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Why does the puppy hiccup after a meal or in other situations?
Sometimes it happens that the puppy begins to hiccup. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Let's take a closer look at this topic. Why does a puppy hiccup?
Sometimes the resulting hiccups in dogs are usually harmless. This is the same phenomenon as in humans. Hiccups are a sharp reflex inspiration associated with a repeated contraction of the diaphragm. And because of what it arises? Why does a puppy hiccup? I would like to note that hiccups can be both short-term and long-term. The reasons for the occurrence, of course, are different. Let's consider them.
Growing pains
Some experts believe that a hiccup for a puppy is normal. They call this phenomenon a growth disease. Episodes (short and infrequent) hiccups during the period when the puppy passes through all the stages of psychological and physical development are considered normal phenomena. The older the beast becomes, the less likely it is.
There is an opinion that hiccup is a kind of vestigial reflex of puppies, which remains with them from the time of staying in the womb of the mother. In this way they can strengthen the muscles of the esophagus and the lungs, while they are supposedly "under water". If the hiccup lasts no more than an hour, then there are no special reasons for concern.
Food and games
Why does the puppy hiccup after eating? Typically, this is due to the rapid filling of the stomach, when the dog very quickly and eagerly uses food. Sometimes a similar hiccup can occur in a puppy who eats dry food, drinks a little water. Then it is worth to increase the amount of fluid in the dog's diet. Experts recommend to soak small puppies dry food in water.
Why does a puppy hiccup? For example, this can happen if the kid just finished stormy games with other puppies, dogs. It happens because the dog has a nasopharynx dry out. He just needs to drink some water.
You can also take the puppy for the front paws, so that he stands a little on the back. In time such an exercise should take about three minutes.
Sometimes a puppy starts hiccup when it freezes. Especially in the winter season this can often be observed. Also hiccups from hypothermia can be in naked and short-haired dogs. Therefore, such dogs must be worn in special clothing for animals, even in the apartment. It is also desirable that such dogs and puppies are less likely to be drafted.
Why does the puppy often hiccup or long? Perhaps he has worms. Remember when you gave the puppy the anthelmintic preparation. If it was a long time, then repeat the reception of the remedy. The dosage depends on the age and weight of the dog. In this matter, you can also consult a veterinarian.
There may be more serious causes of long hiccoughs. For example, hit a foreign body. Causes of prolonged hiccoughs:
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (eg, gastritis, etc.);
- Dirofilariasis.
It happens that a prolonged hiccup arises from damage to the central nervous system. For example, this may be a complication after the plague by the nervous type. Watch the dog, look for other related symptoms. Although it is better to show the animal to a veterinarian
Long hiccups can occur in a puppy before a heart attack. Therefore, look at the behavior of the pet, it may need urgent help, but rather go to the clinic.
If hiccups occur periodically, it is best to consult a doctor. Usually metoclopramide is used to stop the attack (the drug "Cerukal") - a blocker of dopamine receptors. The drug will help calm the hiccough, if it is associated with gastrointestinal problems. But use of medicines is only on the instructions of the veterinarian.
A small conclusion
Now you know why the puppy hiccups. As you can see, there are many reasons. If the puppy begins to hiccup, watch him, show the veterinarian to be safe or not to start the disease.
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