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A lodgement is what? Types of this blister pack, application

In modern conditions of market economy, manufacturers use the lodgement for packing goods . This is what everyone knows. It turns out that the lodgement is a type of blister pack, the main purpose of which is to preserve the integrity of the goods, securely fixing it in the box. Let's try to understand this in more detail.

A lodgement is what?

The designation of the above term, according to the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, is this: it is the astronaut's seat, a small trench for sheltering infantry.

But in the modern world there is another explanation for the word "lodgement". This is one of a variety of types of plastic packaging . It is used for customer convenience when consuming the goods.

One of the most popular packages in the world is the blister. This category includes transparent plastic packaging, blisters for alcohol products, cassettes for seedlings, corks and other types.

One of the most common and popular types of blister packaging is the abovementioned lodgement. What's this? It is a kind of liner or an ordinary substrate, which has special grooves for production units. The container is used for sorting the products in the package.

It should be noted that the above packaging has a similarity with the correction. Even the technology of production in them is the same. They are made using the vacuum molding method . But the difference is, of course, there is. Correx is mainly used in the confectionery industry for sorting products. The lodge has very different, more extensive, applications.

Types of lodgment, photo, brief description

This product is produced in two main types:

  • Advertising material ;
  • Packing material.

Packing lodge, the photo of which is presented below, is used as a way of rather traditional packing of the goods. This blister pack is used as an integral part of the whole box. The main purpose of this lodgement is reliable fixation of products. It is this material that prevents them from moving around the box or their damage.

Advertising Loan

The above-mentioned blister pack is used mainly for spectacular presentation of the product to a potential consumer. An advertising lodge is what? It is actively used to decorate expensive goods and conduct various promotions.

Specialists say that if you make products in such a blister, it will have a more attractive and original appearance, so that it can attract the attention of many buyers and stimulate the purchase of this product. Agree, the decor is the basis of any packaging. For the promotion of products, creative approach to its design will be very helpful. The lodgement in this case should emphasize the best and most spectacular aspects of the product. As the technical side today is unlimited, it becomes possible to embody the most interesting ideas and proposals.

The method of production of the lodgment - vacuum forming provides a good opportunity to create a wide variety of configurations and the relief of packaging. Combining it with a sufficiently wide choice of color shades allows to achieve maximum efficiency.

Using the Lodgment

It is known that the appearance of any product may suffer during transportation. Therefore manufacturers for strong fixing of the goods in a box use a lodgement made of foam rubber. This blister pack is used for registration:

  • Expensive photo and video equipment;
  • Measuring equipment and precision instruments;
  • Optics products;
  • Firearms and knives;
  • Laboratory and medical utensils;
  • Electric and hand tools;
  • Samples of the goods for presentations;
  • Alcoholic, perfumery and souvenir products.

The lodge imparts attractiveness to any product, raises its competitiveness. In addition, it provides a strong fixation of products inside bags, cases, suitcases.

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