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Myoma of the uterus in menopause: symptoms and treatment. Methods of treatment of uterine myomas

To date, fibroid occurs in women from the age of twenty to fifty-five. The size of the tumor can vary from a few millimeters to a dozen centimeters (doctors recorded a case of detecting a myoma in the size of a melon). Most often, this disease occurs in women who are approaching menopause (the reason lies in the hormonal failure). After the onset of menopause, a decrease and disappearance of a benign tumor is sometimes observed. But what if the hysteromyoma appeared with menopause? Symptoms and treatment of this disease will be discussed below.

General characteristics of the disease

Myoma of the uterus can be represented as a benign tumor located on the muscular, connective tissue of the uterus. This seal looks like a semicircular or round myoma node. The disease can occur without pain, symptoms, if the tumor is small. If several nodes are formed, the growth of uterine fibroids increases, then characteristic signs (pain, bleeding) may appear.

There are four types of benign tumors:

  • Subserosal;
  • Intramural;
  • Submucous;
  • Intraligamentary.

In the first case, the myoma is formed on the muscular tissue of the uterus from the outside. It is also called a subperitoneal. Developing, it grows into the pelvic cavity. Because of what pressure occurs on the relevant organs. Then there can be pain. The second type of tumor, called the intermuscular myomatous node, develops inside the muscular tissue of the uterus, which causes the stomach to grow. The third type of myoma develops under the mucous membrane of the uterus, because this tumor is called submucosa. In the latter case, we are talking about the appearance of a benign tumor between the ligaments.

This disease (myoma of the uterus) has not been studied by doctors. It is assumed that the causes of its occurrence are hormonal disruptions, hereditary diseases, individual reaction to tissue damage (abortion, operation), sexual infections, the early menstrual cycle (under ten years), alcohol abuse, irregular sexual relations, genetic factor, ecological situation.

Myoma and uterine cancer

Many women, after learning that they have a benign tumor, immediately panic, fearing a fatal outcome. However, the formation of myomatous nodes is not an oncologic malignant tumor. Cancer of the uterus, sarcoma are completely different female diseases. Gynecology, as a science, reveals the following factors that contribute to the appearance of cancer cells:

  • smoking;
  • diabetes;
  • HIV;
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • Presence of human papillomavirus;
  • venereal diseases;
  • infertility;
  • Late menopause;
  • Early childbirth;
  • Promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • Use of oral contraceptives;
  • obesity;
  • Women's diseases.

Gynecology still does not reveal the exact cause of the appearance of uterine cancer, like fibroids. As you can see, from the above list, many factors are similar to the causes of myomatous nodes, so a thorough investigation with analysis, ultrasound diagnosis, biopsy is required.

The appearance of cancer of the uterus, as well as fibroids, is indicated primarily by disorders of the menstrual cycle. That is, spotting goes chaotically, smears, then stop, and after some interval appear more abundant, prolonged. Another sign is pain that occurs during or after a sexual act, pulling unpleasant sensations in the groin, lower back. A woman is rapidly losing weight, quickly tired.

Myoma of the uterus with menopause: symptoms and treatment

At the initial stage of the disease, with small dimensions of a benign tumor, there may not be symptoms. The presence of myomatous nodes is determined by the usual gynecological examination. If you have any doubts, you need to get the exact information about the location of myoma, then the woman is sent for ultrasound diagnostics, hysterosalpingography. Very rarely, computer or magnetic resonance imaging is used to confirm this disease.

If the disease is started, then the signs of fibroid are as follows:

  • Severe, prolonged bleeding;
  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Feeling of pressure on the organs of the small pelvis;
  • Painful frequent urination;
  • Constipation;
  • Pain during defecation due to pressure on the intestines.

Most often, myomatous nodes are treated with operative or conservative methods, that is, by taking medications the size of myoma nodes decreases, the smallest seals dissolve. The operation is performed only with the formation in a short time of large benign tumors, since there is a risk of the appearance of leiomyosarcoma.

Types of myomectomy in the treatment of myoma nodes

The most effective surgical methods for treating uterine fibroids. Myomectomy is a surgical removal of a benign tumor with the preservation of female organs. There are three types of myomectomy:

  • Abdominal;
  • Laparoscopic;
  • Hysteroscopic;

In the first case, removal of myomatous nodes occurs with preservation of the uterus, but if their number is not more than four. Abdominal myomectomy is performed under general anesthesia. In the bikini area, an incision is made, the tumors are removed, then each layer is sewn in turn. The danger of this method is the use of other organs, infection, bleeding, the appearance of adhesions, the risk of infertility.

The second variant is suitable for the removal of sub-serous and intramural nodes. Before the operation, a drug course is prescribed, aimed at reducing the size of the nodes. Further, the navel or peritoneum region is pierced, the nodes are removed with the help of a video camera and surgical instruments. In comparison with the first method this kind of myomectomy is more painless. But there is also the risk of damage to neighboring internal organs, blood vessels, formation of hematomas, infection, the appearance of hernias.

