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Anxiety signs - mucous discharge during pregnancy

Women need to be very attentive to their own body, especially when it comes to pregnancy. After noticing that you have some changes or deviations, you can sound the alarm in time and find out the cause of their occurrence. Mucous discharge during pregnancy is one of the most worrying signs, often troubling women.

However, most often they are not worth the trouble or close attention from the future mom, because they are considered the norm. Only in some cases, the allocation of mucus during pregnancy can be attributed to pathology. To answer the completely natural and widespread question "Is this a normal phenomenon?", It is necessary to study more information about such an unusual detachable from the female vagina.

Initially, it should be noted that periodically allocated mucus takes a direct, but rather peculiar, participation in successful fertilization with the sperm of the egg. Another nature provides for the adaptation of the female body to the birth, bearing and the birth of a child. Defining mucous discharge during pregnancy to the norm or pathology, you must first of all be guided by your own sensations. That is, if they deliver a certain discomfort - then this is pathology, and if absolutely do not interfere - then this is the norm.

The first twelve weeks of an interesting situation is often accompanied by the release of a small amount of mucus, and this is considered quite normal. These mucous discharge during pregnancy are unaffiliated, transparent and odorless. They are produced by the glands located in the uterus and completely envelop the cervix. There are also white mucus discharge during pregnancy, and also yellowish. According to their characteristics, they are completely different from colorless mucus.

These discharges are manifested as a result of a change in the hormonal background of a woman when the sex hormone progesterone predominates. All thick and viscous mucous discharges fill the cervical canal and thereby create obstacles to getting into the uterus of various infections. Such mucous discharge during pregnancy is considered a one hundred percent norm, only if they do not have an unpleasant smell, and also do not irritate the mucous membranes and the skin of the genital organs. Otherwise, their presence requires a visit to the doctor and the delivery of the prescribed tests.

Starting from the third month of pregnancy, thicker mucus is replaced by more liquid and abundant discharge. This occurs as a result of the increased influence of the female sex hormone estrogen.

In some cases, mucosal discharge during pregnancy can result from infection. The first sign of the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the mucus is a sharp unpleasant odor. Bacteria of this kind reproduce very quickly, causing irritation of the tissues and an unpleasant odor in the process, but they are rarely led to the inflammatory process. This condition is called bacterial vaginosis, the main danger of which is a near onset of the inflammatory process.

The onset of the inflammatory process can not be missed, because it is evidenced by the notorious unpleasant odor, yellowish green, mucopurulent, itching and burning sensation in the genital area. The most common infections in pregnancy include trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and chlamydia. It also happens that during this period, secretive gonorrhea proceeds secretly.

All detected infections, regardless of the gestational age, must be treated, because they can have a negative impact on the fetus. To be afraid of treatment it is not necessary, believe - infections and their irreversible consequences are much more dangerous! Especially for today doctors are able to cope with all infections of pregnant women. All the medicines required for the treatment passed the necessary clinical trials and proved the absence of negative effects on the future mother and her child.

Dear women, in order not to face such an unpleasant disease, you can observe simple and well-known preventive actions, and mucous discharge during pregnancy will not bother you!

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