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Winter sorts of pears: names, types, reviews. Winter pears for Moscow region

The most popular fruit trees after the apple tree are pear trees. Each gardener tries to plant this culture on his own plot as far as possible. However, when planting, consider the climatic zone. Not every variety can be cultivated in the middle zone of Russia. For example, near Moscow conditions are not so favorable for the planting of garden plants.

But do not despair, as the breeders have labored to create frost-resistant seedlings, which are also resistant to various diseases. At the moment, specialists managed to bring out autumn and winter pear varieties for severe regions. Today's review is devoted to this topic. From it you will get valuable and informative information that meets the requirements of any recreational diver.

Autumn species

Varieties of winter and autumn pears are not inferior in taste to summer ones. Fruit ripening begins from the second decade of September. Adult plants give a great harvest, which can be stored for a long time in cool rooms. At the same time, their juiciness and integrity are not lost.


Early-autumn fruit, derived by selection method - by crossing the "forest beauty" and "birch Michurin". We have high yields for 6-7 years. Requires regular watering. According to the reviews of summer residents, this species is well tolerated by low temperatures. Also, people noted the pleasant palatability of fruits: the flesh is granular, very tender, melting and sweet.

"Take the Boss"

French autumn-winter pear varieties for the middle belt deservedly enjoy tremendous popularity in our country. It is widely used on an industrial scale. It adapts well to different soils and tolerates the first frosts, but the best productivity results on fertile lands. Maturation is already observed in early autumn. Fruits are stored until December in cold rooms.

According to the statement of experienced biologists and amateur gardeners, the most valuable quality of this variety is that the plant is practically not affected by fungal disease (scab). They are pleased with the fruits, which are large in size, attractive in shape, with a pleasant yellow tint, a dense oily pulp and a delicious tart aroma.

"Fancy Efimov"

During many years of work the breeders managed to create autumn-winter pear varieties for the Moscow region. Proof of this is the high-yielding grade "elegant Efimova", justifying such a beautiful name. He has elongated yellow-green fruits with a bright blush, creamy juicy pulp and a characteristic odor.

In 1989, in Erfurt, the variety was awarded a gold award for quality and pleasant taste. The main strengths include excellent resistance to fungal diseases and frost, and also unpretentiousness. This is one of the few autumn varieties suitable for cultivation in the middle latitudes.

The majority of summer residents gladly grow it on their household plots. People give positive assessments of the quality of the crop. The main thing - not to allow overripe, otherwise the pulp will be powdery and dry. After the harvest, the fruits lie about two weeks in a cool place with a constant temperature not exceeding + 15 ° С.

"Favorite of Yakovlev"

User reviews say this: this is one of the most reliable for winter hardness variety with a large crown and sour-sweet fruits. He annually gives the owners a large harvest - the fruit begins on the sixth year. Already in the beginning of autumn you can eat delicious, juicy and fleshy pears. You can collect unripe fruit, put them in wooden boxes, wrapped in paper, and store for two months in a cool room.

Varieties of winter maturity

Winter varieties of pears, along with autumn, please tart taste and freshness. They are successfully cultivated in the suburbs, because they better tolerate low temperatures, longer stored under the right conditions and unpretentious in care.

"May Day"

It is undemanding to soil soils, well tolerates drought, frosts and is practically not prone to fungal diseases. All these factors, according to farmers, are fundamental. And most importantly, the fruits do not lose their freshness for 250 days. They have an attractive appearance with a light wax coating. Surprising taste.

Ukrainian pear variety "Artemovskaya winter"

We brought out this hybrid in Donetsk. Flowering occurs in the second decade of December. A tree with a wide crown. The fruit does not deteriorate even at subzero temperatures. The plant perfectly tolerates heat and drought. Does not require special care. Fruits are large, weighing 250 g. The color is bright yellow, with a pleasant red blush. Very few winter pear varieties for the middle band can boast of such advantages as this. Its gardeners-amateurs and large industrial manufactures select it. There are no problems with transportation and storage (does not deteriorate until February). According to experts, its yield is simply amazing.

