Spiritual developmentTarot

Card Queen of Cups (Tarot): meaning and interpretation

In today's world, only a small group of people can do fortune telling on Tarot cards. They study possible combinations, positions and layouts for years, memorize interpretations and listen to the inner voice and desire of the cards themselves to reveal to someone the future or not. This is a whole art, which is now undeservedly forgotten.

But even at the time of its appearance, in the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Tarot was inextricably linked with mysteries, occultism and magic, and therefore was under the prohibition of the Holy Church. In the era of the Renaissance, it reached its dawn and was able to capture the minds of the most worthy representatives of the human race. But when people can not do something, but really want to, there are ways to do it. So there was a knowledge that was transmitted from under the floor, from mother to daughter, giving birth to whole dynasties.

Card deck

A typical Tarot deck consists of seventy-eight cards, which are divided into two large groups.

  1. Elder Arcana: they are, as a rule, twenty-two. Each of them is unique, has a unique picture and meaning. Depending on the nature and design of the deck as a whole, the names may vary slightly, but experienced fortunetellers do not see this as a particular problem.
  2. Junior Arcana consists of fifty-six cards, which in turn are divided into four suits: Wands, Swords, Cups and Coins or Denarii. Each of them, like in ordinary playing cards, contains an ace, a deuce, a three, a four ... up to ten, and then there's a jack or page, a knight, a queen and a king. The position of the ace in this sequence is twofold. It can be either the highest card or the youngest one. Everything depends on what rules the guesser himself takes.


There is a huge number of different in the style of the deck of tarot. Each of them represents not only artistic, but also magical value, because each time with the replacement of design, their meaning changes somewhat, acquires new facets and complexities. So, distinguish:

  • Egyptian Tarot, which is based on the characteristic stylistic devices and the legend developed on four houses;
  • Marseilles, the most common, therefore it is rather freely interpreted;
  • Visconti-Sforza (the most famous deck, the images are stylized for paintings of the Renaissance, made by hand to order rich Italians);
  • Ryder-White (created in the middle of the XX century, the most beloved and widely distributed deck);
  • Tarot Thoth (created by the famous esoteric and magician Alistair Crowley, along with the artist Frida Harris).

Appearing in the modern market design variations are combinations of the main decks. They do not carry that semantic load and can not be considered authentic. There are even thematic designs, which are based on fantasy characters or certain events, such as the Vampire Deck, Taro-Kamasutra and many others.

Some philosophical, occult and religious denominations have issued Tarot cards as postulates of their beliefs and use the deck not for divination, but for their own specific practices. This method allows us to devote new adepts to the basic concepts through rituals, rather than reading ancient folios.


It is believed that it was the tarot cards that were the forerunners of all the other playing decks, but no one has received confirmation of it. There are versions that they developed in parallel, or simplified over time, until they reached a modern form. For certain it will not work, because those who could shed light on this issue have long since sunk into oblivion and have taken their knowledge with them.

The townsfolk sometimes relate Small Arcana to ordinary playing cards, but for some cards, such as a knight, for example, there is no full equivalent, which makes the version far-fetched.

Legendary origin

It is believed that the first deck of cards were man-made works of art, made for the Italian aristocracy of the XV century. They contained the occult knowledge that was available to the people of that time. In the same century, a deck of Tarokki Mantegna comes out, which consists not of 78, but of 50 cards divided into five "houses": the Celestial Vault, the Fundamentals of Virtue, Science, Muse and Public Status.

In the late Middle Ages, it was no secret to anyone that playing cards came to Europe from the east. There were no images of people or animals on them, since the Islamic religion forbids it. Familiar modern maps appeared much later, in France. The hypothesis that playing cards originated from the Tarot is refuted by the fact that the Joker, considered the only "surviving" High Ark, actually appeared much later, in the United States, as an additional card for playing poker.

The first to notice that the Old Arkans have the Hebrew alphabet in their basis was Eliphas Levi. He correlated their significance and presented the Tarot not only as a fortune-telling instrument, but also as a magical artifact in other hermetic rituals.


The origin of the name of the maps is still unknown. But there is evidence that initially they were called "Maps of Triumphs," then by the middle of the sixteenth century, the Italians introduced the word "tarotstsi" to distinguish the game from tarot cards from ordinary playing cards.

There is also a version that the name comes from the Arabic word for "tour" or "taraka", which means leaving, throwing. But there was no unanimous opinion so far.

Fortunate function

Occult works claim that divination by Tarot cards existed long before the beginning of our era and always accurately predicted the future. But historical data deny this, since in documents for the first time there was a mention of fortune telling with the help of such decks only in the fifteenth century.

A century and a half later, a book is published in Italy, which makes a revolution in the system of fortune telling. It describes how to predict the future on conventional coin color cards. Surely you can say that from the end of the seventeenth century, the fashion for fortune-telling with the help of maps spread throughout Europe. There were many interpretations and decks.

Queen of Cups

She has many names - Sibyl, Lady, Lady. According to legend, this map identifies a person whose hopes and wonders come true. He is not sure that his event will end safely, but intuitively tuned to a good outcome. And thanks to this, such concepts as "Happiness" "Joy" are revealed to him in full.

According to the description, a beautiful woman is depicted on the map, which tries with her intuition to find out what is poured into the closed cup. She sits on a throne adorned with sea creatures by the sea.