The third variant of myomectomy is intended for tumors located on the mucous tissue of the uterus. The operation occurs under general or dorsal anesthesia without incision. Through the vagina, a rezetoscope is inserted into the uterus, and the tumor is removed. The advantage of this method is a minimum of blood loss, cosmetic effect, the ability to bear and give birth to children. The danger can consist in infection, damage to blood vessels, burns, repetition of the operation. But most often the signs of fibroid after such a surgical intervention do not appear.

Hysterectomy as a way to remove the uterus

Hysterectomy is an operation to remove the tumor along with the uterus. It can also be performed in various ways: laparoscopic, through the vagina or open. The first two methods are characterized by a cosmetic effect, that is, there will be no surgical suture on the body. But the choice of the type of operation depends on the age of the woman, the degree of the disease.

Most often, minimally invasive uterine intervention is used. That is, in the arteries that feed the tumor, microparticles are injected, which causes the feeding of the myomatous nodes to cease, and consequently, the growth of the tumor stops.

During pregnancy, with some inflammatory diseases, the location of the tumor on the neck, in the presence of a submucous node on a thin stalk, this operation is contraindicated (myoma of the uterus). The consequences are expressed in the violation of the menstrual cycle, amenorrhea, exfoliation of the tissue from the decomposing tumor. The optimal option is to consult a doctor and treat myomatous nodes at early stages of development. Then they can prescribe a course of taking hormonal drugs that prevent the production of estrogens, which causes the myomatous nodes to decrease in size.

How to treat a tumor without surgery?

Most often, doctors do not treat small myomatous nodes, but only observe their growth. This applies to women who have had uterine fibroids with menopause. Symptoms and treatment will be slightly different. First, the patient will be sent to a biopsy to exclude the origin of cancer cells. Secondly, the treatment will be comprehensive, aimed at fibroids and the negative effects of menopause. Thirdly, hormone therapy will contain other hormones (not estrogen).

Treatment of myomas with medicines is possible if:

  • The size of myomatous nodes is less than two centimeters;
  • Type of tumor intramural or subserous;
  • The size of the uterus does not exceed the parameters of a 12-week pregnancy;
  • There are no serious violations of the clinical picture;
  • There are no diseases of nearby organs;
  • Slow increase in compaction;
  • There is no allergy to medicines.

If a woman is approaching menopause, and the size of the myoma is small, then it is only possible to monitor the growth of the tumor. Since its development depends on the hormones of progesterone and estrogen, the number of which is reduced when menopause occurs. However, if a woman uses tablets with menopause, where there are these hormones, then the myoma will grow.

Most often hormone therapy is performed as a preoperative course in order to reduce the growth of myomatous nodes. Then, drugs with hormones gonadotropin-releasing hormones (aGGR), mifepristone are prescribed. They can not be taken for more than six months, as there will be osteoporosis due to a huge calcium deficiency. However, these medicines can not be cured by a large fibroid, since the effect of hormone therapy is short-term, after some time the growth of the nodes continues.

Is it possible to heal a tumor with folk remedies?

Most Russian women tend to self-medicate when they have a uterine myoma in menopause. Symptoms and treatment are studied on the Internet. As a result, some resort to grassy infusions, others run to quacks, leads, black magicians. Sometimes, both these and other methods only "take away" precious time, when it is possible to cure myoma without surgery with the help of a qualified specialist.

What herbs are selected for the treatment of myoma nodes? Judging by folk recipes, plants are selected that are cured of a benign tumor, inhibiting cell division. Recipes are made from a mixture of poisonous and non-poisonous plants (Baikal and Dzungarian wrestler, mistletoe white, mottled hemlock, swampy saber, European zyuznik, common shandr, propolis, medicinal witch, sporish and others). Most often, tinctures are made for ingesting a few drops, but a medicinal mixture is also prepared for the introduction of tampons into the vagina.

The course is designed for several months. However, the effectiveness of folk remedies has not been formally proven. Therefore, do not resort to folk, homeopathic medicine without consulting a professional, since myoma of the uterus in menopause has similar symptoms with cancer. Even if the doctor diagnoses a benign tumor, time due to self-medication can be lost, then the nodes will have to be removed together with the female organs.

The only thing the doctors agree with is the organization of proper nutrition. With miom you can not eat salty, spicy dishes, foods with a high content of fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates. If the myomatous nodes are formed in the uterus, then you need to consume vitamins (folic acid, B, E, C, D, iron, calcium). Preference is given to raw fruits, vegetables, pancakes and buckwheat porridge, yogurt, cottage cheese, protein products, boiled beef. With this disease, you need less to be in direct sunlight, exclude thermal, physical, massage effects on the location of the nodes.

