
A food additive against anemia is SiderAl. Customer reviews, instructions, indications for use

"SiderAl" is not a medicinal product, but a biologically active food supplement containing iron in the complex of Lipofer® liposomes, as well as vitamins that promote its assimilation - B12 and C. This innovative product is manufactured by the famous Italian pharmaceutical company PharmaNutra. "SiderAl", whose reviews characterize it as extremely useful in iron deficiency, is not toxic, has virtually no contraindications and is prescribed even during pregnancy and lactation. In this article, we will talk about the properties of dietary supplements, describe the indications and contraindications to use. We will also discuss whether SiderAl has analogues, where to buy the product and what its value is. We hope that this information will be useful to you.

Properties of "Sideral" - iron-containing food additive

The drug "SiderAl" is intended to fill the lack of iron in the body. Its important advantage is that it contains iron ions found in phospholipid microspheres - liposomes. This innovative technology of liposome treatment of the mineral solves several problems simultaneously.
First, it becomes possible to absorb iron directly from the intestine. This means that dietary supplements are effective without hurting the stomach's mucosa. The medicine does not cause nausea, heartburn, indigestion and abdominal pain. And, secondly, thanks to the liposome complex, the drug does not stain the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and does not spoil the tooth enamel.

In addition to iron, "SiderAl" contains vitamins C and B12, which improve the assimilation of the mineral and provide an additional positive effect on the human body. Vitamin C has an antioxidant property, strengthens immunity, protects tissues and cells from free radicals. Vitamin B12 increases the regenerative capacity of tissues and is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells - erythrocytes.

Indications and contraindications to the use of dietary supplements "SiderAl"

This nutritional supplement is recommended for the complex treatment of iron deficiency, including:

  • With chronic and / or prolonged blood loss in women with hypermenstual syndrome;
  • In the presence of latent iron deficiency;
  • With insufficient absorption of iron due to various diseases of the digestive tract (peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, hemorrhoids, polyps, erosive gastritis);
  • During pregnancy;
  • During lactation;
  • With iron deficiency anemia.

Whatever the lack of iron - with the wrong diet, pregnancy, lactation or various diseases - is in any case a dangerous condition. Contraindication to the use of the drug "SiderAl" is only individual intolerance of the components of the drug.

Iron. Why is this mineral necessary for the human body?

Iron is required for the synthesis of the hemoglobin protein, which is located inside the erythrocytes and is the main carrier of oxygen. It is thanks to him that all cells and tissues of the body are saturated with oxygen. Lack of iron leads to a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in erythrocytes and subsequently to the development of iron deficiency anemia. The lack of this mineral does not fully enrich the blood with oxygen. Therefore, a person constantly experiences fatigue, apathy, lack of strength, drowsiness, his breathing can be difficult. Chronic lack of iron in iron deficiency anemia is accompanied by a violation of erythropoiesis - the process of formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. Usually this state is preceded by a sufficiently long period of asymptomatic iron deficiency. Therefore it is extremely important to regularly take tests and undergo a medical examination.

The form of the release and instructions for the use of the SiderAl preparation. Where to buy dietary supplements?

This food supplement is available in the form of capsules. In the package there are only 20 pcs. Adults should use one capsule once a day, while eating. The duration of taking the remedy is up to 30 days. At the same time, it is necessary to drink the preparation with a sufficient amount of water - this is indicated by the instruction accompanying the "SiderAl" preparation. The price of the drug may vary between 600 and 800 rubles per package. You can buy BAA in any pharmacy in your city or order it with home delivery on the websites of online stores selling medicines and medical products. Keep the capsules in a dry, protected from the rays of light, at a temperature of up to 25 ° C. Remember that before using the drug, you should always consult with your doctor. If, after taking "Sideral" you notice any pathological phenomena - digestive disorders, allergic rashes, pruritus - stop using the supplement immediately and consult a doctor! So, we told how to take and store the remedy - this is indicated by the instruction attached to the "SiderAl" preparation. We will provide feedback on the drug, and also tell you if there are any analogues of this iron-containing food supplement.

Are there analogues of Sideral?

Yes, other cheaper medicines, dietary supplements or multivitamin complexes can become a source of iron. The most common of them are Fenyuls (the producer country of India, about 80 rubles), Ferrum Lek (Poland, about 150 rubles), Ferrodok (Russia, about 430 rubles). The first two drugs often cause allergic reactions and are more suitable for the treatment of mild forms of anemia. "Ferrum Lek" can cause nausea, diarrhea, constipation, headache, fever and even, in rare cases, anaphylactic reaction of the body. Ferrodok, in addition to iron, contains in its composition a large number of other micro- and macroelements and acts more as an integrated general restorative. Therefore, if you need to quickly restore the iron level, we advise you to purchase a cheap but effective and safe Italian dietary supplements - Sideral. Feedback from consumers about the drug confirms its high quality.

Do ordinary consumers consider this tool effective?

Almost all patients remain satisfied with the curative effect of dietary supplements "SiderAl". Reviews that have a negative color on this drug on the Internet are extremely difficult to find. Most patients claim that the components of the drug are really well absorbed, without causing nausea and malaise. Italian dietary supplements quickly restore blood levels of iron. In addition, many people note that it improves the condition of Sideral hair and nails. Their reviews are as follows: BAA starts the process of hair growth and improves their condition; The medicine normalizes the skin condition and strengthens the nails; Additive increases efficiency.

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