and sensitivity to low temperatures.

Bees of this breed very well clean the hives from debris and can fly for a bribe for long distances.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of all the West European bees, the bacchist is the most productive. In addition, these bees are fertile and highly adaptable to changing environmental conditions. The disadvantages are, first of all, a low degree of winter hardiness. When breeding in northern regions of Russia, hives for these bees should be insulated.

Mountain Caucasian bee: main characteristics

What breeds of bees are bred in the south of our country yet? Mountain Caucasus lives mainly in the mountains of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In our country it is bred in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. Its main distinguishing features are:

  • Proboscis long 6.7-7.25 mm;

  • Not too large body weight (up to 90 g);

  • Silvery-gray color of chitin without yellow inclusions;

  • A slight propensity for swarming;

  • Not too high resistance to disease, insensitivity to frost.

Bees of this breed do not like dampness. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange good ventilation in the hives. In the cold season, this species of bees can be kept not only in winter sports, but also in freedom.

Pros and cons of the gray Caucasian breed

The advantages of this variety of bees are, first of all, the ability to collect a large amount of honey, even from plants that contain little sugar. The gain in the hive can be up to 1.5 kg per day. Also a plus of the gray Caucasian breed consider a good ability of families to protect the nest and a high yield of propolis.

To the disadvantages of this variety, bees are, in the first place, not very good resistance to diseases. For such bee colonies, the hives should create the most comfortable conditions. Compared with the Ukrainian steppe and Middle Russian, this breed does not tolerate lower temperatures well. Therefore, it is suitable, for the most part, for breeding only in the southern regions of the country. Also, these bees lose somewhat to other varieties in terms of the yield of honey on high bribes.

Main products of beekeeping

The main advantage of all the above described breeds is, of course, high productivity. What is meant by this concept? The main products of beekeeping are honey, wax and propolis. In addition, these insects are bred on apiaries in order to receive a very valuable royal jelly, pergu and bee venom.

Properties of honey

This basic product of beekeeping has a fairly complex chemical composition. Honey has medicinal, bactericidal and dietary properties. Its characteristics depend on many factors: the breeds of bees, the type of plants, weather conditions, etc. Depending on this, honey can have different water content, chemical composition, color, degree of crystallization, etc.

There are several kinds of this product:

  • Very liquid (clover, acacia);

  • Liquid (buckwheat, linden);

  • Thick (dandelion);

  • Sticky (padewy);

  • Gelatinous (heather).

Used honey in the food industry, cosmetology, medicine. It is added to cakes and cakes, make with its use rejuvenating creams, gels and shampoos. In medicine, this product is used mainly as a strengthening immunity and anti-inflammatory agent. Among other things, honey is also a natural antibiotic.

The value of beeswax

This product in the hive performs two functions at once: it protects the bees from moisture, covering their chitinous shell, and serves as a material for building honeycombs. Like honey, beeswax can have different colors and composition. This valuable product is used in many areas of the economy: the leather industry, light, food and even in metallurgy and aircraft building. One of the main areas of its application is medicine. Wax is used in the treatment of skin diseases, as a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agent.

What is propolis?

This is another product obtained by breeding such valuable insects as bees. Breeds of bees are numerous and they all produce useful propolis. Call such a special sticky substance of dark color. Bees use it to seal cracks in the hive. The color and smell of this substance depends first of all on what honey-plants grew in the immediate vicinity of the apiary. Propolis can be brown or black. Various kinds of useful substances - vitamins, amino acids and trace elements - this product contains just a huge amount.

The most widely used bee glue found in medicine. With its help, eczema and other skin diseases, gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, etc., are treated.

Royal Jelly

This is perhaps the most valuable product of beekeeping. Molochko insects are used for feeding uterine larvae at all stages of development. It represents a very powerful biological stimulant, consisting of a huge number of components. According to the consistency, royal jelly resembles sour cream and has a white color.

This production of beekeeping is mainly useful in that it can significantly enhance the immunity of a person. Apply molochko also for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, infertility and impotence, the normalization of pressure, reducing blood sugar, etc.

Perga and bee venom

Pergoi refers to the pollen collected by insects in reserve for the winter. To taste this product resembles rye bread. Perge, as well as in propolis, contains a large number of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Moreover, all this is assimilated by 100%. The main field of use of perga is medicine and cosmetology.

Bee venom is called a special product of secretory activity in the body of an insect. It represents a transparent, colorless liquid with a rather pleasant odor. Its chemical composition has not been fully studied to this day. It is believed that 500 insect bites can become fatal to a person at the same time. In small quantities, bee venom can be used as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.

Instead of an afterword

Breed of bees, bred in Russia, there are many. Most of them are highly productive. Breeding of the Central Russian, Ukrainian, gray mountain and other types of bees considered above can become a truly profitable business that brings its owner a good income, and the economy of the country - tangible benefits.

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