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What is the length of the intestine in an adult?

The intestine is a long organ, which is the conduit for nutrients that enter the blood. It starts from the pylorus of the stomach. Food goes a long way, starting from the esophagus and the entire length of the intestine. An adult and children may have problems, but not everyone knows about them. Many do not know what length of the intestine is in an adult. In this article, you can figure this out.

Bowel functions

So, more. The intestine is engaged in the cleavage of nutrients, which then enter the bloodstream. They come from the stomach already in digestion. All that was superfluous, leaves it through the anus, in the form of gases and feces. The bowel performs a peculiar role of the juicer. That is, he chooses everything useful from the body, and the rest, which does not bring any benefit, leads outside. Also, along the entire length of the intestine, the adult person and the child have beneficial bacteria. They are able to attack pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. If there is a violation of the intestinal microflora, problems with the digestive system may start and various diseases may begin to become attached.


The intestine begins with the duodenum. In form it resembles an arc. Its length is about 20 centimeters. It is she who controls the work of the stomach, that is, regulates its motor function, and also is responsible for the amount of acid released. It also cleaves proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Next comes the small intestine. It consists of the skinny and iliac parts. Here, from the processed food, useful substances are sucked into the blood. This gut is considered the most important, without it a person can not live.

After the thin goes the large intestine. It gets everything that could not be digested. Its main function will be the formation of feces and removal of it, as well as the absorption of water. The process of digestion continues in the large intestine. In this matter, various bacteria help her. The more of them, the easier it is to do it. But when they become few, for example due to the use of antibiotics, the bowel becomes difficult.

The large intestine ends with a rectum. There is accumulation of feces, which then leaves the body when you visit the toilet.

Throughout the length of the intestine, an adult has important bacteria that help a person maintain the immune system. Therefore, monitoring it is especially important.

Diseases of the large intestine

To date, there are many diseases that can harm this department of the intestine. Here are the main ones:

  • Colitis is inflammation of the intestine, which can progress in acute, chronic and ulcerative form. It can occur after malnutrition, surgery, infection. It is considered a very dangerous disease, since in severe forms it can lead to peritonitis or even death.
  • The problem with the suction. It is in the colon that liquids are sucked in, but sometimes this inflammation breaks down. Because of this, the body can suffer from dehydration.
  • Constipation is a disorder caused by a lack of stool for a long time. A person by the rules should go to the toilet once a day, if he does not do it, then there was constipation. This problem is due to malnutrition or certain diseases.
  • Diarrhea - frequent urge to the toilet, in which the feces come out in a liquid state. This disorder can be caused by infection, illness, malnutrition or stress. With diarrhea, a person may experience pain in the anus and abdomen.

Diseases of the small intestine

The small intestine is considered very important for a person, but from time to time there can be diseases that can change ordinary life. Some of them:

  • Enteritis. This disease is caused by an intestinal dysentery bacillus or salmonella. Also, the reason can be long-term use of antibiotics.
  • Celiac disease. This disease occurs with an enzyme deficiency that is able to break down gluten. Remains remain from it, which have a bad effect on the small intestine. Because of this, the walls of the latter become thinner, and he begins to do poorly his work.
  • Whipple's disease. The cause is inflammation, which is caused by certain bacteria, after which they block the possibility of absorption of nutrients.
  • Dysbacteriosis. It is formed with a significant decrease in beneficial bacteria in the small intestine. This can occur due to the long administration of antibiotics or antimicrobial agents, as well as infections or food poisoning.

What is the length of the intestine in an adult

The question is ambiguous. The length of the small intestine is about four meters. This figure can be a little more or less, it depends on the size of the person, as well as his gender. The dead length of the small intestine will be much larger, about eight meters. This is due to the fact that he lacks muscle tone.

The length of the large intestine in an adult will be much smaller than that of a thin one. It will be about two meters, but there may be small changes in the indicators.

Interesting Facts

Gassing, or bloating, comes from swallowed air, which runs through the entire length of the intestine of an adult and a child. In order to avoid this, you must thoroughly chew the food.

When you get into the body of food, all the digestive organs begin to contract in order for food to pass more easily.

About 7 liters of fluid enter the large intestine. It is obtained from water, mucus, bile and enzymes. But only 7 tablespoons leave the human body.

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