Law, Regulatory Compliance
What is the warranty period for the purchased goods
The manufacturer is obliged to provide the consumer with a product of such quality that fully meets the requirements. One of the important requirements is the establishment of the expiration date, the warranty period and the service life of the product or product.
The term for the service of the goods is a certain time during which the manufacturer is obliged to provide the consumer with all the guarantees described in the documentation.
When using the product for its intended purpose, if serious faults occur which, in your opinion, occurred due to the fault of the manufacturer, the latter must eliminate them free of charge, provided that this occurred during the warranty period.
For this, it is necessary to submit the following documents: proof that the failure or malfunction occurred before the purchase of the product, the product. If the warranty period for the goods is established (for example, 2 years), and deficiencies are identified after twenty-four months from the date of purchase. And if the product does not extend the service life, that is, the manufacturer did not specify it, the guarantee can be in effect for ten years.
The service life of the goods can only be set by the manufacturer, since it has a direct bearing on its creation.
If the goods are designed for long-term use, then it must have some definite terms, during which it should not fail, and after expiration - its use must be terminated. For goods of this type are two categories of products. The first category includes such products, which ended the warranty period of operation and the period of its further use. This includes nodes, units and components, which during the period of further operation can adversely affect the environment, the environment and people. These goods and products must necessarily have a certain lifetime.
The second category includes products, products that are not included in the first category, and whose documentation does not specify the service life.
Date of validity is considered to be the time at the end of which the products are considered unfit for use.
The instructions for the product contain data not only about its use, but also information about the maximum service time and warranty period . It is forbidden to sell overdue goods, as well as a product or product that must have a time limit, but this time is not specified in the documentation.
The period of operation, during which deficiencies are identified, is called the warranty period. What can a consumer expect to buy a substandard product, a product in case of failure or breakage during the warranty:
- To request correction of detected defects, and for free;
- To demand reduction of the cost of the goods, or, if it was a job, to reduce the cost of the work performed;
- Claim money in full for a poor-quality product, product, job.
From the moment of purchase and filling of the coupon, the warranty period begins, if the contract does not provide for anything else. Not all consumers know that the manufacturer's warranty may not be given, then in the event of a breakdown, it will be necessary to prove that the malfunction existed before the goods were transferred to the consumer.
If the product warranty is set by the manufacturer, in the documents the seller can specify the warranty period, for some reason, longer, but not vice versa. That is, the warranty period should not be less than specified in the documents. There is an additional obligation when the seller must be held responsible for the deficiencies of the products that could be identified after the warranty expired.
As a rule, an additional obligation is made between the seller and the buyer, which specifies all the nuances that have arisen, both during the period of operation and after it.
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