
Bakposose on microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics: the grounds for the purpose of analysis, decoding

Once in favorable conditions (optimal thermal regime, environment, humidity, availability of food "attachments"), all microorganisms begin to actively grow and multiply. This is the law of nature. If such processes occur in the human body, the disease or some pathology develops under the influence of changes in the microflora. Determine the pathogen, its number, appearance and how it reacts to medicamental agents, it is possible by making bapsodes on the microflora.

Other innovative diagnostic examinations may not always accurately identify a bacterium by giving false positive or false negative results. These include a polymerase chain reaction, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and other methods.

Conditions for the growth of microorganisms

Each type of bacteria requires individual living conditions: a certain level of acidity, humidity, viscosity, osmotic properties. In laboratory conditions, to determine the causative agent of the disease, it is sown to certain media, taking into account the peculiarities of respiration, nutrition and reproduction of microorganisms.

There are environments on which several different types of bacteria can multiply and grow. Such living conditions are called universal (Saburo environment, thioglycolic). Others are designed for only one strain (for example, staphylococcus and streptococcus are sown on saline or blood agar).

The purpose and significance of diagnosis

Microorganisms that fall on mucous membranes and human skin can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Normal microflora are those bacteria that are permanent safe inhabitants. Without them, the human body can not function properly, since representatives of normal microflora participate in the processes of digesting food, synthesizing vitamins and enzymes. Insufficient number of microorganisms leads to the development of dysbacteriosis or bacterial vaginosis.
  2. Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms - these strains are safe for humans only in case of strong immunity. If their living conditions change, bacteria begin to actively grow and multiply, causing pathology or disease.
  3. Pathogenic (pathogenic) microorganisms - they do not live in a healthy body. With accidental infection cause the development of the disease, even death.

Bakposose on the microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics has a major role in the identification of bacteria, their strain, and species. This method is important for diagnosis of diseases of infectious genesis and sexually transmitted diseases.

Indications for

Bakposov on the microflora as an independent analysis is not carried out. He is appointed by the doctor in those cases when there is a suspicion of getting into the patient's body pathogenic agent or activating the growth and reproduction of opportunistic bacteria.

The following diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • Urogenital bac;
  • Bapsode from the nose, ear, throat, eyes;
  • Bakosev on the microflora from the wound;
  • Bakposev urine, milk, bile, sperm, feces;
  • Bakposev on staphylococcus, mycoplasma, ureaplasma and other pathogens.

How to decipher the results

After receiving the results, I want to get acquainted with them immediately. The following is indicated on the laboratory letterhead:

  1. Type of causative agent in Latin. Translation of names, as a rule, causes the curious readers the greatest difficulty. Having familiarized himself with the results, the doctor will tell more about the type of pathogen and the peculiarities of its reproduction.
  2. Quantitative indicators of microorganism growth. In most cases, colony-forming units of cells per ml of material are used. For example, bacteroscopy on the microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics of urine with normal parameters should contain up to 10 3 cfu / ml. Results with high rates can be questionable or talk about the presence of an inflammatory process.
  3. Clarification of the pathogenicity of the strain. In this paragraph indicate whether the microorganism is pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic, living on the mucous membranes of the human body.

Determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen

In the case of the determination of a strain of a pathogenic microorganism, it is sown on a medium with antibiotics under laboratory conditions. About those environments where growth will be the least or negative, experts make notes in the form of the result. These antibacterial agents are considered to be the most effective in choosing the treatment of the inflammatory process.

Since bak-sowing on the microflora is a fairly long process (up to 7 days), in the first place prescribe drugs that have a wide range of action. Most microorganisms are resistant to one or another medication, which means that the weekly intake can be not only ineffective, but it can also significantly affect the patient's pocket.

Antibioticogram, the decoding of which also requires the participation of a specialist, will allow to stop the choice on a single effective remedy. In the laboratory letterhead indicate the following:

  • Strain and type of pathogen, its quantity in CFU / ml;
  • The names of antibacterial drugs indicating the sensitivity (R, S, I) and the zone.

Antibioticogram (decoding of Latin letters) says about the following:

  • R - causative agent resistant to the drug;
  • I - the microorganism exhibits moderate resistance;
  • S - a bacterium sensitive to this antibiotic.

Preparing for material collection

Any biological fluids and swabs taken from the mucous membranes can serve as a diagnostic material. More often smear on bakposev appoint experts of the field of urology and gynecology. To get the right results, you need to properly prepare for the fence material.

If the crop is carried out on the basis of the patient's blood, no special preparation is required. The only condition is the delivery of an analysis on an empty stomach. The health worker takes venous blood, observing all the necessary rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

Terms of delivery of urine are slightly different. In a healthy person, it is in the bladder in the form of a sterile biological fluid. When passing urine through the female urethra, a small number of cocci can enter the material, which is taken into account during the diagnosis and is considered the norm (staphylococcus and streptococcus, diphtheria). In men, the supply of urine to bacteria occurs in the front of the urethra.

To reduce the possibility of ingress of other pathogens, the following rules should be adhered to:

  • Preliminary toilet of genital organs;
  • Use of an average portion of urine;
  • Delivery to the laboratory for 2 hours after collection of material;
  • The jar for analysis must be sterilized or purchased at the pharmacy.

If the material for buckosseva is taken from the rectum, urethra, vagina, cervical canal, it occurs in private laboratories or medical institutions. It is prohibited to wash, douche and use antiseptics, as this will distort the correctness of the diagnosis.

Bakposov kala

The intestinal tract has permanent "inhabitants" who participate in the processes of digestion, the synthesis of vitamins and enzymes. The ratio of bacteria is constant and can vary slightly in one direction or another.

With a decrease in immune forces, ingestion of pathogens or long-term administration of antibiotics, there is a disruption of the normal ratio. The number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria sharply decreases, and their place can be occupied by pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli, Proteus, Clostridium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, yeast fungi, etc.

Calves for diagnostics are collected in a sterile transport container. The result of sowing is ready from 3 to 7 days.

Crops during pregnancy

During the gestation of the child, sowing is a mandatory method of diagnosis and it is carried out twice: during registration and at 36 weeks. A smear is taken from the genital tract, as well as the nose and throat. Thus, the presence of urogenital inflammatory processes and carriage of Staphylococcus aureus is determined. Also, pregnant women take urine for seeding on sterility.

Anxiety, which can be found, is an E. coli in a smear in women. Treatment of this condition should be urgent. This especially applies to pregnant women, because the presence of pathogenic microflora can lead to infection of the baby during passage through the birth canal. If an E. coli is found in a smear in women, the treatment is prescribed by a gynecologist. A combination of local therapy and systemic drugs is used.

Objects of searches in the period of bearing a child are chlamydia, fungi, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, trichomonads.


Bakposev with antibioticogrammoy - an indicative method of diagnosis, which allows to correctly differentiate the pathogen and effectively select the scheme of therapy. All methods of sampling the material are safe and painless.

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