Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Why dream of getting lost? Dream Interpreter

It is hardly possible to consider as pleasant that vision in which a person managed to get lost. A dream interpreter, however, does not in all cases assure that it is necessary to wait for something bad. There are good values for such visions.

Modern dream book

Getting lost in the city is not only unpleasant, but also frightening. And if in real life in the case of such a feeling of panic covers us, then in a dream, for sure, the person is also experiencing it. And no wonder, because such a vision presages the solution of important tasks. And if the dreamer still can not find the right road, then in reality he will have to face the risk.

When a person is lost and does not even try to find a way out, this is a sad vision. Usually it is a subconscious reflection of those remorse that has long haunted the dreamer.

And if the girl dreamed something like that, then only one thing can mean it. Namely the fear of new acquaintances and society. Even if she does not suffer from personality disorder, she certainly does not like going out into people. It is worthwhile, finally, to cope with this and adapt to urban life. Otherwise, it can be overtaken by loneliness.

According to Miller

A lot of interesting information can tell and this dream book. To get lost in another's city and not to feel at the same time anxiety - to a favorable coincidence of circumstances. Perhaps a person expects success in his endeavors. But if he was trying to find the right way in a panic, it's to fear of changes that can happen in life. Yet this vision suggests that the dreamer trusts very few people. Of course, sometimes this quality saves, but if its manifestation is excessive, then something must be done.

If a person sees a lost child, then he must take control of the upbringing of his children. Otherwise, he may lose sight of them, and the consequences will be sad.

But if a child dreams that he is lost, then nothing terrible will happen. Most likely, he just feels a small fear of some event. It is not necessary to survive - everything will go like clockwork.

This is not all that this dream book can tell. Anyone can get lost in his vision. But if it's a man, then a dream for him will not turn out well. Most likely, soon he will have to choose between two people, each of whom is very close and dear to him.

What will the book tell Tsvetkov?

If a dreamer watched an outsider who asked for help in his nightly dreams, then in real life he would be expected to receive a very favorable offer. And they will need to use it.

Seeing a lost woman with a child is also good. Usually, after such a vision, a person receives favorable news from relatives or close ones.

But if he himself got lost, do not expect good. This vision can only promise a loss of memory or a major failure. If the dreamer went the wrong way, which was necessary, but still found the right way, then in real life he expects well-being and achievement of long-established goals.

According to Freud

This popular book of interpretations also gives a detailed explanation of the vision in which a person managed to get lost. Freud's dreambook states that if one can not find out the place in which the dreamer was found, then in real life he will lose some important goal. And through my own fault.

Watch out for an unauthorized person who tries unsuccessfully to find the right way - to loneliness. And this is not just a dream, but an alarm bell. After him, the dreamer should take up personal life, if he does not want to spend the next long time alone.

But to see yourself lost, sitting with a doomed and confused look - to the emergence of a predicament in reality. The interpreter advises not to get involved in dubious cases in the near future and not to accept "tempting" proposals. The consequences can be unpredictable.

Other circumstances of the dream

You can get lost not only in the city, but, for example, in the forest. If a person in his night dreams dreamed this and he does not know what kind of explanation to give, a dream book will come to the rescue. To get lost in the forest is even more unpleasant than in the city. In megacities, at least, there are people. But in the forest - very rare.

If this vision was dreamed of people born from September to December, then in real life they are doomed to despair. In the near future they are waiting for a black band, so it is necessary to gain strength, patience, and go through the barriers.

According to Medea's dream book, such a vision is translated as uncertainty in the future. Most likely, the sleeper just does not know what to do with his life further.

But according to Sonnik Tsvetkov, a man lost in the forest is a symbol of gossip and rumors in reality. However, if the dreamer wandered around the neighborhood with interest, then a useful and pleasant journey awaits him awake. But to feel panic, to understand that there is no right way, is to commit big mistakes. It is worth taking this into account and in the near future to show maximum accuracy and alertness.

If lost in the house

There are such buildings in which you can easily get lost. If something similar happened on the vision of the vision, then what to expect from it - the dream book will tell. Being lost in the building, being alone, is scary. But here the book of interpretations assures: this vision only speaks of the well-developed intuition of the dreamer. True, if he did not doubt, while wandering around the building. Was there confusion? Then he should revise the plans that he created for the near future. Perhaps they will not come true, if everything is not carefully thought through.

There are other interpretations about those visions in which a person could get lost. A wanderer's dream book says: if he wandered around the city and could not find the building where he had to get to, then in reality he does not have enough thrills. Perhaps it's time to go on an extreme vacation.

And how does the book of Freud's interpretations explain the vision in which a man could get lost in a building? Snyknik says that if the room was large and unfamiliar, then in real life it is necessary to get acquainted with the person, which will cause incomprehensible, contradictory feelings.


If a person in a dream for a long time roamed the intricate corridors and could not find a way out, in real life he would have to solve a very difficult task. And this will take him too much time and energy. But the dreamer will cope. And when the result is achieved, he will gain full freedom and feel himself a true winner.

The main thing is for a person to walk around the labyrinth in high spirits - with the belief that he will find a way out. If he did not feel well, then, most likely, in the near future he will become depressed. And the reason for this will be accumulated problems.

Other interpretations

Finally, it is worth noting with attention that the esoteric dream book tells about visions in which a person is lost. If he gets lost in the forest, then it promises depression, a long process of self-interest and a bad mood. To avoid this, it is desirable to find the reason, because of which predominantly and there is such a state of health.

If the dreamer does not even try to find a way out of the forest, he becomes entangled in himself and fears the future. We need to be more careful with this, since such periods are often delayed and then finding a way out is more difficult. The main thing is not to lose heart and try to support yourself in every way, even if it seems that everything is bad.

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