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The name of Malik. Meaning and destiny

The name of Malik, whose meaning is quite interesting, has several versions of the origin. This beautiful name means in translation from the Arabic "lady" or "queen". According to another version, he has Slavic roots, and it means "small". Still others believe that this is a diminutive form of the name Amalia.

Malik's name: the meaning for a girl

Little Malika is an extremely sociable girl, she has many friends, she loves noisy and lively games. Ability to study averages. He loves music lessons, has a good voice and hearing, but precise subjects are not given to her easily. She is an obedient girl who respects her parents. She will not preclude them even in adolescence. It is necessary to try to develop the talents available to her daughter, and inspire her with confidence in her own abilities. For Maliki, the support of close people is especially important. She early grows up and starts to distinguish between good and bad.


When Malika grows up, the main features of her character will become impressionability and shyness. For her the opinion of the surrounding people is important. The girl with difficulty perceives criticism, can be offended, but at the same time unblameable. He does not like big companies, he prefers to communicate with trusted people.


For a girl who wears this name, traditions and customs are not an empty phrase. Malika is very sensitive to his reputation and will never commit acts that can tarnish her. For her, moral principles are important . He is not in a hurry to fall in love, he approaches carefully with relations with men. Has a large number of fans, but prefers to wait for the ideal person for himself. Getting married early, trying to keep the family. Malika does not postpone the birth of children for a long time, often becomes a mother of many children. She will teach her children how to respect themselves and others. The owner of this name values stability, distrustful of changes. The weak side of her character is the lack of self-confidence. It is very difficult for her to ask for unfamiliar people about anything and even ask them a question. Because of the lack of experience and excessive credulity, Malik is easily deceived, which is not very decent people.

She can not be called an indifferent person, she is not one of those who say: "My hut from the edge." But her problems try to solve herself, do not shift them to others. It may seem sharp, but it is fair. Malik considers the main defect to be a lie, and if he sees how injustice is done, he is able to stand up for an undeservedly offended person.

The name of Malik. Importance in professional activities

With friends there are friendly relations. She does not seek to sit up, always comes to the rescue. After all, in the sphere of her interests work is by no means the first place, although Malika is a responsible and executive employee. It suits creative professions. Can become a singer, fashion designer, actress. Also can be engaged in medicine, work in the office.


Malika has a weak health - often nervous, poorly experienced stress, possible problems with digestion. She must carefully treat her own body and do not forget to regularly check with doctors.

You are my summer Winter, my winter Summer ...

What is the name of Malik for those born at this or that time of the year?

  • "Winter" Malika is determined, has a male character, is very persistent and self-confident. She is calm and balanced, easily feels in a male society. She is not indifferent to the opinion of others, she is emotional and impressionable. Marrying will become a good wife and mother, but because of the obstinate nature of the complexities in the relationship with his mother-in-law. He loves to receive guests at home, but only those whom she herself invited. He cooks well, often comes up with new dishes from familiar products.
  • "Summer" Malika is characterized by excessive credulity, vulnerability. She is tender, trembling and does not believe in herself. She thinks that those around her often deceive and do not appreciate the way she deserves it. Therefore, he tries to rely only on himself. Malika would prefer to search for her own house on her own, she is too shy to ask the way from passers-by.
  • The name of Malika, whose owner was born in the autumn, makes her a modest and shy girl. But she is more calm, not so touchy and hypochondriac. It may seem indecisive and even infantile, but if it is sure of its own right, it will defend its positions. Her indecision disappears, if it is necessary to help relatives. At work, her professionalism and responsibility is valued, but she will remain a good performer, she does not have a desire to make a career and become a boss. Under extreme conditions, it is able to assemble and make the only correct decision. It rarely makes mistakes.
  • "Spring" Malika is kind and sentimental. Likes to engage in charity, especially she pitiful animals.


The girl, whose name is Malik (we described it in detail), will easily find a common language with Boris, Michael, Andrey, Peter and Arthur. It will be more difficult for her with Vladislav, Eduard and Emil.

Origin of the name Malika

Among other things, there is a version that this name came from the male name Malik. They had the right to call themselves only representatives of the highest nobility. Later royal people began to give it to their heirs.

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