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A cure for joint pain. The best ointments and pills for joint pain

Free movement to our body is provided by healthy joints. When they are afflicted by a disease or trauma, life can become a living hell, for physical suffering can be incredible. Therefore, it is so important to find a good cure for joint pain. Today the pharmacy chain sells a lot of ointments and pills for all occasions, but, unfortunately, not all of them are equally effective. Yes, this is surprising, because the causes of the pain may be different, the incorrectly selected drug is not only unable to provide assistance, but it can often do harm. That is why the best ointment or pills - bought under the prescription of a doctor. In this article, we present to your attention a brief overview of drugs that can be used as a cure for joint pain, but before you start using one of them, it is best to consult a specialist.

Why can there be joint pain

Now we list a huge number of diseases in which strong pain sensations can arise in the knees, elbows, spine, etc., and you will understand why it is so difficult to find the medications that relieve joint pain. Arthralgia (joint pain) happens when:

1. Arthritis (rheumatoid, psoriatic, gouty, reactive, septic).

2. Various arthrosis (coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, etc.).

3. Bursitis (traumatic, diathesis, brucellosis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilitic).

4. Systemic diseases (systemic vasculitis, influenza, Bechterew's disease, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, Lyme disease, diffuse fasciitis, etc.).

5. Tumor diseases (myeloma, lymphoblastic leukemia, osteomyelitis, bone metastases).

6. Injuries (bruises, sprains, dislocations).

And this is not a complete list. There are other reasons that only an experienced doctor can understand.

Ointments and gels

When there is a need to buy a cure for pain in the joints, the first thought that comes to mind is to ask in the pharmacy some effective ointment. This is not without sense - today the pharmacy industry produces a lot of beautiful outdoor products that help cope with joint pain. Here is the list for reference:

1. External non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • "Indomethacin Ointment";
  • Ketonal;
  • "Nyz";
  • "Finalgel";
  • "Ibuprofen" and others.

2. Ointments that have a warming and anti-inflammatory effect:

  • "Nikofleks";
  • "Capsin";
  • The popular balm "Asterisk";
  • "Espol";
  • "Finalgon";
  • "Capsicum" and others.

3. Ointments, in which the main component is salicylic acid and its derivatives;

  • "Viprosal";
  • "Ben-Gay";
  • "Bom-Benge";
  • "Efkamon";
  • "Nizhnisal" and others.

4. Other popular products, which include, for example, Dimexid ointment.

All of the above ointments and gels are effective enough and help to get rid of joint pain in a variety of diseases. Despite the fact that the external means are sufficiently safe, you must carefully read the instructions for their use, so as to not accidentally do yourself harm.


If the ointment for treatment is not enough, then you have to take more pills. Many of the titles that you read in the previous paragraph will be repeated in this. In the treatment of joint diseases are often used such tablets as:

  • Ibuprofen. Analogues: Brufen, Bolinet, Nurofen, Reumafen.
  • "Diclofenac." Analogues: Orthofen, Voltaren, Diklogen, Diclouran, Artorazan, and others.
  • "Ketoprofen". Analogues: "Ketonal", "Knavon", "Artrozilen".

These drugs help with pain in the joints of the legs, hands and in different parts of the spine. But keep in mind that it is necessary to take all these medicines strictly according to the scheme indicated by the doctor, as if used incorrectly they can have a very negative effect on the body.


There are special preparations, the action of which is aimed at the regeneration of the cartilaginous tissue in the joints. Such drugs are called chondroprotectors. Very often they are used to treat various arthrosis, in particular from pain in the joints of the legs. Because the cartilage of the hip and knee joints are the most susceptible to destruction. Here is a list of such tools:

  • "Chondroitin AKOS";
  • "Structum";
  • "Don";
  • "Teraflex";
  • "Hondrolon";
  • "Elbona";
  • "Artra".

All these drugs have two components - chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. They are quite expensive, especially imported ones. A natural chondroprotector is gelatin. From the pain in the joints, resulting from the destruction of cartilaginous tissue, this remedy also helps in a number of cases. But it should be remembered that treatment should be comprehensive. Do not think that with the help of chondroprotectors alone, you can cure severe joint diseases.

Folk remedies for joint pain

And what medicines for the musculoskeletal system can offer traditional medicine? There are many effective recipes. We offer you several of them:

1. Treatment with home-made ointment. The ointment is prepared as follows: take yarrow herb (2 tsp) and St. John's wort (1 tablespoon), everything is crushed. The water bath melts petrolatum (1 tablespoon), the ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous ointment is obtained. Painful joints are rubbed with this ointment before going to bed.

2. Treatment with cabbage leaves. Folk remedies for pain joints are good because they are very inexpensive, and their components are almost always at hand. Here, for example, fresh white cabbage is a vegetable that can be found in any home. We take a crisp cabbage leaf, heat it slightly over fire, spread it with honey (a thin layer) and apply it to the diseased joint. Above, the cabbage-honey wrap is covered with cellophane and a warm kerchief, everything must be carefully fixed on the body. It is best to do such a procedure at night. They say that after a couple of nights, the pain goes away without a trace.

3. Treatment with potatoes. We boil potatoes in uniforms, then we knead it right in the water where it was brewed. Next, you need to give time to everything to be properly settled. The starch will remain below, but on top there will be a medicinal infusion, which must be poured into a separate container and take 1/3 cup three times a day.

Additional measures

Even if you have found an excellent cure for joint pain, which is ideal for you, it is superfluous to take several additional measures that will help the recovery of the musculoskeletal system:

1. Try to get rid of excess weight. Excess kilograms overload the joints and contribute to their gradual destruction.

2. Ensure that the food is balanced to avoid salt deposits.

3. Give your joints a reasonable load, do gymnastics and recreational sports.

4. Try to protect the joints from injury. For this, wear comfortable shoes, always warm up before a load, do not take too heavy things, etc.

Errors in treatment

Without a properly established diagnosis, you can be blinded for many years and not get relief. For example, a person was recommended a good medicine for knee pain, which helped many who faced a similar problem. The patient begins to take it and at first seems to feel the dullness of pain. But afterwards the pain intensifies again. And the fact is that the treatment of the inflamed knee joint was carried out with the help of an expensive imported chondroprotector, unable to cope with the disease of this particular person.

Many simply drink cheap domestic gelatin from joint pain and are not treated any more, they start using warming ointments where non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are needed, stubbornly rely solely on folk medicine when urgently taking potent medicines, etc. There are many such examples. Meanwhile, time goes by and the disease takes root.


In order not to waste time and your own health, do not be lazy to apply to doctors - this advice we tirelessly publish in articles on various medications. We hope that you will be wise enough to use it. Health to you and your joints!

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