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Cat tears - the owner worries

Many cat owners are seriously worried when their beloved pet has vomiting. It is not always caused by serious reasons. It should be feared if vomiting is multiple and lasts more than 24 hours. In this case, you should show the cat to the vet.

Physiological vomiting occurs if the cat regurgitates the coat. The cat tears because a tangle of wool has formed in her stomach, which can not be digested. More often it is observed in long-haired beauties. In this case, the cat can give a special grass, bought at a pet store. The grass grabs the wool and accelerates its excretion from the body. Also, it is desirable for owners of long-haired cats to have a special paste in the veterinary medicine kit that dissolves the wool in the gastrointestinal tract.

Intensively swallow a cat's hair can, if it itches. Perhaps some food or product causes allergic reactions. Here it is necessary to exclude food allergy, you can recommend changing the feed to the animal.

A cat tears when it has a helminthic invasion. Owners of cats can recommend 2 times a year to give their pets antihelminthic drugs for the prevention.

A cat vomits if an animal is infected with an infectious disease. It can be panleukopenia (cat's plague), kalitsivirusnaya infection of cats, viral peritonitis, viral cat's leukemia. An accurate diagnosis can only be determined by a veterinarian, and you should contact him immediately.

Often a cat tears even from the usual food. This occurs if it has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, hepatitis. Vomiting is possible in the presence of chronic kidney diseases - chronic kidney failure, urolithiasis. All of the above diseases should be excluded, if the vomiting in the cat multiple, occurs for a long time (more than a day). In this case it is necessary to make biochemical blood tests, to undergo examination - ultrasound, x-ray.

After the sterilization operation, many cat owners complain that the cat is vomiting. This is the body's reaction to anesthesia, which takes place during the day. Worry should be if, after anesthesia, he does not come to his senses for a long time, refuses food, he does not have a chair for a long time, there is a fever. You should contact the veterinary clinic where your cat was operated.

Sometimes a cat vomits after eating. This happens if the diet has changed, the brand of dry cat food has changed , or the animal has eaten poor-quality food.

Sometimes cats themselves induce vomiting, eating a certain herb (if they have such an opportunity). So they purify the stomach, and worry in this case is not necessary. Vomiting may occur in the animal after ingesting too large chunks of food or cold food.

Continuous vomiting can also be a sign of a foreign body in the stomach or esophagus. In this case, you need to make an overview X-ray.

The main measures for vomiting in cats and cats:

1. Hungry diet. Do not offer food to the animal 12-24 hours. It is desirable to drink a cat frequently, in order to avoid dehydration of the body. It is better to use "Regidron", which can be bought at the pharmacy.

2. Antiemetic drugs - "Cerucal" ("Metoclopramide"). Assign in the form of injections.

3. Spasmolytic drugs - "No-shpa" or "Papaverin", also used in the form of injections.

4. Preparations that protect the mucous membrane of the stomach - "Omez" or other gastroprotectors.

Prevention of vomiting:

1. Feed the animal fresh, benign food.

2. Promptly vaccinate against infectious diseases.

3. The course of taking antihelminthic drugs - at least two times a year.

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