Relations, Wedding
Witness at the wedding, her role and responsibilities
Perhaps the most important persons at the wedding celebration after the bride and groom are the witnesses who are next to the newlyweds throughout the holiday. Especially troublesome, but also very honorable and pleasant is the role of the witness at the wedding.
The duties of the witness are many, so it would be nice to transfer some of them to other girlfriends of the bride or her relatives. Start to perform their tasks, the witness at the wedding should be long before the celebration. For example, her duty is to help in choosing a dress for the bride, as well as in preparing wedding events. Of course, no one requires a bride from the bridesmaid to put all the organizational issues on her. Her task is to support her friend morally, who is probably very worried about her own wedding.
Also, the witness at the wedding is responsible for organizing such a pre-wedding event as a bachelorette party. It is necessary to try to make the event passive and fun, since a successful hen party will help the bride to rest from pre-wedding hassles and get rid of unnecessary excitement.
On the shoulders of the witness lies the preparation of such an exciting wedding moment as a ransom. Here it is necessary to try, that tests for the groom have passed cheerfully and provocatively. To select competitions and assignments the witness at the wedding should in such a way that the whole ransom took no more than thirty minutes. The drawn-out ransom annoys and tires the groom and brings boredom to the guests.
On a pre-wedding day, the witness needs to carefully prepare her handbag, so that everything necessary is there so that any trouble can be corrected. The standard set includes: thread (white) with a needle, several pins, hairpins, invisible, comb, mirror, napkins (wet and dry), powder and lipstick or lip gloss. Such a unique set of "first aid" will help quickly bring the outfit or makeup of the bride in order in the event of difficult emergencies.
On the day of the celebration, the witness at the wedding comes to the bride first to help her friend with a dress and a hairdo. When the groom arrives, the witness conducts a ransom, attracting the help of other girlfriends of the bride.
Before the trip to the registrar, the witness must check whether the hasty couple's passports, wedding rings, champagne, glasses and other small things are forgotten in a hurry. And after the registration procedure, when all the guests start congratulating the young spouses, the witnesses should be ready to help the bride in time to "get rid" of the bouquets that she will be given to her.
When the newlyweds leave the hall, they are usually showered with rose petals, sweets and coins. This event should also be prepared by witnesses, beforehand giving out props to the guests and "building" them so that a corridor is formed. At the same time, it is important to explain to the guests that they need to throw petals of flowers up, and coins and sweets - under the feet of the young.
Do not have to relax the witness and during the banquet. She should take care that all guests are placed at the tables, as well as to help the bride take gifts, by organizing a place where wedding gifts can be temporarily put together.
Of course, it will be necessary to prepare congratulations for the wedding from the witness, which must be sincere, warm and original. The participation of witnesses in various contests and games, organized by the toastmaster, is also mandatory. The duties of witnesses end only after the end of all the wedding celebrations.
In the pre-wedding bustle, the witness needs to find the time to prepare a worthy outfit for herself. The dress (or suit) should be moderately elegant, but in no case should you strive to compete with the bride's toilet.
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