Law, State and Law
Antimonopoly Policy of the Russian Federation
Economics is a special science, a peculiar world with contradictions, problems, difficulties and laws. This world is mysterious and complex, and most importantly, for everyone is open and accessible. Especially for those who want to join it and take an active part in the process.
Not always the economy can foresee a certain course of events, but it can reveal economic logic.
This science is a society of people who are independent and strive for economic independence, as well as ready to build their own financial well-being literally by brick.
Market relations in our country were not easy. Quite well they were developed already in the late 19 - early 20 th century, when the commodity-money turnover was established, due to which in 1897 the gold standard was introduced.
This article is based on the practice of world civilization, as well as on the achievements of the theory of economics. The author considers the antimonopoly policy of the state, its role and peculiarities. Today the topic is very relevant and important.
The antimonopoly policy of the state includes both microeconomic and institutional theory, which refers to the factors of the monopoly market efficiency, i. About imperfect competition. And also about the markets of natural monopoly and efficiency of state regulation.
The main component of competition policy is antimonopoly regulation in unregulated natural monopoly industries, which quite closely overlap with the economic theory of monopoly, as well as with a natural monopoly.
Where did the antimonopoly policy and antitrust regulation come from?
Because of the possibility of losing the general welfare, antitrust regulation has arisen . It is worth noting that the conditions for the implementation of this activity are significantly complicated with the development of ideas about competition. Counteract the emergence of new large traders and monitor their behavior - the task is much easier than providing equal access to market participants for resources, promote dynamic competition, etc.
Monopoly and competition
As we know, the interaction of supply and demand occurs on the market. Both buyers and sellers without obstacles exchange goods in most competitive markets through a system of market relations. The mechanism that decides most of the economic problems of society is competition. From Latin, this word is translated as "collide" or "converge." Monopoly is the largest owner, covering the bulk of the market space for the purpose of enrichment.
Protection of Competition and Monopoly
The predominance of various monopolies on the market is reduced to a universally recognized single consequence - the independent establishment of a market price. Moreover, laws that express the dependence of value on demand and supply are used in a peculiar way.
In the developed countries of the world, the government is fighting against monopolism. And the main task of antimonopoly regulation is to protect competition from monopoly suppression and limit the power of monopoly firms that dictate consumers their own price levels.
To date, in the Russian Federation, dominant firms can fall into three categories, such as temporary, permitted and natural monopolies.
Support for competition and antitrust policy
The basis of the law on the protection of competition in Russia is the Law on Competition and Restriction of Monopoly Activity in Commodity Markets. It was adopted in 1991 and has been repeatedly updated and changed since then. Antimonopoly policy and the order of its execution are the customs and traditions of different countries, the previous experience of state control of economic life.
An important separate direction of the policy in support of competition is the prevention of unfair competition. Its basis - the idea of a normal competition, based on protected and specifically specific property rights.
Antimonopoly policy in Russia is carried out by the body, which underwent a number of changes in September 1998. Thus, the State Antimonopoly Committee was renamed the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Support of Entrepreneurship and Antimonopoly Policy. And in the spring of 2004 it was transformed into the Federal Antimonopoly Service.
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