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Where do polar bears live? A rhetorical question

A bear that inhabits the ice

Most mammals have a habitat with a warm climate and an abundance of food. But some of them settled in conditions in which it seems impossible to live. First of all, this refers to the polar bears. They are often confused and say that they live in the same place as penguins, but this is a profound error. The answer to the question of where polar bears live is quite simple: in the Arctic, beyond the Arctic Circle. They are also called polar or marine, as they swim remarkably well.

Is it really white?

Although these mammals are called white, but in fact their fur is colorless. Simply because the inner surface of the tubes, of which the bear's fur is composed, is uneven, and the effect is a crushing of light. As a result, when reflected at various angles from the surface, the light creates a white effect. So, as you can see, in fact, the fur of such a bear is colorless.

Get acquainted closer

This species appeared relatively recently. According to the scientists, he is not more than 250 thousand years old. It is believed that he had a common ancestor with an ordinary brown bear, only white could adapt to life under extreme conditions. After all, wherever there live polar bears, eternal snow and ice. To date, there are not so many individuals, so this species is listed in the Red Book. Most often mammals can be found between ice floes and icebergs, and some come to a distance of hundreds of kilometers from the coast. But they are not threatened with being on the ice, because they are excellent swimmers. Without rest, they can sail up to sixty miles.

Nutrition and reproduction

White and fluffy handsome - this is usually a polar bear. The photo usually represents his sweet creation, but in fact he, like his brown fellow, is a fierce predator. It feeds mainly on sea hares, seals and walruses. Polar bears are very good and patient hunters. Capable of tracking down game for a very long time. A special delicacy predator is the fat and skin of the seal, so it can wait for hours at the breathing holes. The harsh conditions of the territories where polar bears live, left their imprint on the food system. A polar bear can eat an amount of food equal to 10% of his own weight per hour. In search of food, he can wander, his seasonal movements are quite long. To reproduce the offspring, they use special territories called "maternity homes," and there are also lairs here. Hibernation of a polar bear is short - only two months, at this time the bear often wakes up to care for the baby.

In search of truth

Why this beautiful and powerful predator has insignificant populations and is listed in the Red Book? Of course, living conditions in the Far North, where polar bears live, leave their imprint, but not the least role in this played the man himself. On these animals everywhere was conducted, and today it is conducted, cruel hunting. And everything is valued: polar bear meat, fat and fur. It is the size and magnificence of the skins that made him the desired prey of any hunter. Even in the 1900s, even commercial sports competitions were held to hunt the bear. That's what led to a reduction in the number of livestock. Therefore today the polar bear is listed in the international Red Book, and hunting for it is prohibited.

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