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What should be the height and weight of a child under one year old

From the first moments of the child's life, the mother, besides emotions and feelings filling her heart, learns both dry medical terms and indicators, which become her companions for many months and years. First of all, this is the growth of the baby and its weight. These data are recorded in the medical certificate of the newborn, which is given to the mother at the discharge from the maternity hospital.

Height and weight of the child

Up to a year, every mom visits a pediatrician, a pediatrician who watches the health, growth and development of a little man. It is necessary to measure its weight and height. Normal growth of a newborn is in the range from 45 to 55 cm, and the normal weight of children born in the prescribed period varies from 2400 to 4000 gr. If the weight of a newborn is more than 4 kilograms, then it falls under more careful observation of doctors.

The causes of the birth of children with a weight above the norm

A child can be born large under the influence of various factors. This may be the features of uteroplacental blood circulation of the mother, the violation of carbohydrate or lipid metabolism in the pregnant woman (the weight of the child depends on the degree of obesity of the mother), obesity of the father, the transferred pregnancy (with the biological overrip of the newborn and the placenta), the age of the woman less than 20 or more 34 years , Inflammation in the female reproductive system or menstrual cycle disorders.

Insufficient weight at birth

If the weight of a newborn is less than the lower limit of the norm, it will also be under the special supervision of medical workers. As a rule, the causes of underweight at birth become complications during pregnancy, if a woman consumes alcoholic drinks when bearing a child, if she has insufficient or poor nutrition, fetal hypoxia , etc.

Standard height and weight of the child up to one year

The first year of a small life is a period of rapid development of the baby, this includes, among other things, the growth of the child, and its weight. And boys and girls do not develop at all the same. Let's give the average figures, how the height and weight of the child should grow up to a year, in the form of tables.

Age, months Weight gain, grams
1 500-1500
2 500-1100
3 500-800
4 500-750
5 400-700
6th 400-650
7th 300-600
8 300-550
9 300-500
10 100-450
eleven 100-400
12 100-350

As can be seen from the table, in the first months the child actively gaining weight, and by 6 months he should ideally weigh twice as much as at birth, and by 1 year - three times more. In reality, of course, the weight of a child at birth affects the weight gain. If the weight was not enough, then the kid should catch up with his peers and gain weight faster. If a child was born large, then his weight is always greater than that of other kids of the same age.

With the increase in weight, the baby's height also increases. What should be according to the norms of a child's growth up to a year, let's see in the table below.

Age, months Increment in growth, centimeters
1 3
2 3
3 3
4 2.5
5 2.5
6th 2
7th 2
8 2
9 2
10 1.5
eleven 1.5
12 1.5

As you can see, for a year the child adds about 25 centimeters, and by the year he reaches 75 centimeters.

How does the height and weight of a child change up to a year

Each baby is an individual, increases in weight and weight depend on the genetic characteristics of the organism, on the way of feeding, etc. Children who feed exclusively on their mother's breast milk may be slower to gain weight than the artificial ones. It happens that the growth and weight of a child up to a year deviates slightly from the standard indicators - this is not a cause for concern. Best of all, if your mother will not be nervous about this, and turn to a pediatrician for advice. Only a doctor can determine whether a baby is developing normally or something is wrong with his health.

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