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What to do if stony stomach. 40 weeks pregnant: ready to meet the child?

Throughout the pregnancy, a woman with special attention watches her health, because now she is responsible not only for herself, but for her unborn baby. A great concern for many ladies is the condition when the stomach is stony. 40 weeks of pregnancy for them is the reason to panic, as many think that they have borne the child.

New sensations

At this time, the baby is tired of darkness and loneliness, he is completely ready to meet with his parents and the whole world. Mom can feel that the intensity of the baby's movements has decreased, but in return there are other incomprehensible sensations. Belly down, helping the child to find the right position for future birth, it becomes difficult to walk. Most of the women's pregnancies are tolerated fairly easily, and when the abdomen becomes stiff at 40 weeks, they begin to panic. These sensations appear because of the shingling pain in the lower abdomen and in the region of the waist. One of the reasons may be the first harbingers of birth. Even if the preparation for childbirth goes on as usual, incomprehensible sensations can cause anxiety due to ignorance of the causes of this phenomenon.

Hypertension of the uterus

The increased tone of the uterus causes such a terrible phenomenon for many, as a feeling that the stony is stony. 40 weeks of pregnancy - the time at which such events are quite normal. Increase in tone occurs when the muscles contract for a few seconds. Repetitions can occur up to several times within an hour. There should be no discomfort and excretions. It is better at this time to lie on your side in a relaxed state. You can pet your belly or ask your beloved to do it. When you relax, the tone will drop by itself.

The factors that predetermine this phenomenon are:

  • Stressful situations;
  • Large physical exertion;
  • fatigue;
  • Processes in the body of a woman;
  • Hormonal bursts;
  • Bloating.

About the tone of the uterus must necessarily tell your gynecologist, in order to avoid unnecessary consequences. If there are no contraindications to sports, there is an excellent exercise for relieving tension in the uterus.

Other sensations

The last period of preparation for childbirth, to which a baby does not wear out is not all - 41 weeks of pregnancy. Stones the stomach, pulls the waist, false bouts, the lowering of the uterus - normal sensations at this time. They only confirm the approach of the hour X. To somehow survive the given time, go in for sports or just relax. Read, watch the film, in general, spend your time as you please, because very soon it will be very difficult to devote yourself even a minute to yourself.

What to do?

It is possible to perform exercises with the appearance of fatigue, edema of the legs, when the stomach is stony. 40 weeks of pregnancy is not the time to lie down, panic and prepare for the worst. Many doctors recommend to lead an active lifestyle until the very birth. There are several exercises that will not only reduce the tone of the uterus, but also help prepare the body for future childbirth:

  1. These movements can be done at any time of pregnancy to alleviate all kinds of spasms. The first thing to do is to stand on all fours, raise your head slightly and bend your back just for a few seconds. Do not strain heavily, keep even breathing. Lower your head and, rounding your back, lock it for about 5 seconds. Repeat all the manipulations several times until you feel relieved.
  2. Pose "Butterfly", stretching exercise. Sit on the floor, spread your legs and bend them in your lap. Lay them so that your feet are closed, and your knees are looking in different directions. Put your hands on your knees and gently try to pin them to the floor. Do not hurry, let your legs get used to tension a little and try to stretch the muscles a little more.

If for medical reasons you are not eligible for sports, try to take it off by taking a not too hot bath with sea salt.

41 week: stony stomach, what to do?

In the last month of pregnancy, it is very important to listen to new sensations so as not to miss the onset of labor. Signs that indicate that it is time to call an ambulance include: spotting, exit plugs, regular fights, water drainage, if the stony abrasions. 40 weeks of pregnancy and 41 - the period when the child is born fully formed and ready for independent life.

Helpful Hints:

  1. Since no one has canceled daily walks, before leaving the house, be sure to check that the phone is charged with a battery, and in the bag were the most necessary documents.
  2. To bring birth closer, at the doctor's permission you can have sex, do an easy exercise, stroll along the stairs. Some women say they have been helped by laxatives.

Do not panic if you have not already given birth, and a personal calendar says that 41 weeks of pregnancy has gone. Stony belly, fights intensified, water flowed away - do not worry, because these are signs that soon you will see your long-awaited child.

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