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American writer Robert Monroe: biography, creativity

The American writer and creator of the mental development of the VTP Robert Monroe is a pioneer in his direction. Books, which set forth the theoretical and practical issues of out-of-body travel, brought him world recognition. However, as one can guess, not everyone is interested in such specific esoteric practices.

In this article we are going to acquaint you with the personality of this outstanding writer, and also briefly describe his work. Perhaps, after the new non-standard information, we all want to learn a little more about travel outside the body.

Biography of Robert Monroe: the main stages

Let's get acquainted with the topic, starting with the biographical data about the writer. Robert Allen Monroe was born in the small town of Lexington, Kentucky, on October 30, 1915. Parents of the future researcher of the field of out-of-body travel are a doctor and a college professor. In addition to Robert, the family had three children. Most of the childhood of the future writer was held in Kentucky and Indiana, then came the time of the next stage of training.

Entering the University of Ohio, Robert Monroe graduated in 1937 with a degree in engineering. His first professional successes were on radio stations, where he worked as a director and screenwriter. With his assistance, the stations began to produce successful shows one by one. This made Monroe a popular composer in radio and television broadcasting.

Having passed a very impressive path and achieved many victories, the future writer became vice-president of the network of the Mutual Broadcasting System, a member of the board of directors. He was included in the lists of successful people different publications. The company Monroe after a while became a developer of cable television in Virginia and North Carolina.

The first studies of human consciousness

Since 1956, Robert Allen Monroe and his company have begun their research into the properties of human consciousness. So, they, in particular, studied the issues of training during sleep and other aspects in this direction. As an object for testing, he most often acted.

1958 became significant: once again being tested by his own research, Monroe passed into a state where his consciousness and physical body were separated. At that time, the term "astral projection" was applied to a similar state, but the scientist called it another way - VTP (out-of-body experience (journey)). The last option and then became traditional for scientific literature on this issue.

The results of that experience and the first time the tested state of the VTP became a turning point for all further activity of the scientist. Now he directed his forces precisely into the channel of experiments with his own consciousness.

Further developments

After receiving the first stunning result, Monroe continued his work in the field of studying human consciousness even more actively. He recorded his initial experiments and their results in the smallest detail. Later they were displayed in his book "Travels outside the body."

The author's first work on this topic contained descriptions of experiences during his stay outside the boundaries of the physical body. It became significant, important for the thousands of people in the world who had experienced this experience, but they did not know about its essence. Now they could be calm, because before them there were answers to disturbing questions.

The success of "Traveling outside the body"

The book attracted the attention of not only readers. Representatives of various fields of science (in particular, medicine) were also interested in the results of the experiments of Monroe.

The leader's spirit of the author was only fueled by the success of the first book. Around Robert Monroe, disciples and followers began to gather. Already in the team, they were engaged in the development of new techniques for impact on consciousness in the conditions of laboratory experiments.

Research results

The meaning of everything that the author of the concept and books about the ITP has revealed to us can be imagined by familiarizing himself with the methods of influencing the human mind. So, the technology Hemi-Sync was created, designed to synchronize the hemispheres of the brain. The pioneer personally conducted seminars and trainings, which helped participants to experience the experience of an out-of-body journey.

For the next 20 years, Monroe has actively pursued his quest for a new frontier of knowledge about the potential of the human brain. The methods created during that time are audio stimulation of stress removal, concentration of attention and concentration, improvement of thinking, control of pain sensations. Robert Monroe, reviews about books are very ambiguous due to the specific direction of the issues under consideration, deserved with their developments the recognition and respect of specialists studying similar topics.

A new achievement is the second book of the trilogy

After such a significant advancement in research after the publication of the first book "Far travels", published in 1985, gave a new portion of amazing knowledge. Here, new experiences have been described beyond the boundaries of the habitual vision of the world and man in it. Honoredly the book became a bestseller.

One of the important points is the amazing results of synchronization of the brain. In fact, the book has become for readers an extraordinary cognitive journey into the unknown corners of consciousness and beyond. Thanks to her, you can make sure that the possibilities of our brain are much wider than we can imagine. Robert Monroe, whose books we are now discussing, gives us this from his own practice.

Compared with the first edition, this book presents much more details and experiences. A witty and exciting presentation of the material brings a true cognitive pleasure.

The great significance of the book lies in the fact that it provides answers to the eternal questions of human existence: "Who are we?", "Where and where are we going?", "For what?" This is a real find for an adherent of a religious outlook, and for an atheist. The book teaches that having studied your brain, you can find opportunities, not limited to anything. And mankind still needs all this. The book is a kind of pointing sign. In addition, the things described in it are a source of inspiration.

Final work "The Ultimate Journey"

Monroe created this book with the results of his own searches and experiments on himself a year before his death. It describes in the form of a fascinating journey beyond the boundaries of the inner habitual consciousness of man all that the author has come to for dozens of years of work.

The "Final Journey" reveals a veil of secret, hidden by the will of fate behind the material shell of the world. Monroe's completely amazing view of man, his place in this world, his life and what follows after physical death, are described in the book as the final stage of all creativity and research of the author.

Robert Monroe died, whose books and techniques so excited the world, in 1995, when he was almost 80 years old. The formulation of even this event is interesting: it is often found in the form of the phrase "after physical death". And again we are given food for thought, an excuse to take one of the author's works and plunge into it.

So, after the physical death of Monroe, his studies passed under the direction of his daughter. She was for a long time the main follower of the doctrine of the out-of-body experience, she led the creation of new techniques for working with consciousness.

The Monroe Institute: continuing research

The development of new methods of influencing human consciousness did not stop with the death of Monroe in 1995, nor with the death of his daughter in 2006. Since 1974, the Monroe Institute has been functioning, and to this day it conducts seminars, lectures, trainings on the development of consciousness abilities, its control.

This institution is a non-profit organization, the direction of its activity assumes exclusively self-development, application of the developed technologies. The issues addressed to them today include lucid dreaming, meditation, remote vision, pain management, and many other areas with great potential and benefits for humanity.


Today we considered an outstanding personality and an equally unusual topic - VTP (out-of-body experiences). This concept appeared in the last century, and the Monroe Research Institute was formed at the same time. The latter works even today, doing new developments and conducting lectures, seminars, trainings.

The Monroe Institute deals with various issues. All of them are connected with the impact on the consciousness of a person for the purpose of development, the discovery of new abilities. The organization remains non-profit.

It remains for us to be surprised that so far humanity knows so little about its capabilities. We have a powerful tool - the brain, and, developing it, we will get amazing abilities.

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