If a woman's appearance coincides with the onset of menopause, it is worth taking vitamins with menopause: E, C, D, B6, B1, B12, B9, omega-3. The first vitamin tocopherol just reduces the negative manifestations of menopause by stimulating the function of the sexual glands. Ascorbic strengthens blood vessels, reduces the appearance of puffiness in the tissues. Vitamin D with simultaneous reception of calcium helps to strengthen bone tissue.

Vitamins of group B support work of cardiovascular, nervous, immune system, because of what the state of anxiety is normalized, irritability disappears. Vitamin complex of Omega-3 group allows to activate mental activity, raise efficiency, balance hormonal failure, help with excessive weight gain.

Use foods that contain these vitamins and minerals to help you feel better with menopause, as well as the formation of myomas. Do not forget to undergo a test, as the doctor can prescribe hormonal medications and tablets to the vitamins with menopause.

Myoma and menopause

It is believed that the myomatous nodes appear in women during the reproductive period. This is due to the presence of hormones necessary for fetal growth during pregnancy, but at the same time affecting the growth of tumors. In addition, if a woman has had abortions, miscarriages, other surgical situations, scars on the muscular tissue of the uterus can also lead to the development of fibroids.

With menopause, the level of estrogen decreases, and therefore small nodes up to two centimeters can decrease in size. Sometimes the myoma of the uterus may disappear altogether (reviews of women with such a miraculous cure are not scientifically justified). But with the use of drugs with estrogen, the make-up of the tumor continues, and therefore it can increase. So regardless of menopause, it is necessary to observe a gynecologist, undergo ultrasound diagnostics every four months with intensive development of fibroids.

In general, the nature of the appearance of myomatous nodes has not been studied by doctors. If it was previously thought that after the menopause myoma can not appear, then now there are more complaints of women on the formation of a tumor during menopause. Then you need to go through ultrasound to determine the nature of the seals that have appeared. Since the probability of cancer cells increases with age, and myoma can be nothing to do with it.

Effects of tumor treatment: osteoporosis

The decrease in the size of fibroids occurs due to the intake of hormonal drugs. If a woman has a menopause, she can take pills with estrogen, because of which the uterine myoma increases. What is dangerous for this disease? Doctors write out a bunch of pills with different hormones: some of them are aimed at reducing the size of the tumor, others are struggling with the negative symptoms of menopause. Long-term use of these hormones leads to a decrease in the concentration of calcium, the development of osteoporosis. That is, over time, the density of bone tissue decreases, the risk of fractures increases, even with a slight fall.

This is explained by an imbalance in the functioning of bone cells. That is, osteoclasts, restoring bone cells, normally prevail in comparison with osteoblasts that destroy bone. In osteoporosis, the balance of these cells varies in the direction of increasing destructive cells. One of the reasons for this disharmony is the decrease in sex hormones during menopause or the use of drugs that reduce the amount of estrogen in myoma.

The consequences of osteoporosis are expressed by fractures of the femoral neck, vertebrae. In women older than fifty-five years, such fractures may not heal, but all because immobility provokes intensive development of osteoporosis. But more often such fractures pass asymptomatically or are expressed by pains in the back, and after some time there is a curvature of the back, a hump is formed.

Myoma of the uterus: what is dangerous?

Myomatous nodes, like menopause, are accompanied by heavy bleeding, which in time can cause anemia. In the female body, the number of red blood cells decreases, the level of hemoglobin decreases, there is a lack of oxygen and iron. The woman has weakness, fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, tachycardia, dry mouth.

In addition to anemia, a large node of uterine fibroids due to constant pressure on neighboring organs can disrupt their work (for example, rectum, kidney, ureter). It can cause such diseases as a hydroureter (accumulation of fluid in the ureter), hydronephrosis (enlargement of cups and pelvis of the kidney due to excessive accumulation of urine), pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys).

If fibroids occur during pregnancy, then its intensive growth and large size can trigger miscarriage, exfoliation and placenta previa. But most often the myomatous nodes do not affect the full development of the fetus, although the conception of the child can be delayed in time.

Myoma of the uterus with menopause usually occurs due to imbalance of hormones, and therefore may be accompanied by thrush. The presence of an infection can aggravate a woman's health, and therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor for complex treatment.

Thus, it is not necessary to miss the annual gynecological examinations even in the absence of any complaints. After reaching thirty-five years, a woman needs to undergo a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, a therapist, a vascular surgeon, a nutritionist, a mammologist, have an ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland, breast, peritoneal and pelvic organs. And also donate blood for general analysis, biochemistry, to examine the cytology of the cervix, ECG, lipidogram.

As a preventive measure, you need to monitor your immunity, metabolism, the work of the endocrine system. Ask the gynecologist, if possible, to write vitamins for menopause, and not hormones. Remember that in the presence of the above symptoms it is better to consult a specialist, but do not specifically look for myomatous nodes. It is enough to be examined at the gynecologist twice a year.

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