Health, Preparations
Wormwood is a long-known plant that has been known for a long time. In folk medicine, it is used as a remedy that stimulates appetite, regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, has a calming, diuretic, choleretic, analgesic, antiseptic effect. Tincture or decoction on alcohol is used in the absence of appetite, gastritis, indigestion, ulcer, tuberculosis, dysentery, bad breath from the mouth and nose, malaria, fever. Also, wormwood is recommended in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidney and spleen, and bladder. Wormwood bitter has a relaxing and soothing effect for insomnia, fainting, spasms, dyspnea, convulsive vomiting. When used externally, this plant reduces bruising, has an analgesic and disinfecting effect. Fresh juice from wormwood quickly stops blood and tightens cuts and wounds.
Fresh pounded leaves help with severe bruises and well relieve pain during dislocations. With pains that are caused by stretching the tendons, wormwood will also have a beneficial effect. With chronic ulcers and joint diseases, wormwood is used externally. When biting insects recommend drinking a decoction of this herb or diluted tincture. The experience of applying wormwood along with thyme creeping and borodstvkoy grass for the treatment of alcoholism is known. With liver diseases, wormwood is used in a mixture with sage.
Tincture of wormwood is difficult to take inwards because of its very bitter taste. Therefore as an output it is possible to prepare tincture, an extract or even wine. For the preparation of wine, dry leaves of wormwood, alcohol and white wine are needed. Take it is recommended not more than 100 grams per day, as in the preparation there is a toxic substance, which in large doses can provoke convulsions.
Wormwood is used as a bitter against parasites, which consume all the most valuable and useful from the human body, and in addition, poison the person with the products of their vital activity. Therefore, fighting with them is often necessary. To prepare an antihelminthic powder, you need to take wormwood, flax seeds, cloves and thoroughly grind. The resulting mixture to drink a glass of fresh carrot juice. Wormwood bitter acts on more than 100 different types of parasites, and cloves completely destroy larvae and eggs. Also used tincture on wormwood and pumpkin seeds. Take leaves of wormwood and mix in equal amounts with pounded pumpkin seeds. The mixture is filled with vodka, it is insisted for a week in the sun or in the heat. Tincture should be drunk 2 times a day on an empty stomach for one glass.
Wormwood bitter for weight loss is also very effective. It is used in the form of oil, infusion or simply in a crushed form. Means for losing weight can be cooked even at home. Like other herbs for weight loss, wormwood wormwood has a strong enough choleretic and diuretic effect, which contributes not only to rapid weight loss, but also to the normalization of the digestive process. To prepare wormwood oil, you need to fill a small glass vessel with fresh leaves of wormwood and pour olive oil. Keep container tightly closed. Oil is infused for 10 days in a cool dark place. After the right time has passed, the oil should acquire a dark green hue. You need to store this oil in a cool place, and drink a tablespoon before eating.
Sagebrush infusion is a quick and simple remedy for losing weight and cleansing the body. Fresh or even dried wormwood is poured with boiling water, wrapped in a towel and infused for about half an hour. The resulting infusion is filtered and taken in the same way as wormwood oil.
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