News and Society, Nature
Where do the white mushrooms grow and when do they need to be harvested?
Many mushroom pickers are interested in where the white mushrooms grow now? And this is not surprising, because fans of "quiet hunting" with reverence refer to this macromycete, which is called the miracle of the mushroom kingdom. Therefore the question "where the white mushrooms grow " is far from idle. Any mushroomer with great joy will put them in his basket.
The white fungus at an early age has a hemispherical cap, but eventually it straightens, becomes more convex, and sometimes flattened. Its diameter can reach 20 cm and more. The color of the cap varies from light brown to dark brown. Coloring directly depends on the place where the white mushrooms grow. In coniferous forests, the hats are chestnut-brown with a reddish tint or a dark-brown hue. In the deciduous forests, their colors are pale yellow or light. The color scheme also depends on the level of illumination. In the sun, the fungus seems to be sunbathing - its surface becomes darker.
In young fungi, the tubular layer is matte white. Over time, the color becomes slightly yellowish, somewhat with a greenish tinge. In young macromycetes, the stem is barrel-shaped, light gray or light brown. As it grows in height, it acquires a cylindrical shape. Its diameter is up to 7 cm, its height is up to 15 cm. The pulp is white, sturdy, its color does not change its color. Fresh mushrooms have no specific smell. Rich in vitamin D.
These macromycetes are found everywhere in mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests. They are collected in the period from June to October. The most interesting thing is that it is possible to determine where the white fungi of a particular subspecies grow according to the color of their fruit body. According to this feature and "forest registration" there are about twenty varieties of macromycetes. So, distinguish spruce and birch fungus, pine and borage pine, and others. All these macromycetes belong to the highest category. They grow on all types of soil, except peat. In some regions, these fungi occur in very large quantities.
White mushrooms form mycorrhizas with some species of trees. Fruit they wave. The first wave begins in early June, the second - closer to the middle of July, the third - to August, etc. The yield is different. As a rule, the first crop is the most scarce. Mushroom pickers believe that this macromycete is somehow connected with red fly agaric. Where a white fungus grows, you can meet a poisonous handsome man. And white accompanies fly agaric. If the latter bears fruit, it means that a white mushroom has appeared. True, the reliability of this information is difficult to verify.
White mushrooms are used for food in pickled, stewed, fried, boiled, dried. Of these, countless dishes are prepared. And if a fresh copy of a special smell does not differ (as already mentioned), then the aroma of dried macromycetes is simply unique. Some mushroom pickers believe that any other use of this product is blasphemy. By the way, if the dry white mushrooms are kept in slightly salted milk for several hours, they again become like fresh. According to nutrition, these macromycetes are twice as high as chicken eggs.
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