"November Winter"

This pear was managed to be deduced by a hybridization of grades "triumph of Vienne" and "Nikolay Kruger". Received wide publicity in European countries for their amazing qualities and long-term preservation. In appearance it is a medium-sized tree with a sprawling crown and large elongated fruit, reaching a weight of up to 500 g. It does not undergo bacterial damage and scab.

Learn the fruits of this variety can be on a dense peel pale yellow tinge - there is a small pink. The first harvest can be collected in four years and rejoice in quantity. Plant trees are allowed next to quince crops. Storage pears winter varieties should be carried out in the basement until the very spring, while the fruits do not change the taste and do not deteriorate, which is another significant advantage.

"Belarusian late"

The Belarusian variety is obtained from the seeds of the winter variety "good Louise". When they say about the best winter varieties of pears, they mention "Belarusian late". Pleases with high winter hardiness, small crown, complex resistance to various diseases and long-term preservation. After landing the first harvest, wait no earlier than five years.

Reviews about this species are numerous and almost all in a positive way. As the summer residents say, the tree brings a stable and big harvest annually. At the same time, the quality does not suffer, the sweet flesh of the fruit simply melts in the mouth and gives a lasting pleasure.

"Charles Cogne"

Many winter pear varieties for the Moscow region were withdrawn by French specialists. "Charles Cogne" - an amazing view, not afraid of negative temperature (to -9 ° C). The fruit is removed in early October. Fruits have an extraordinarily tender structure and chocolate aroma.


Created specifically for severe climatic zones. A popular and popular variety, growing on various soils, including clay ones. The tree is voluminous, requiring constant trimming. Fruiting is observed for the third year after planting. There are many crops.

Fruits have a yellow color and an average value. This is one of the favorite varieties of gardeners, because the fruits have a fine-grained and delicate structure. Mistresses from them prepare excellent preserves and desserts. Not all winter pear varieties are so revered by culinary experts. After heat treatment, the fruits do not change shape, remain as tasty and useful.

"Decanter winter"

In other words, "dushes winter". This is a massive tree with a branched wide crown of leaves. Fruiting begins very early and occurs regularly. Fruits are large, bumpy, of considerable volume. Despite their impressive size, they hold fast to the tree in small bundles, not falling for a long time.

The smell is very weak. Peel smooth, beautiful light amber hue. Pulp whitish, fleshy and sweet. The main advantages of summer residents include long-term preservation, good transportation, frost resistance.

How to store pears of winter varieties at home?

The length of storage will depend directly on the degree of maturity. To prevent the fruit from losing its original appearance, elasticity, characteristic oily structure and juiciness, they should be disrupted at the recommended time. Winter pear varieties have a different period of ripening. Many believe that green fruits ripen in refrigerators, but this is not so.

The flesh simply hardens and becomes unfit for consumption. Such practices are practiced by unscrupulous exporters who wish to obtain profit without caring about the quality of the product being sold. It should be noted that each species has its own individual storage temperature. Ranneosennie should be kept in a room with a temperature regime of + 3 ° C for no more than two months, at -1 ° C, the term can be extended to 150 days.

Before storing pears of winter varieties, it is necessary to create suitable conditions: the humidity in the room should not be below 85%, and the approximate temperature is 1-2 ° С. Put pears better in special containers or containers of natural material. To ensure that the fruits are not wrinkled or deformed, they need to be folded in a diagonal or chess way. The bottom of the box is covered with paper or shavings.


According to the observations of experienced agronomists and amateur gardeners who have been planting winter pear varieties for many years, the most suitable varieties for the Moscow region are "northerners", "Belarusian late", "Artemovskaya winter". These varieties excellently tolerate low temperatures (up to -10 о С), yield high yields, tasty fruits and are absolutely not demanding in care. Skeletal branches are practically not susceptible to diseases and sunburn.

Thanks to biologists, people have the opportunity to plant the best varieties of pears on their own plot, regardless of where they live. The assortment of winter-hardy pears that would be suitable for cultivation in the middle latitudes of Russia is still actively being studied. And gardeners can only get updated and improved varieties. Do not forget that every fruit plant needs care: regular watering, pruning and feeding.

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