Computers, Computer games
Why "Pokemon Guo" crashes? The main problems of the game and how to correct them
"Pokemon Guo", no doubt, won the title of the most popular game for mobile platforms. This is confirmed by millions of downloads from the Google Play Store and Apple's App Store. It would seem that there is nothing unusual in it, but a simple search and catching Pokemon with a mobile phone in real locations have conquered most of the players around the planet. But as in most new products, there are a lot of shortcomings that cause errors and a rally of the system. About this, why Pokemon Guo flies, and other most common problems of the game, as well as ways to deal with them, this article will tell.
Rally during loading
Most players face problems even at the very start of the game. For example, you see a spinning poketball in front of you, but the game does not load. Why "Pokemon Guo" crashes on launch? Most likely, it's about a huge number of players who at the same time start the game with you at the same time. As a result, servers "Pokemon Go" are overloaded, and the system fails. So if you see a twisted icon in the upper left corner of the screen, do not panic - most likely your device is trying to connect to servers, and you need to wait a bit.
A few more reasons why Pokemon Guo flies out
Sometimes when you sign in, users receive the following message: Our servers are experiencing issues. This error is not always true to fix it, you must forcibly close the application and re-enter. If after that you still can not open the application in any way and do not know why Pokemon Go is flying, then the phone can reboot. If that did not work, go to the Google Play Store and see if the app does not need to be updated. Perhaps the outdated version is the main reason why "Pokemon Guo" crashes.
Reinstalling the application
No less important reason why "Pokemon Guo flies" is the installation of broken and unlicensed versions. In this case, you can remove and reinstall the application. Do not worry about the lost process, because your achievements are kept in the profile. So when you start a new application, you will continue your game from the place where you finished.
Restarting Location Services
Failures on the Web can distort your coordinates, and accordingly, the game will not start correctly. To fix this error, responsible for why the game "Pokemon Guo" crashes, you need to go to your phone settings and temporarily turn off the GPS. After that, run the application. If you can log in, connect to the geolocation - this should help the game to earn again.
Verify device compatibility
The outdated phone model is one of the main reasons why Pokemon Go is on Android. Check your settings: the application can only work on OS versions from Android 4.4 and up. In addition, the minimum resolution of the screen on which the game works is 1280 x 720 pixels. No less important for the "Pokemon Guo" and the device's RAM. If the RAM is less than 2 GB, the game will not start. Also, the system will not work correctly on devices that can only connect to Wi-Fi networks if there is no GPS connection. Owners of phones or tablets with the installed Intel Atom processor will also not be able to play in "Pokemon Guo", because their system is incompatible with the game.
How to fix a game stop
If the game crashed and you received a message that the application has stopped, then to correct this error you need to go to your smartphone settings. Next, you need to open the "Department for Developers". If you do not see this folder on your device, you must activate it. To do this, go to the "About the phone" section and click on "Assembly number" seven times. After these actions, the menu for developers will open. Now in this section, find the entry "Do not save the action", most likely, opposite it will be a tick. You need to remove it. Now exit the settings and try running "Pokemon Go". This time the game should work stably.
Removing garbage
Clogging the cache is the main reason why the game crashes. To fix this error, go to the phone settings menu and find the "Applications" section in it. After that, go to the applications you want to clear the cache. There you will find a special section that will remove all unnecessary data. In addition, there is another radical way, sometimes helping with the departures of "Pokemon Guo" - is the complete removal of all files and return to factory settings. This method is better to use only in the most extreme cases, it's not a fact that after you delete all the data, the game will work without departures.
Why "Pokemon Guo" flies on the iPhone
The main problem for this platform may be incorrect data transmission. To fix this error, it is sometimes enough to disable and enable the Internet connection. If after this the application continues to crash, go to the App Store and check for the update for "Pokemon GO". In addition, sometimes the output and re-authorization on the game server help. Also, to check the operation of the system, it will be superfluous to launch some other application. If after that the game does not want to work properly, then it's worth removing the application and installing a new version. The last method of correcting errors is to completely reset the phone or the iPad. You only need to use it if all other solutions do not work and you really want to play "Pokemon Go".
This concludes our description of the main problems of the game. We hope that our advice has benefited you and helped to correct the mistakes of "Pokemon Guo".
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