
Action Baths and Saunas On The Human Organism

The purity of the body plays an important role in the prevention of various diseases. Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to washing, turning this process into a ritual with appropriate rules and traditions, and visiting a sauna or a sauna became an integral part of the life of each people. Depending on the climate, there were differences in the design of baths, but their purpose was always the same everywhere. The Russian people have many sayings about the benefits of a bath for a person, one of the most famous is: "Bath raises any illness from the body", because it was in the bath that people were treated for colds and various diseases, fragrant steam and a fragrant broom, driving out the sickness from the body.

A sauna or a sauna is a place where the client is provided with services capable of satisfying his requests and recovering his strength after a difficult week of work. The main active factor of the sauna is hot steam, which speeds up metabolic processes. Since, the temperature of steam in the sauna can reach more than 100 degrees, the first approach should be no more than 4-7 minutes, and the break before the second approach - not less than 15 minutes. Hot steam expands the pores of the skin, and cold water sharply narrows them, which leads to the release of adrenaline and a powerful toning effect. The mechanical effect on the skin of a fresh fragrant broom makes it more elastic, which creates a feeling of rejuvenation and freshness. The main conditions for the correct arrangement of the sauna and sauna are the steam room with a temperature and humidity regulator , as well as the availability of convenient shelves, allowing you to steam up lying down and get the services of a bathhouse attendant.

Modern saunas are a complex in which you can not only take healing procedures, but also spend time with friends, celebrate your birthday or celebrate a successful deal with your companions. In good saunas there are cozy rooms and gyms, a bar for customers and a delicious lunch delivery from the restaurant. Experienced bath attendants and professional masseurs help to relax, and special massage creams and aromatic oils, which they use in their work, make the skin of customers elastic, and the body is light and fresh. By the way, it is very useful for restoring the water balance in the body after active perspiration in the sauna, drinking a cup of hot tea or a herbal infusion.

Another invariable attribute of a bath and a sauna is a broom, although at a temperature of about 150 degrees in a sauna it is no longer used, as it dries up and crumbles. The broom is made from several tree species and affects the skin not only mechanically, but also with the help of biologically active substances contained in its leaves and branches. The most popular, of course, is the birch broom, which cleanses the skin and improves breathing and helps with coughing and respiratory diseases. For people with oily skin, as well as to give the skin elasticity and elasticity, very good fit oak broom. With colds and aching muscles and joints, a lime or alder broom will be indispensable. But, however, it does not matter from which tree the sauna broom is made, the main thing is that it should be fresh and flexible!

Bathhouses and saunas in Samara will provide you with a comprehensive service that includes Finnish or Russian baths, therapeutic massage, wellness, sports or anti-cellulite massages, jacuzzi, solarium, bar services.

We are sure that the time spent in the sauna will help you to regain strength, improve the body and calm the soul.

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