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An excellent gift for a child - a dance mat for children from 6 years old
It is very difficult for many parents to decide on a gift for their child. On the one hand, a gift should necessarily please a small fidget, and on the other - it should be very useful for him. One of these great gifts is a dance floor mat for children from 6 years old. Any child will be delighted with such a gift. Dance floor mats can be used by both adults and children, which allows you to have fun with the whole family.
What is a dance mat
A dance mat is a device for dancing. In most cases, it connects to a computer or TV. This allows you to display a program, which is also called a video game. After setting all the necessary parameters, the music starts playing, and the sequence of pressing the arrow buttons on the dance floor mat, which the dancer should repeat, appears on the computer or TV screen. In the settings of the program you can choose the level of complexity, music and design of the program itself.
Most often in the music video game, in addition to the arrow-buttons, a dancing cartoon character is displayed, which also shows the necessary movements. In the process of dancing for correct pressing of the buttons, points are displayed, and at the end the result is highlighted. Accordingly, the child will always have something to strive for. Many who bought it, really like a dance mat for children. Parents' reviews of this device are basically the most positive: in addition to the fact that children with such a gift are always on hand, it is also very useful for them.
Types of dance mats
There are a lot of different models of this device. First of all, all models differ in the number of buttons. Of course, the more buttons, the more interesting the device and the more functions in it. The most simple is a rug with the presence of 4 buttons-arrows (right, left, down and up). However, such a rug is inconvenient in that it does not have a central button.
It is best to choose a dance mat for children from 6 years old with the presence of 4 buttons-arrows and a central button. For older children and adults, you can take a mat with 8 buttons-arrows. It is more difficult to dance on such a rug (there are more positions), however, the dance turns out to be more realistic.
Also, dance mats are divided into two types: metal and folding. The latter are more popular, not very expensive, they can afford any average family. However, it is possible to distinguish from the shortcomings of such devices that their shelf life is much less than for metal products. This is due to the fact that the folding mats are made of less durable material - rubber. In addition, in some budget models, a musical dance mat for children can slide slightly with fast movements.
The use of a music mat for children and adults
In addition to the fact that a musical rug is an excellent entertainment for small fidgets, it can bring great benefits to the family. When dancing on such a rug, the child has all the muscle groups that enable him to develop athletic skills. Most often, with the appearance of such a device at home, rhythmic movements on the device entail and adults. Designed such a dance mat for children from 6 years old and adults of any age.
Many families buy one more after purchasing one rug. This is due to the fact that the presence of two dance mats allows you to organize real competitions. Both rugs can be connected to one TV and enjoy dancing together. Mom's musical mat will help improve the figure, and the child will not only have a good physical training, but also improve memory and attention. The presence of several such devices will allow the child to play together with friends.
Prices for dance floor mats
The cost of different models depends largely on the material and size. Budget models cost about 1000 rubles, the most expensive and stable - 20 000. Of course, the price of a dance rug depends on the functionality of this device.
The cheapest models have 4 buttons-arrows, and in the complete set includes a disk with the program-game, adapters for the computer and the TV and the instruction for application. For beginners in this matter - the very thing. A dance floor mat for children from 6 years and adults who already have experience with similar devices and want to develop further, it can be more expensive. In addition to the fact that metal dance mats are higher in quality, they also have more difficulty levels. The most expensive dance floor mats can be called whole platforms. They do not slip, and there you can dance in shoes.
What to look for when buying a dance floor mat
In order to buy a quality dance mat for children from 6 years, you need to know a few important nuances. First of all, it is desirable that the back of the mat had Velcro. If they have a dance mat will not slide on the floor. The quality of the material from which the device is made is also very important. A good musical mat will not be too easy. Its weight will vary from 1 to 3 kilograms. Well, the last important nuance is the quality of the paint, which is covered with an entertaining device. It is desirable that the paint does not have a smell and is strong, otherwise the arrow keys are quickly erased.
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