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Where walruses live, there the whole bottom is plowed

Walruses belong to the number of large pinnipeds. Adult males can be up to 4 meters in length, and the weight of some individuals is almost two tons. Among pinnipeds in size they are inferior only to the sea elephants. Thick canines, reaching a half-meter length, are used by walruses to dig out suitable food from sand and silt.

Where walruses live, the depths are small, because they feed mainly on bottom shellfish, which are easier to mine in shallow water. You can meet them in the polar seas of Eurasia and North America.

Terrible to look at, but kind in heart

Thick skin (up to 4 centimeters) is practically devoid of hair. Walruses live in water and are good swimmers. The presence of a large amount of subcutaneous fat allows animals to easily stay afloat. Their head is heavier than water. In order to breathe, it must periodically be raised above the water surface. And although under water in search of food animals can spend a lot of time, but they can not sleep at depth. In the place where walruses live, you can often see the brown-brown backs of a sleeping herd sticking out of the water, resembling a placer of boulders in shallow water. Periodically, the carcasses hide in the dark water, and in their place there are baleen heads. The sea animal, without opening its eyes, takes a deep breath and again immerses its head, and in its place the back appears again. So, constantly tossing, they are asleep.

Walrus is a herd animal. They live in large groups, each year making long trips to the places that they are chosen for reproduction. The process of choosing such a place lasts a very long time. Animals are extremely cautious and never dare to go ashore at once. First they sniff, assess the situation, exchange information and only after that venture to get out of the water.

In cases where animals have to rest on the shore after a long voyage, in places where walruses live, an interesting picture is observed. Tired, they lie on the beach, close to shoulder. Sleep can be in any position: on the belly, on the back or on the side. Newcomers, in order to find a bit of free space, are forced to climb their backs to their comrades. Drak because of closeness almost does not happen, in this respect they show amazing restraint and peace.

Usually rookeries are separated from walruses. Adult males prefer to lie on the shore. Females with babies try to be placed on ice. When there are a lot of animals on the ice floe, it turns over under their weight or simply disappears under the water.

Reproduction of sea giants is slow. Most females bring the cubs once every 3-4 years. Feeding the baby's milk in one and a half tons of weight lasts throughout the year. The walruses themselves can not get food for themselves, because their fangs begin to grow from a one-year-old age.

Pahari of the Sea

The bottom of the shoal where walruses live is covered with large furrows reaching up to 150 meters in length. These grooves animals do in soft soil, plowing mud and clay in search of mollusks - their main food. Sailing at the bottom, walrus muzzle picks a furrow, while still having time to choose everything edible on the move.

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