Tender, vulnerable, sensitive woman - Queen of Cups (Tarot). The value of this card can literally be perceived as the prevalence of emotions over reason and common sense. Denotes a labile, romantic and thoughtful person whose opinion is important to others. But she / he has lost touch with reality and prefers to live in a world of illusions.

You never know what the Queen of Cups (Taro) next time is learning. The meaning of "Inverted" shows that a person is inclined to exaggeration, he is wayward, capricious, evil. Unbalance is your main feature.


If the fortuneteller makes a layout for his personal life, then it always has a certain aura of mystery. Especially if the Queen of Cups drops out (Tarot). Significance in the relationship (in the direct position) indicates that the person is guided solely by gusts of the heart and soul, and not by reason. He feels well his chosen one and in all echoes it. If this card falls out to a couple, then love is the main thing in their life. For a man - a symbol of love anguish, and for a woman - an indicator of her sensuality and attraction.

But this interpretation is not the only one the Queen of Cups has (Taro). The value in the relationship (in an upside down position) indicates the manipulation of your partner, a sense of loneliness and uselessness beside him. Having certain neighbors, you can interpret this card as slander and gossip, cunning, suspiciousness, captiousness.

An uneasy little thing, this Queen of Cups (Tarot). The value of love in intuition and the heart is enormous, but if the feelings were not preserved, then this same force that moved a man to exploits for his own sake can turn into a destructive beginning and absorb it.


Often it happens that people are asked to make a fortune in their work. This is much easier than in the amorous, and the interpretation here without fog, everything is clean and clear. Card Queen of Cups (Tarot), the meaning of which again can be interpreted both in a direct and inverted form, promises a creative vein in the conceived affairs.

If a person is able to bring into his work an element of harmony, peace and inspiration, then this lady is for you. It is the Queen of Cups (Tarot) (meaning direct) that shows how much you love your work, evaluate it not only in terms of profit, grooming and nurturing. If the Emperor is on the table next to her, then prepare for the long-awaited increase.

Now let's see the reverse side, which can be presented by the card of the Queen of Cups (Tarot). Value can range from a lack of career prospects to a demonstratively inflated self-importance. She points to intolerance of other people's mistakes, willingness to sacrifice them for their own interests, the ability to weave intrigues.


Sometimes a fortuneteller is asked to make a layout for well-being. It happens that the Queen of Cups drops out (Tarot). The value of health (direct appearance), indicates a strong resistance to external "evil", resistance to disease and a good sense of self. And on the contrary, if the card appeared upside down, then from your own health you can expect any dirty trick: depression, colds, tantrums even. You should be more careful in the near future.


The appearance of this map in the scenario, especially in an inverted position, does not bode well. She's such a lady, Queen of Cups (Tarot). The value on the situation can indicate that in your life there is some kind of exalted lady who is trying to either attract your attention, or make you disgusting. Only it is not clear if she turns it openly or behind her back? Her self-esteem and rich imagination can put you on a pedestal or throw him off. It all depends on the situation.

Map of the day

Fortunetellers also like to look into their future. And sometimes from it appears the Queen of Cups (Tarot). The value of the card of the day describes only the state of mind, emotionality, romance, an inspired spirit and love of others. Intuition works 100 percent, you can even play the lottery. If you manage to trust your instinct, you will reveal secrets that you did not even know about.

White's interpretation

In addition to the main meaning, there is also an astrological version of the evaluation of the layout, where there is the Queen of Cups (Tarot). The value of White implies the identification of each arcana with the celestial body and constellation. In this case it is the Moon in Pisces. Personalizes the female essence of the element of water, shows subtlety, empathy, readiness for self-sacrifice. Managing the thin strings of the soul, that's what the Queen of Cups (Taro) is striving for. Its meaning is vague, so it is also called a dark card, since the beginnings of its wisdom are unknown, and even she herself does not know about them.

Well no

We already know what a versatile person is hidden behind an ordinary cardboard box. And it is possible to assume that the answer to the dichotomous question will be equally ambiguous, but here we were able to surprise the Queen of Cups (Tarot). The meaning of "yes or no" is reduced to a simple answer - yes.

You can continue to paint how hypocritical this lady appears. She at the same time caresses her inner warmth, and whips a whip of resentment. After all, she is the Queen of Tarot Cups. The meaning and interpretation of it is always ambiguous and can change beyond recognition if there are strong Old Arcana next to it. A woman is peculiar to change, especially if her astrological twin is the Moon. And because of the variability, nothing will ever yield to it. As the lunar disk gradually disappears, beckoning with its mysteriousness and mystery, so does the Queen of Cups, does not show all its sides, but only those who want or can. It is always turned one side into darkness to be able to change its decision.

This map, in the historical plan, most corresponds to the concept of Anima Mundi or the Soul of the World. Also her image is traced in the Queen of Angels and the wife of Odin Erde, who had the gift of foresight and was identified with the Mother Earth.

Under the description that the Queen of Cups has (Tarot), its meaning is direct and inverted, Venus, Cassandra, the goddesses of the Greek Moira Pantheon, who are responsible for the fate of all living people, are also suitable. Insidious, but beautiful and amorous Calypso also gets on this list and completes it.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards is a relatively ancient fun, which was indulged in boredom in chic palaces throughout Europe. Nobody then took this seriously. Much later, when the predicted events began to come true, enlightened people paid attention to the unusual properties of these decks and began to develop a system of obtaining knowledge, layouts and interpretations. They aspired not only to learn their destiny, but also to influence it, to change. Whether they succeeded in this, for certain it is not known, but there are always willing to check.

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