
When to collect walnuts? When you can collect walnuts green

Walnut is a real treasure, a favorite treat and leader among all the nuts of the planet in terms of its relevance and useful qualities.

Walnut is a useful gift of nature

When to collect walnuts - fruits used in many cuisines of the world and rich in useful vitamins, lots of proteins and minerals? Walnuts provide strength in vegetarian nutrition, are powerful antioxidants and increase potency; Green peel is rich in iodine, has anti-inflammatory and healing effect. Ten pieces of walnut fruit a day - the recommended norm for an adult; A child can eat from 5 to 7 pieces.

Autumn - harvest time of walnuts

When to collect walnuts? The maturation period of such valuable fruits falls on autumn. It is this time that is rich in the harvest of different cultures. By the way, the average life span of a walnut is 400 years. Depending on the variety, the fruits have a different shape: round, oval, ovoid, and are enclosed in a green perch in the pericarp, which gradually blackens and cracks as it continues to ripen. The shell surface is often smooth, coarse and fine-grained, sometimes bumpy and has numerous cells. Walnut - a heat-loving culture, requires a lot of sun and high average annual temperature.

Signs of ripeness of fruits

When can I collect walnuts? Often, the tree itself makes it known that the fruits are ripe and ready for use. The plant generously shares the crop, simply dropping it to the ground. This nature eliminates the need to collect nuts at a height that, by the way, can reach 35 meters. So everything is simple: just bend over and collect the nuts from the ground.

Many may wonder how and when to collect walnuts. On the ripeness of the fruits can be judged not only by the fact that they fell to the ground; A split green shell - another sign of the maturity of the fruit, which is better to collect in gloves, because the nut juice that is released leaves stubborn dark spots on the skin. If the green peel is not fully opened, then you can take a small knife to help. There is another tricky way to release nuts; For this they are recommended to be immersed in water: the fruits will remain at the bottom, and the green peel will surface.

Features of the walnut harvest

How to determine the ripeness of fruits, it seems clear, it remains to find out when to collect walnuts. The period of their mass collection is in September-October, one tree is able to give from 100 to 300 kilograms. The walnut blooms in April-May, fruit starts from 7-10 years of age, some varieties are pleased with the harvest for 3-4 years of planting. After collection, the nuts must be spread a thin layer and dried, periodically turning over. The yield of dry raw material, which can be collected in a bag and determined for storage, will be approximately 25%. As an apartment is quite suitable attic; In any case, the place intended for storage must be dry and cool.

If there is an intention to keep the nuts for 2-3 years, then several manipulations should be carried out. Fruits must be immersed for 7-8 hours in salted boiling water, dried and put in a bag. Strongly dried nuts can be "revived" by soaking them in salted water for 5-6 days. To obtain a good harvest, the walnut tree must be supplemented with organic fertilizers.

When to collect walnuts in their milk stage

Green walnuts are known for their useful properties. It was during this period that the unripe fruit with the kernel, which has not yet hardened, being in the gelatinous state, and not formed into a strong sheath shell, soft, juicy and easily cutting knife - is most recommended to the workpiece. When to collect green walnuts, in order to make the best use of their useful properties? On the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala (July 7) - the most optimal period for the preparation of useful raw materials for health.

A green nut should be easily pierced by a large needle, while a dripping of juice is observed from the hole. In green fruit, nut vitamin C contains 50 times more than in oranges, and 8 times more than in black currant. When you can collect walnuts green - it is clear: this is the beginning of July.

The collected raw materials need to be washed, dried, cut into slices and placed in dry jars, pouring sugar in a proportion of 1 to 2. Next, the glass containers must be covered with clean lids, placed in a refrigerator. As the liquid appears, the latter must be drained and used throughout the year, adding to drinks, but not more than a tablespoon. Such an extract is an effective remedy for the treatment of intestinal infections accompanied by diarrhea. Dosage for an adult is 1 tbsp. Spoon 3 times a day, children - a teaspoon.

Recipe for spirits of green nuts

Cut into a bottle of 30 immature fruits, pour alcohol and insist on the sun for 14 days. At the end of this time, strain, add sugar to the remaining squeezed fruit, add alcohol (or vodka), insist for another month and strain. For flavor, you can add cinnamon or cloves. Take after eating 30 grams each.

The healing properties of walnut leaves

When to harvest walnuts? It is autumn - that time of the year, which generously rewards such useful and all the favorite fruits. It is worth knowing that in the walnut tree, its leaves are also useful, the broths of which are good for skin, gastrointestinal and female diseases. As a medicinal raw material, bright green young leaves are selected, pinching them off from the central petiole. Collection is recommended to be made in dry weather, the harvest month is June.

Drying is required in the shade, under a canopy or in a ventilated room. Store the dried raw materials in a dry cool place in paper bags. The smell of walnut leaves drives away the flies. It is for this reason that the nuts were planted in places where it was supposed to gather important persons, discuss plans, and wait long. In small doses, the smell of walnut leaves for a person is pleasant, to a large extent causes headaches and a sleep disorder.

Decoction of walnut leaves

To prepare a useful decoction of 250 grams of dried leaves, pour a liter of hot water and boil in a water bath for 20 minutes, then cool, strain and add to the bath or use for skin diseases in the form of lotions. Infusion of walnut leaves is an effective means of restorative action, it is recommended for loss of strength, irregular menstruation, gastroenteritis, atherosclerosis. Often used in combination with other medicinal plants.

To consume walnuts is recommended to everyone, especially people of advanced age, because fatty oils, not saturated with acids, are useful in atherosclerosis. Walnuts are useful for people experiencing significant physical exertion.

Benefits of walnut pericarp

Collection of pericarp made after harvesting the fruit. They need to be cut in half, then dried in a warm room or in a dryer at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. The yield of dry raw materials is 20%. Dried leaves and pericarp, a decoction of which is characterized by anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, are successfully exported. They are treated with ulcers, furuncles, stomatitis, tonsillitis, frostbite. A tablespoon of raw material is required to pour a glass of water, boil for a minute, insist half an hour, strain and take a quarter cup before meals 3 times a day. Infusion of walnut pericarp is recommended to use for violations of the menstrual cycle, whites and bleeding, especially uterine. To prepare, half a liter of water should be poured into 5 tablespoons of raw materials, boil for a quarter of an hour, insist for about 30 minutes, strain and use as wound-healing remedy. Autumn - it's time to collect walnuts - a very useful and fascinating occupation. In combination with physical exertion it is the key to maintaining health, because walnuts are a storehouse of useful trace elements. The main thing is to examine it in time under the feet among thick walnut foliage.

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