Health, Diseases and Conditions
Angina in a child, what to do?
Angina in a child can be defined easily enough. The main signs of the disease - red throat, edema of the tonsils, the appearance of painful sensations when swallowing.
Most often, the disease begins acutely, the child has a fever, it becomes sluggish, refuses to eat, the submandibular lymph nodes in it appear to be enlarged. Suspected that the child was sick with angina, you need to immediately call a doctor, as wrong treatment can lead to very serious consequences, including such serious complications as chronic tonsillitis, encephalitis, pyelonephritis, etc.
The causes of angina in children can be different. As a rule, in most cases, provoke the development of streptococcus or staphylococcus disease, it happens that the cause of the disease can become adenoviruses. Where does the infection come from? It is possible that these pathogenic bacteria were on the mucous child in an inactive state, and the fact that the child froze on a walk or ate an ice cream provoked their growth. In addition, the infection can be obtained from the outside, as the sore throat is transmitted by airborne droplets.
In medicine, to distinguish several types of angina. Catarrhal angina in a child is characterized by a local inflammatory process, which only covers the mucous membrane of the tonsils. In this case, the child feels a burning sensation in the throat, which then passes into painful sensations. With this type of angina, the temperature rarely rises above 37.5 degrees.
Lacunar angina in a child is characterized by a defeat of the tonsils in the field of lacunae. With this type of disease on the surface of the tonsils can detect a purulent coating. The child's temperature rises sharply, he feels weakness, pain in the joints and muscles.
Follicular angina in children is manifested by the presence of numerous purulent follicles on the tonsils, with this type of angina marked by high fever and severe pain in the throat. Necrotizing type of angina is the most severe form, tonsils are very inflamed, covered with a touch, marked fever, often confusion.
Only the doctor can determine the type of angina and pick up the necessary treatment, since the medicinal products used can differ depending on the type of the disease, its stage and the severity of the course. In addition, ill children are assigned a study of mucus from the nasopharynx and throat to exclude the possibility of the disease with diphtheria. Severe forms of sore throat are rarely cured without the use of antibiotics, and improper therapy and self-medication can trigger the development of complications. Before the doctor comes to the child, you can give only an antipyretic (in the event that the temperature exceeds the mark of 38.5). All other drugs will need to be applied according to the scheme that the doctor will appoint.
Can I use folk remedies for the treatment of angina in children? Of course, it is possible, but only as an addition to the course that will be appointed by the doctor. It is very useful to patients to drink a lot, give to children tea with a raspberry or a lemon, compotes, table mineral water. Drinks should be warm, but not hot. It is often useful to rinse the sore throat, using for rinsing the beet juice, decoction of the althea root or chamomile flowers. You can make a rinse, stirring in a glass of warm water in half a spoonful of soda and salt and adding there three drops of a five percent tincture of iodine.
How long does the baby's angina last? With proper treatment, the child usually recovers, after a week. If the treatment was not started in time, the illness may be prolonged.
It must be remembered that angina is a contagious disease, so the patient must be necessarily isolated from other children. It is especially important to protect from communicating with the diseased babies, as in young children, angina, as a rule, is difficult.
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